The T2 Bomber - Balance Suggestion Thread

Discussion in 'Balance Discussions' started by Grazgul, January 21, 2014.

  1. Xagar

    Xagar Active Member

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    Bombers are faster and have high alpha. They are well-suited to destroying groups of units. Gunships do more damage over time, but are slower and more vulnerable to AA of all kinds.
  2. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    I don't see why T1 and T2 have to have different "power levels". I think T1 fits the idea of a basic unit better, so a bog standard bomber. With T2 having the special purpose sniper unit.
  3. Quitch

    Quitch Post Master General

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    If they're more vulnerable to AA then they're not going to do damage over time, they're going to die. Gunships cannot compete with bombers who can hit mobile units, because bombers do the damage and then out out of there, or they die but who cares because they did the damage anyway.
  4. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    The thing that needs removed ASAP is the T2 Bomber's ability to just rip through an army and destroy it almost instantly, no matter the unit makeup. It negates the idea of having a land army completely. That needs to end. I like how gunships work against land armies - they chew through them the same way another land army would. T2 Bombers need to either have their carpet bombing ability removed completely or have it's damage nerfed into oblivion. this can be temporary until we get a better idea of balance. The final product should be useful in groups, but not as an individual except vs a single other unit - just like every other unit in the game.

    Except for nukes.

    If you want to kill entire armies at a time, you need nukes. Not t2 Bombers. NUKES.

    Nukes need adjusted too, but at least they arent as much of an IWIN button as a t2 Bomber is.
  5. LeadfootSlim

    LeadfootSlim Well-Known Member

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    It's not that big of a flip. T1 can be "air to ground damage" and T2 can be "air to ground +Splash". The main issue is that single-target sniping being a specialty role at T2 runs the risk of repeating the current bomber woes - where the power density of T2 units enables Commander snipes. A weaker T1 single-target bomber would be ideal for taking out key structures like factories, artillery, power, or mex harass, without the punch needed to kill Commanders.
  6. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    Again you are assuming that it's more powerful because it's T2. The T2 sniper would have the exact same stats as a T1 sniper in an ideal world.
  7. mered4

    mered4 Post Master General

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    I would prefer we actually remove sniper bots completely - they dont fit with the stated purpose of bots and they negate the use of shellers completely.

    We dont want t1 and t2 units to be identical - we want them to be different, but not more powerful. For example, the t2 Bot should be great at taking down other units, but be weak or OK at killing buildings. Levellers could be bad at killing units, but great at eating bases for lunch. Shellers could be good at defense and taking out structures from a distance, but bad in the open field. Etc etc.
  8. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    I was talking about the idea of a missile bomber suited for sniping single targets rather than doing aoe damage.
  9. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    The TA sniper bot was also a fiend that devoured energy. It could not be used early in the game regardless of its tier; there simply wasn't enough energy to use its weapon.
    Isn't that just a fighter plane which can attack ground? Their high speed and stacking power makes them great for unleashing hell on a single target. It just happens to not be a great idea.
  10. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    Please read the thread before replying, that is not related to the topic at hand.
  11. eroticburrito

    eroticburrito Post Master General

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    This Poll is basically about Bombers' role within Air:

    Nobody seems to have mentioned Air Overlap at any great length.

    There is a fundamental flaw with adjusting Bomber DPS/Reload Times/AOE, and that is that as long as Air can overlap, stat adjustments will become invalidated once you have 100 Bombers occupying the same spot in space and all dropping their bombs.

    Carpet Bombers, be they T1 or T2, will be OP so long as they overlap. AOE and Air Overlap make for imbalanced gameplay, in which stacked units can one-shot a Commander, silo or entire army.
    It should not take once pass for Bombers to blow anything at all into oblivion.

    Once Air cannot overlap, you can worry about individual unit behaviours - how one T2 Bomber's bomb run will affect a blob of units. Otherwise, you're left trying to consider how an infinite number of stacked bombers attacking a cluster of units will behave.

    Flak is a bad solution as it kills huge numbers of Air units off practically instantly, which is unfair on anybody using Air, and makes an Air assault on a base with AA basically impossible. If we couldn't approach a unit because of Land defences, we'd be pissed.

    The solution is to make Air less devastating by preventing Stacking. This is a Macro solution as it affects the way Air behaves as a group. Without Stacking, Air damage on any given spot can be quantified and thus balanced through secondary Micro means (affecting individual unit behaviours) like reload times, AOE radius, damage and speed.
    Last edited: February 18, 2014
    vyolin likes this.
  12. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    So what's the big deal about a 100 bombers killing ONE target? It sounds like a waste of 99 bombers!

    Sorry. I was replying to:
    Oh wait. That's the same person!

    Who woulda thunk that a T1 sniper bot could have the same stats as T2, and it would be a late game unit either way? It's almost as though other factors are at play. I wonder if such a lesson could be applied to bombers...
    Last edited: February 18, 2014
  13. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    Your reading comprehension is bottom.

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