The support class is insanely overpowered

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Payattention, August 13, 2010.

  1. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    Airstrike is only an auto-kill if you're standing under it. Assassin back-grapple is always an auto-kill IIRC, it's the front-grapple that won't kill you. This might be negated by having Armor as your gold endorsement, I'm not sure.

    Once a Support throws down a beacon you can get away from it. Once an Assassin back-grapples you all you can do is watch.
  2. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Custom classes with Gobi-numb endorsement can avoid Assassin back-grapple kills, but Support Airstrike still kills them.

    Also, if you get stuck with a Support Airstrike its almost just as unavoidable as an Assassin kill.


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    Orly. If fair is fair then the assassin should remain in an stationary position, glow a bright color, make a loud whooping noise and recharge every minute.

    Fair is fair n

    Biggest qqthread.
  4. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Convienently forgetting that you can stick the beacon to pros.

    Look, Assassin isn't even close to my favorite class (Gunner and Sniper are). But, it is disconcerting to watch the instakill class (Assassin) get shown-up consistently in instakills by a Support class.

    The Assassin has one thing going for it: Instakills. Only problem is that those can be avoided pretty regularly by Gold Armor Endorsements or overhealing.

    Support's instakill (if stuck to the player) is always an instakill. BUT, if people are avoiding it, then they have a myriad of other things to fall back on: Turrets, Heal Gun, Shotgun, etc.

    Also, I'm not qq'ing. I'm discussing. You're the one putting up irrational strawman arguments. I want the game to be the absolute best and the community to continue on as long as it can. Cutting off discussions, like you are doing, doesn't help the community grow and learn.
    Last edited: August 14, 2010


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    You're also backwards on the practice of sticking.
    It is a very difficult thing to accomplish, closer to getting s headshot across the map than a casual toss in any direction.

    The only 2 players that I can nail regularly are tanks and deployed gunners. But remember, that means I have to get within feet of their guns, and 85%+ of the time, they're taking me out like a knife through paper.

    More often than not I have to check the score screen after I died to see if my airstrike stuck someone. Air strike is vest at a long distance but the accuracy drops severly.
    Last edited: August 14, 2010
  6. BlyndSentry

    BlyndSentry New Member

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    You can even cloak as you're backstabbing!


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    Oh, and I'm sure I've killed myself more than any player 'stuck' by my airstrike. As a fairly successful support (nearing 700 kills, 500 assists, and a 2.091 kd ratio) I can safely say that the airstrike is the least effective killing mechanism that the support has. Although an instakill, it's damn hard to get more than 3 or 4 kills within the game with the airstrike. It's better for taking out turrets, firebases, and Jackbots than whining players.
  8. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    Pretty much this. I dare you to stick an Assassin or even an Assault, chances are they'll run right toward you and the Airstrike will kill you too.

    Airstrike is most effective against stationary targets like Deployed Tanks, Deployed Gunners, Turrets and Jackbots.
  9. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    I posted this in another thread, but I feel it applies here, probably moreso than in the thread I posted it in...

    Everyone talks about how you can beat a Support character...My whole point is that if the "Support" character is really supposed to be SUPPORTING, he shouldn't HAVE strategies of how to win over him! He shouldn't be an attack class. He shouldn't HAVE to be beaten.

    Support means supporting the team, not being his own little god-strategy that you have to watch out for. So regardless if you can break his firebase-camp, or team-kill him while he's draining health...None of those should even be an obstacle you have to deal with. His Firebase should be an AID to the team, not a standalone threat. The Air-Strike should be a last-resort, not a first attack. The heal/hurt gun should be something to finish of an enemy, not a direct attack weapon.

    As of right now, the Support is his own combat class, and it's a damn good one. But that isn't the ROLE of a support character. He needs to be knocked down a few pegs to be put back into that role.
  10. Rodelero

    Rodelero New Member

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    What a lot of you neglect is that the support is very good at getting money - and the assassin is practically the polar opposite. I often have supports on my team who are really, completely useless in terms of actually supporting, and yet they continually top the leaderboard.

    The gapshot is, by a mile, the best spawnable bot, and a multitude of them can wipe out even level three rocket turrets - and they tend to do this before you can do much about it. It's just the whole multitude of things they can do. They are arguably one of the most defensively, and offensively capable classes all said and done, and that's without the 'support' part considered.

    A support should have to hide behind his turrets - he should be a defensive character who spends his time in the backline - and he should avoid combat.
  11. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    So, time glitch,
    You're saying that you want the support to heal and do nothing more?

    Your posts are just troll bating nonsense. Some might argue that this type of ideapooling is good for a community, but these "wahh, I bought the game so make it the way I want to play it" kind of jargon is damaging. First and foremost, the game has had plenty of internal testing and was obviously to the development team's satisfaction. Each class has weaknesses, without a doubt, and the support os no different.
  13. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    Are people really suggesting that Support should have no combat role of his own? What about in self defense? If he gets caught alone outside the base should he have absolutely NO chance of winning any fights?

    Are you really suggesting that killing players, overhealing bots, helping push the line, holding points with the firebase and hacking base and enemy turrets isn't supporting the team? I'm pretty sure it is.


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    I'm sure they're just children a poor players alike just qq'ing on the forums after rage-quitting because the supports they were trying to kill didn't go down all that easy.

    I have faith the development team is working too hard on bugs, glitches, and exploit to eat up this nonsense. Every class has atleast one wambulance thread that expresses "the entire view of the community" and are really childlike frustrations that can't properly be externalized and applied to improve the player's skill level, so they whine on the forums. All too often developers start nurfing and buffing, only to **** things up for the silent majority. This is done just to shut up a few complainers that can't soak up the idea of becoming a better player. I have no complaint about a single class, and I've been owned by them all. It was NOT the class, it was the player's ability to understand the functions and limitations of their class.
    Last edited: August 14, 2010
  15. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    Saying I'm a troll is saying that Gandhi was a terrorist.

    Just because I have differing opinions from the majority of the community here does not make me a troll.

    I'm not saying the Support shouldn't have any combat capabilities, but they should be fit to his role as a SUPPORT player. His combat capabilities should compliment and support the team. He should not be able to go out on his own and get massive killing sprees.

    That's the role of a Support player. If they wanted to call him the Engineer or the Tech or something like that, I could be more understanding of his current role. That implies that he has some kind of lone-wolf combat role. But he doesn't. He's supposed to be a Support role, a role that he can fill at the moment, but he can also be his own stand-alone warrior, and that shouldn't be possible.

    If he's bad at nothing, then he's a god-class, and doesn't fit in the game. If he's forced into again, a support role, he'll fit in perfectly, and the offensive roles can do their jobs with him backing them up.


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    Lol, srsly.
    Define support.

    Glad to know that the arbitrary and subjective title of "support" in a video game wasn't crafted correctly by a team of development professionals and engineers.

    Oh no! Not up to your standards?! What to do?!
    Get a pack of Tampax and complain! Awesome choice. Personally, I try to better myself but you are your own woman.
  17. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    This was the best definition under "noun" I could find that applies to this situation:

    Support - A person or thing that gives aid or assistance.

    Don't think that says anything about being a lone wolf.

    But that's being coy and sarcastic. The support role in a class-based multiplayer game is there to back up and aid the rest of the team. The best example I can think of is the Medic in TF2. He is the perfect assistant, but you try to go it alone, and you'll end up failing pretty miserably.

    On the other hand, if you DON'T have one of these on your team, the rest of the team cannot do as well because they don't have that key SUPPORT role filled on their team. If the other team has a medic and you do not, the other team is at an advantage. However, not because the Medic is going in and getting all the kills, or camping the base, or anything like that. It's because the Medic is making the TEAM better.

    Currently, the Support can be a lone wolf. He can make a difference on his own. This isn't really what he was built for, or named for. Look at the little stat bars in the "How to play" area. He's listed as a primarily defensive role, yet somehow, I always see Supports leading the rush, or having a major combat role.

    Somehow, I don't think this was the result the devs wanted.
  18. Arcell

    Arcell New Member

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    But he IS bad at things. He has absolutely no long range capability and in terms of firepower outside of close range is lacking a good deal. Even in close range in some ways Assault and Tank have him beat out with the Jet gun and Charge grapple.

    They named the class Support because other names like Tech or Engineer didn't 100% fit. They CAN heal people too you know.
  19. Time Glitch

    Time Glitch New Member

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    It doesn't matter if he has no long-range capabilities, because if he's healing himself off of enemy bots or getting healed from the Firebase, he's basically invincible to anything except a headshot, which he can just jump around like crazy and avoid.

    With the sniper having no aim-assistance, and this not being a PC game, its already challenging enough to pull of headshots (I'm getting better though!), and near impossible to do so with a jumping, tiny little target that's constantly healing himself.

    The only strategy I've seen so far that can shut down a Support is a 3 man rush on his position, ususally one being the Assassin going in to deal directly with him, and two other classes to take care of his Firebase, and even then, you gotta make sure he doesn't get up from the grapple the Assassin just pulled.

    That shouldn't be necessary for a SUPPORT role.
  20. hatemakerr

    hatemakerr New Member

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    The main reason why support seems OP is because it always plays in conjunction with something. Be the robots or turrets or players. You gunners and assault, and of course assassins that ignore robot lanes - give me so much money and space it's almost too easy. 1v1 I almost always lose.

    - With all the bridges in this game, airstrike are fine. That's like complaining standing in front of a tank or gunner is OP simply because where I'm positioned. Getting a sticky is really really hard, I do it maybe once a game.

    - Support shotgun is a JOKE. The spread on it is so awful you have to be standing next to something and again, why are you standing next to me? Whenever I get my first juice it takes all the bullets from my shotgun, at point blank, just to kill the lvl1 rocket.
    A support trying to solo a jackbot is so funny to watch. Aside from the airstrike, the shotgun just annoys jackbot into killing you.

    -Gapshots are awesome and a great way to spend your money. I play Assault as my secondary and those tank/support gorillas are crazy hard to solo. So please don't complain about a gapshot to me. Priority. Whenever I see something raining down on my firebase I call out to my team someone take out longshot/gapshot. And they respond. That situation will start the end of your base so you have to send someone out to remove it.

    TLDR: The game isn't just about killing players. Play it like DOTA, don't give away free kills. Cool that you got 20 kills in a round, but your 15 deaths, 5 could have been avoided if you just stuck with the robots in the lane... which is what the support do.

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