The sniper

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Robbert, July 31, 2011.

  1. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    I don't get annoyed by killing people over and over again.

    And they can counter it by getting better. I don't juice-chain (because only babies buy juice) so they just need skill.

    And no sniper server suck.
  2. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Remove sniper, replace with something completely different

    Too late for that though..
  3. salomdi

    salomdi Active Member

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    TBH i find assault more annoying, as he has no weak point.
  4. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    assault is countered by a better assault, and or team work. a sniper counters team work.
  5. MrHTRW

    MrHTRW New Member

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    And what makes it so teamwork can't counter sniper?
  6. noyesknifer

    noyesknifer Member

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    nah, good assaults can go down by good tanks, gunners, and supports if they make the wrong move.
  7. Zutsumi

    Zutsumi Member

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    ^I love it when people juice-chain just to kill me(as sniper) lol. I usually quit no-sniper-servers as it's the only thing I can play :(
  8. zodiark1234

    zodiark1234 New Member

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    Even when I play Sniper (and my aim is nothing short of ungodly) I annoyed an enemy team enough to have both their Assaults, and an Assassin dedicate all their efforts into killing me, while my team was free to push bots with little resistance. The only way i could even hit an Assault too is if they hit an Ice Trap. Free headshot for me.
  9. Dubblebass

    Dubblebass New Member

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    I have to disagree with ya there. Just played on one (finally found one) and it was fun. Got steamrolled one game due to poor matchmaking, but you know, it was still more fun.
  10. Fitzgerald

    Fitzgerald New Member

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    Because as soon as a good sniper sees a member of the team, that member is dead. Dead people cant be involved in team work, and I don't know of any map that allows your team to completely avoid a sniper's LOS.
  11. DragonAsh

    DragonAsh New Member

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    remove ring out grapple

    remove quickscope

    Slow down movement when zoomed.

  12. salomdi

    salomdi Active Member

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    lazerazor allows the rest of your team to kill them.
  13. Awpteamoose

    Awpteamoose Active Member

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    I never upgrade grapple anyway cuz dats what I do (and I know Tib does as well). Skill grapple should be removed at all if you ask me, methods that assist in close range combat should not belong to sniper. Uzi is fine, though I'd rather see a more accurate less rof pistol. Maybe a headshot skill would fit. Like you press E and depending on your skill level, you get a few second of bonus headshot damage and then skill starts cooling down. Like set base hs dmg 500 and 250/500/750 bonus from red skill.
    Last edited: August 2, 2011
  14. DragonAsh

    DragonAsh New Member

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    i forgot to mention that if quickscope was killed off from the very start, no one would be complaining about the sniper.

    The scope in itself is a limiter that would either slow the sniper down or make him even more vulnerable to attack. Zooming in crushes his FOV, forcing him to have to zoom out and look around or be even more vulnerable to an assassin or someone sneaking around from the side.

    With quickscoping, he has the entire view of the field and just has to click on someones head while being able to see if someone is rounding a corner to "surprise" him.
  15. FatCatAttack

    FatCatAttack New Member

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    People complain about the sniper because being one shot is frustrating especially since you can't respond in turn with the same lethality unless you yourself are a sniper. Doing things like fiddling with the sniper's fire rate but ignoring how problematic the one hit sniper shot kill is in the game just makes the problem worse.

    The sniper being well rounded is fine. A specialized only effective at long range and generally screwed up close sniper "works" (and I put that in scare quotes because TF2 has it's own balance problems) in TF2 because the class roles are more specialized and there are more of them as in the standard default pub game there are 12 characters per team. In MNC
    however there are less characters and they are placed in a battle arena stage with one centralized spawn point. Meaning all characters have to be useful at all times and should be able to self-perpetuate while still being viable. So you shouldn't be screwed if more than one person is playing the same class on your team like you are in TF2 if you have a bunch of spies and snipers and so forth.

    Screwing with the sniper's fire rate or quick scope capability or nerfing his close combat capabilities but not changing his OHK damage output just raises the floor of the class and overspecializes him where he should have strong generalist elements like the rest of the team while doing nothing to combat his run away skill potential which is what make the class OP and alienating. Doing these things means that snipers get MUCH worse at handling the bots and turrents. New snipers or learning snipers struggling to play the class are crippled and get worse at helping the team. The snipers that people in this topic are fretting about at best you flip the hour glass on their killing potential for a bit as they no longer can spam at the direction of the head but ultimately it changes nothing as they still brain you just as they did before.

    As I've said in the past the only solution that makes sense is to make the sniper bodyshot oriented. The sniper should be arcadey. That fits the character of the game and is better for balance as well. What's out of place is the scale of damage that he can do which removes the dueling nature that the characters participate in.
  16. RayHanley

    RayHanley New Member

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    the spawn room!
  17. daztora

    daztora New Member

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    ^ I el em ef oh'd :p
    Last edited: August 2, 2011
  18. tetn1s

    tetn1s Member

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    After looking over all of the changes, I think I have figured out a good way to change the sniper

    *Remove headshot OHKO as it is.
    * Replace grapple skill with a new skill called piercing shot, This skills enables you for 2 or 3 seconds to fire one shot, and this shot is capable of being a headshot. It will have a long recharge time, and you cannot headshot in any other way besides this.
    *Slightly increase body shot damage (or not, maybe he is fine without this)

    I think these changes fit all the complaints of the sniper as it is right now, with easy OHKOs. Now the sniper is more of a support class to keep pro's health down, and take down bots. Skilled players have the opportunity to perform a skilled OHKO at times when they feel threatened or just when they want a kill themselves, no more spam for instant kills and if anybody tries to get close, the sniper still has his traps, SMG, you name it.
  19. noyesknifer

    noyesknifer Member

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    BOOM-STICK New Member

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    Useless as a long range slayer. Seriously. He needs the OHKO, or else is not as effective. I've yet to see a true good balance to the sniper because there is no way to balance him without screwing him over. I personally want them to remove sniper, replace it with a mega-grapple-oriented class and laugh my *** of as sins get mad.

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