The secret of NAT?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by verden, July 14, 2011.

  1. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    Ahh I see. You're using dmz on both. I would try not using dmz on modem, only on the router. I think using it on the modem too means the router isn't controlling the ports properly.
  2. verden

    verden New Member

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    Well, you shouldn't actually consider it a modem as it has a built-in router. So in this scenario it's two routers, and as far as the internet says, you need t open a DMZ server to the second router, and from the second router to xbox as well :)
  3. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    So when you use the router normally do you need to use dmz? Have you tried dmz on router only? I get the setup, but the internets seem to be doing you wrong. I'd try dmz only on router. I assume you're using a router for the WiFi? If not why not go straight through the modem or switch to modem?
  4. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    To give you a technical answer, it involves opening certain ports on your router - 88 UDP, 3074 UDP and TCP , 53 UDP and TCP and 80 TCP.

    How to do this varies greatly depending on your router.
  5. truckus

    truckus New Member

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    I didn't read past page 2 of this thread so I dont know if these suggestions were made yet, but whatever.

    Some routers don't like working with Xbox when the uPnP is ENABLED. I know it sounds weird, but it's true. uPnP enabled can actually close your NAT at times specifically on Xbox.

    Keep your current setting and disable uPnP and see what happens when you turn your xbox back on. It's just one of many possible fixes, but it's less common than most router/NAT issues.

    Also, if you've experimented with port forwarding and DMZ settings then make sure you enable only one or the other. For example, if you now run through a DMZ then disable all of the Xbox specific port forwarding you may have left over. You don't need them if you're on a DMZ. This can cause conflicts.

    Likewise, if you've gone the port forwarding route then disable your DMZ if that's still setup for your xbox.

    other than that i dont see much that hasnt been said on page 1 and 2. IP adress, WEP, etc, is all pretty self-explanatory if you know how to read.
  6. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    I almost fucked my router trying to do all this. Oh well, at least my Xbox is open. I have no trouble finding games on PS3 so it's ok.

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