The problem with over time

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Feedback and Issues' started by Nobby, February 1, 2011.

  1. Traitorr

    Traitorr New Member

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    Assassins have already been nerfed and they're seemingly at a good place. The only issue the OP brought up is how he has trouble with assassins during overtime when guess what, he should! It's really easy for Assassins to get behind enemy lines, and unless you kill them outright you'll just have to settle for harassing them until they run away.

    Now if you want me to make a list for you of things you can do in overtime sure, I can do that.
  2. tron

    tron New Member

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    you could give me a list of what i could do.

    but how are you going to make sure everyone else has this list?

    and that they even want to follow this list?

    and if they decide not to follow this list then what?

    seriously overtime needs a long hard look and so do assassins.

    maybe make it no respawn, just 1 life.

    last man standing with the option to switch classes before it starts.

    no more purchases during overtime period.

    you talk a big game, let's play a big game.
  3. StriderHoang

    StriderHoang New Member

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    Assassins sniping the ball in OT, bypassing turret defenses has been the main target for discussion but any other class can just as easily "snipe" the ball and probably with more overall efficiency.

    Snipers - Obvious
    Tanks - Railgun
    Gunners- Mortars
    Supports - Ya got me here
    Assaults - Grenade Launcher. But he typically doesn't snipe but flies to the top ring of your base and throws in his bombs as well.

    Now obviously the assassin has the luxury of high mobility (assaults do too) and cloak, but since everyone gets a shot of juice as OT starts, your increased defense by popping juice makes penetrating base defense irrelevant.

    If overtime comes in, it's because either the game would end in a stalemate or you were willing to play the game for another 10, 20, or God forbid 30 minutes. This ain't Bad Company 2 folks, I want my game to end one way or another in 17 minutes.

    Like Stretch said, either you prepare your defenses for the rush in overtime (Supports hacking everything helps and dropping firebases in popular camping spots), or you yourself prepare your own juice rush before the enemy.

    The "Clutch" protag is a nice addition now that I think about it. Pay attention to the clock and either make one last push before OT begins or make preparations for OT.

    Like previous discussions, you win the game by winning 1 point. You don't earn that point with a halfway damaged moneyball. You earn that point by destroying it and only if for some reason the game doesn't end in OT do the opposing moneyball's get compared and obviously by that point something has gone awry with both team's plans.
  4. Nobby

    Nobby New Member

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    After learning a bit more i have to concede about CCing the sin.
    And juice generation was probably coming from meleeing Jackbots

    I think all the classes have the ability to snipe on the Moneyball once it drops, but all remain vulnerable to opposing pros.

    But i think its obvious to anyone that the Sin is massively better at this than any other class, because of their Invis, mobility and damage.
  5. grimbar

    grimbar New Member

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    Assault + bombjump trumps this due to vastly higher damage output (at least during overtime where your bomb becomes a real monster)

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