The official "can has PC port now?" thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Symmetry, March 28, 2010.

  1. Odtray

    Odtray New Member

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    I would also love to see this on PC.. MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!

    Also I like Steam. I don't know what the best is but I know Steam isn't bad so that is why I want it.
  2. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I'd honestly love to see MNC on Impulse but I'm not sure they can already provide all the matchmaking tools you would like. Better not take any chances imo.
  3. Discola

    Discola New Member

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    I too registered to say I would love to have this for the PC, and I am very sure this is a game my friends and I would love to play on a regular basis!

    Impulse does have a matchmaking service as well as rankings and achievements built into Impulse Reactor.
  4. first2di3

    first2di3 New Member

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    Signed up to throw my hat in the ring for a PC version, and I think most PC gamers now days have a Steam account...

    Steam looks like the best platform for something like this. Especially if you were planning to put it to XBLA and put it in the ~$10-15 region... Steam is the place where a game like this would flourish and build a community.

    Hat - Thrown
    Steam - Suggested

    I think I'm mostly done now...

    But WAIT! There's More!

    Steam is also probably the least intrusive DRM, and everyone knows that with a PC release means protecting your product. So I also HIGHLY suggest you go with Steam for your DRM and ONLY Steams DRM if you do so on PC. Gamers seem to respect Steam, and steam is a 'service', not a reduction of functionality....

    OK, now I'm done.
  5. eetmorsqrls

    eetmorsqrls New Member

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    steam only lets itself be run on one computer per account. it's the one thing that really makes me sick as i'm a desktop+laptop user and I play audiosurf and games like that on the laptop and left4dead on the desktop... having to constantly switch accounts is something that makes me want to set bookshelves ablaze...

  6. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    Alright, settle down now. ;)

    I've never used steam, though I've browsed it. Considered picking up Crysis because of the upcoming sequel.
  7. magnusrex

    magnusrex New Member

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    they don't allow you to be logged into more than one comp at once for security reasons probably
  8. eetmorsqrls

    eetmorsqrls New Member

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    DRM reasons. and logging into multiple accounts simultaneously in three continents I can understand blocking you out, but two computers from the same location? cmon now :p
  9. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    multiple copies of the one game running. I think most people are fairly content with the idea of installing a copy of a game onto your younger brother or sisters computer so they can play too.

    again, another reason why I just love Steam... <.<
  10. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Impulse Reactor is definitely ready. Frogboy has said so.

    I'd really much rather play this game on PC, but will probably end up buying both if it comes out for PC since the 360 one will come out first. I'd also love to see Impulse Reactor used.
  11. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Seeing is believing in this case. If Stardock can successfully support 3rd part games with IR then I'd be more than happy to use it.
  12. eetmorsqrls

    eetmorsqrls New Member

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    they did fairly well with sol survivor, but not being able to have multiplayer between steam and impulse is worrysome :/
  13. Tehbox

    Tehbox New Member

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    Right I thought I would throw my opinion in for what it's worth.

    First yes PC version would be pretty superb since like many I don't own a 360 or PS3 (if that port happens ;)).

    I tend to buy a lot of these little kinds of games and have noticed some things that make a game do well and some that don't. I'm going to compare this game a lot to 3 other similarly produced games. Killing Floor, Lead and Gold and Shattered Horizon.

    All are Steam exclusives as far as I am aware so that's my opinion on the distribution platform ever so subtly delivered. I think that with steam works and the vast user base MNC has the best chance to succeed.

    Things to do the Killing Floor method of free updates with extra content but with little pay for optionals seemed to work fantastic for them the free updates give people the feeling like the game is really cared about and combined with a small price reduction or weekend deal usually give a huge return in sales for the game and the fans get to pay a little bit more for a new skin or hat or something. This also worked for Shattered Horizon which has released 2 huge updates as well for free encouraging lapsed players to return and an influx of new players.

    Shattered Horizon has not had the success it deserves for one simple reason the system requirements are outrageous but since MNC is on UE3 that shouldn't be an issue.

    Currently Lead and Gold is failing because despite free content updates with the promise of more to come they forgot that magic ingredient that we PC gamers often get in a fuss about and that is dedicated servers. Dedicated servers are brilliant and although result in a little bit of added cost to the devs at the launch it does play better and people will certainly want to host their own. As much as local servers do cut down on effort for some it works for Left 4 Dead to have a matchmaking system and dedi servers so a similar system would suit quite well. Obviously leave in the ability to host locally if just a few friends want to have a bash but for public play you can't beat a server.

    So I guess that's my long drawn out musings on what I would like to see. Monday Night Combat on the PC through steam with dedicated servers and some content after release. PC games like this tend to have a much longer sales cycle as unlike the XBLA things don't just get lost the week after they come out people keep playing and more importantly keep buying and with sales and free weekends you could really clean up with this on Steam and I sincerely hope that you do so I can play it.

    oh also GFWL is a great way of making people not buy your game. Sad but true I and many of my friends actively avoid any game that uses it.
  14. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Keep posting your opinions, we are listening!

    Distribution on PC is quite a complex subject and it's obvious we aren't going to please everyone.

    Dedicated servers sounds like a no brainer to me.
  15. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Well if the PC port should ultimately happen...may I suggest a "can has cross-platform multiplayer now" thread?

    Since I WOULD like to have Col_Jessop's *** handed to him. :p

    Nah I'm kidding, you're a swell guy!
  16. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    I can tell you right now that cross platform multiplayer isn't going to happen.

    For the amount of work involved (very substantial) the payoff just isn't there. This is why you'll find it to be a very rare feature. It also means you have to keep your different platforms in sync which is almost impossible.
  17. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Damn...well...only one expression for it then...
  18. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Oh, there is no doubt that will happen, the last shooter I played was UT2004 and I was not particularly good at it. I put all my hope in the strategy part of MNC. :lol:

    Cross-platform sounds nice in theory but just imagine how hard it would be to keep the balance and patches between platforms compatible - a horror scenario even for a large developer I think. Not to mention all the balancing problems that will come with different controllers and stuff. I wonder if even Microsoft pull something like this off these days.

    It would be nice to have one large community though but I think it wouldn't work out in the end. Too many loose parts that need to fit together.
  19. TheJustinIsALie

    TheJustinIsALie New Member

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    Shadowrun has PC-Xbox cross platform, But I think thats probably why it has no updates or map packs.

    Xbox players had an advantage at close range but having a mouse for precise aiming with the sniper would have been nice.

    I would love MNC to be cross platform but it's too much to ask for.
  20. Tehbox

    Tehbox New Member

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    When it comes to multiplayer centric games on PC there really are no sweeter words to hear from a developer. :D

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