The official "can has PC port now?" thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Symmetry, March 28, 2010.

  1. Hildogen

    Hildogen New Member

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    lol don't worry Neutrino, I understand that, I'm just messing around with you. ^_^

    I know you guys are probably busting your asses just to perfect what you have already officially said. I honestly would prefer it if you put full focus on the XBLA version until it was 100% done. But it's just all too tempting to joke around. :D I doubt anyone here is legitimately angered that a port isn't official. As much as everyone seems to want a PC port, we just want you to succeed at creating an awesome game, regardless of platform. I apologize on part of everyone if things seem a little pushy.

    But seriously...port now!!!11ONeone
  2. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    As long as you don't hash-lock the game like a certain other game developer we all know we modders and mappers will find a way neutrino. You guys do your best to make an awesome game and try to get the modding stuff in, that's all we ask. ;)
  3. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    Steam for distribution, I still like my games with the option for offline LAN mode (as does my church, where our LANs come with no Internet).

    Impulse would be cool beans too.
  4. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    I'd play the game on PC...if it would run on a standard Sony VAIO notebook with Mobile Intel GMA X3100 graphics and an Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T5250 CPU.
  5. Pharcide

    Pharcide New Member

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    I'm just joining this post, so don't crucify me if I state something all ready stated. I played this game at PAX and was hands down my favorite game there. I will be playing this for 360 but I'm a pc gamer at heart. Hopefully they get it up on the 360 and knock out all the kinks and can give us a great pc game on steam. After playing in one of the tournaments i spoke to on of the Uber guys and asked about a PC version. He told me it really depends on the success of the XBLA game its not something there ruling out.

    I would love to see this on the PC, Especially for the competitive aspect of the game. I can really see this being a huge competitive game on the PC. Could you imagine all the cool custom teams and logos etc that people could make on the PC. Leagues, Divisions, Play Offs, and the "Big Game"!
  6. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    This game was amazing at PAX and in my opinion clearly the most popular game there. I too would love to see a PC version. It would be easy to form a consistent team of 6 for myself if I had the game on the PC platform. I don't think Steamworks is a good idea though, it limits you to one distributor. Impulse Reactor would allow you all the achievement, matchmaking, etc. without limiting yourself to Steam.
  7. magnusrex

    magnusrex New Member

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    to my knowledge you do not have to limit yourself to steam alone BTW. also, steam has a userbase that is much larger and more shooter focused compared to impulses which is a lot of rpg or rts fans (to my knowledge on all of this)
  8. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Hi Polynomial! Great to see a fellow Demigod player here!
    I'd like to buy the game on Impulse too if possible but I think a shooter would probably sell better on Steam. And I'm still a little concerned about Stardock's ability to provide all the multiplayer features we would like to see. I don't know if they have added new features (I quit playing around the time when the new Demigods were released). Impulse will be a great platform but I think they still need time to polish it.

    MNC is Uber's first game and they are probably better off with Steam - for now... :D
  9. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Hey Jessep. (I gave up on Demigod like in August, just been following the GPG trail of SupCom2 and then into Uber)

    I was just talking about using Impulse Reactor as a way to get all the features you expect in a game. Impulse Reactor has nothing to do Impulse exclusivity, its just Stardock's response to Steamworks. Achievements, matchmaking, etc. Impulse Reactor's requirement is only the game be sold non exclusively on Impulse where Steamworks requires Steam only, and has a higher royalty rate for the developer. Online distributors boycott every Steamworks game that is released.

    I'm definitely buying for 360. I had like a 20 minute conversation with a dev at PAX East and that alone is worth my $15 =P

    But if it comes out for PC I would buy it again.
  10. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Like I said, I love Stardock and I'm a big fan of Impulse. Impulse Reactor is non-exclusive (unlike Steamworks) and that is a great advertising point IMO. However, I'm not aware of any shooters that use Impulse Reactor atm. The question is: How far developed, tried and tested is the system yet? Is it reliable?

    I have no doubt in my mind that Froggy would do everything possible to get it right this time. But lets face it, Demigod's stats and achievements were still not working when I quit playing in mid-November. Hard to say if Stardock or GPG gave up on fixing it but it cast doubts on the ease of use.

    Demigod p2p was certainly the worst case scenario when it comes to complexity of netcode but MNC is Ubers first game. Would be a shame if anything went wrong.
  11. Spooky

    Spooky Member

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    I am fine with either way, but I have to say that SteamWorks would probably the best option for the developers. According to GPG, using the SteamWorks API was easy to use and SteamWorks itself, with the matchmaking and connection setup etc. is probably more robust than the ImpulseReactor. ImpulseReactor and all its features simply aren't that mature yet.

    And I think Steam is generally more popular for "small" games like MNC.
  12. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Just found this article: ... cifics.php

    Although it hasn't been officially confirmed we think MNC is based on the Unreal engine.
  13. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    Why can't we just ask the game developers? They are pratically on the forums.
  14. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    ib4 Scathis can't confirm nor deny! :D
  15. BulletMagnet

    BulletMagnet Post Master General

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    yes, MNC is packing some flavour of UE3. i've caught a few of Scathis' frustrated comments on Facebook about the UEd tools.

    bad news: I haven't seen nor heard of a platform-blind server/matchmaking service for UE3. Xbox games (Gears, UT3, etc) all use Live, and PC games use a myriad of services (Epic Games appears to have not made themselves a custom masterserver system this time). this means Uber shall likely have to choose one, and add it in.
    Last edited: April 5, 2010
  16. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    I've seen a comment from Hellchick on UT UI tools on Twitter. So unless they are producing another not yet announced game...
  17. TheJustinIsALie

    TheJustinIsALie New Member

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    Unreal engine... I hope MNC doesnt have laggy online matches like Gears of War and Unreal Tournament 3, Most Unreal engine games (on xbox) have laggy multiplayer regardless of how good your internet connection is.
  18. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Demigod has nothing to do with the current Impulse Reactor. Its entirely different.

    Oh, and MNC is based on Unreal according to what I overheard at PAX.
  19. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    I can neither confirm nor deny a PC port.
  20. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    A hah! Breaking news! He can't confirm the PC port, nor can he deny the PC port therefore the PC port is somewhere in the middle of production!? Conspiracy!

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