The most Overpowered class

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Coverop, April 26, 2011.


Who is the most overpowered class in Monday Night Combat?

  1. Assassin

    10 vote(s)
  2. Assault

    27 vote(s)
  3. Tank

    9 vote(s)
  4. Gunner

    5 vote(s)
  5. Sniper

    46 vote(s)
  6. Support

    2 vote(s)
  1. conjurous_rex

    conjurous_rex New Member

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    When Tiblolan is in server, Sniper is OP.

    All other times it's Assault.
  2. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    Chicky Cantor
  3. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    You can only nerf something so bad before you can't say this with a straight face.

    The assault is an example.

    Right now, it's damn close to balanced. Hard to say the assault doesn't have explotable flaws, or that the sniper is really OP with all 4 rounds of his clip and the combined bodyshot damage not being enough to kill heavies. The assassin is meh, and the support is meh. I guess I will vote support.
  4. Revolution_Jones

    Revolution_Jones New Member

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    It's getting to the point that I think people are just butt hurt. I main Assault and I don't feel them to be the over powering force. I have an easy time with assaults, more so than other classes.
  5. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    170 * 4 = 680

    Highest base health heavy class = 700hp

    Pretty darn close. And lets not forget that the tank and gunner have heads around 50% larger than any other class.
  6. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    Also many snipers use a clip size endorsement. Not that it really matters.. his reload speed is really quick, to the point that clip size is nearly irrelevant.
  7. TNine

    TNine New Member

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    Bah, forum ate my post. Short version:

    Assaults are either too versatile or too good at what they can do. They can exploit a weakness in every class, and don't have a counter class (he also counters sin, tank, and sniper).

    Sniper is perfectly balanced, but the maps bias him a lot. His function is area of denial, which ends with him denying 90% of the map from spawn. Not a problem on LazeBlazer or Spunky, as you might have noticed.
  8. VLAD

    VLAD New Member

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    I`d say sniper only because how effective he can be at close range. You would think that once you got close to a sniper class you would have him.

    You`d be thinking wrong.
  9. killien

    killien Active Member

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    Eh, I disagree.
    If they keep their eyes open, Tanks and Gunners can rip apart an Assault pretty quick(Tank with Charge3, Gunner spun up)
    Against Assassins, kinda. If the Sin runs any armor they'll survive lvl2 Charge(Silver armor for lvl3) and can easily get out of effective AR range in a single lunge

    When it comes to Assault vs Class X it all depends on the situation and skill of the players
  10. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I disagree with you TNine. Assault is def a strong counter against assassin, but he is equally matched with tank, usually only winning the fight if he has the advantage of surprise or a lucky headcrab. As for sniper? Sniper counters just about every class, assault is NOT a good counter against sniper. He is just the best counter short of another sniper. At best the assault maybe harasses the sniper and lowers his map control by 25% by forcing him to be a little more defensive about his placement, but he doesn't actually stop the sniper from sniping on most maps. Maybe if the GL could be exploded on demand like the bomb he might be.

    Look at maps like Ammo Mule/Spunky Cola where the sniper can cover large areas of the map on a raised platform that has no wall behind him. This means that if the assault wants to use the GL to harass the sniper he has to fire the gun from very specific locations and distances to either rebound it off of a specific surface at a certain angle to hopefully get it to explode at the right time, or he has to be very very good with the GL since the sniper has such a small hit box.

    The other option is that he use his bomb, but to use the bomb he has to already be at medium - close range, and if he misses he wont get another chance for ~10-15seconds depending on the range of the throw and skill level of the bomb.

    Also on spunky cola the sniper isn't quite as powerful as he is on say, G3 but he still can cover HUGE HUUUUUUUGE amounts of area from relative safety. Standing on the back bridge by your bot spawner allows you to cover over 50% of the map. And if you stand on the bridge nearby your ejector at mid you can cover around 65% of the map and have a line of sight to to each of the 3 pathways into your side of the map. Plus if you stand on the lower exit tube on your spawn you can view about 30-40% of the enemies base (including a very good line of sight to the enemy's bot spawn)
  11. FatCatAttack

    FatCatAttack New Member

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    Sniper by far is the class that is overpowered. People overrate the assault. Even in the original xbox version where he is significantly stronger one or two good supports can completely neuter him. There's a xenonox video where he's pretty much stuck spamming grenades the whole time on Spunky Cola because he can't get into the back field on account of the firebases. This one I believe Overhealed enemies are pretty nasty for him as well because it's harder to maintain a strong first strike advantage.

    The Sniper has no weakness and the game constantly facilitates his strengths. I played sniper maybe 5 times or so and it took a long time for me to beat my previous high score as a sniper and that was when I was trying to play with V-sync and had to deal with major mouse lag. Because the arenas are not only wide open but are basically completely flat the sniper doesn't get challenged by the thing that most people struggle with which is changes in the z-axis. In MNC you get away and be extremely effective using only prediction aim. Contrast that with other games where twitch+tracking is mandatory.

    The sniper as is in MNC only makes sense if he's bodyshot oriented like his console counterpart. Heck his default build has the gold slot filled with Critical shots which substantiates that.
  12. TNine

    TNine New Member

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    Meh. This is where the Assaults mobility is huge, the ability to exploit weaknesses. Tank beats assault close range, then when you leave charge+db range the Assault wins, and then at super long range tank wins with the railgun. However, the assault is mobile enough to decide where the battle takes place. So a good assault can constantly engage at mid range, and it becomes extremely tough for the tank to do anything. Even just outside charge range where the tank can close the distance, you still run the risk of getting charge3grappled and thrown back to mid range, perhaps with a headcrab to show for it.

    For sins, charge 3 after a few assault rifle shots, or a double grapple will instagib. Jetpacks make it really easy to avoid grapples, etc. More importantly, Assaults are strong enough to pose a threat to sins, quick enough to keep up, and can easily counter smokebombs. Assaults don't laugh at sins like tanks do, but they definitely have the upper hand in that matchup.

    However, i don't really think i'm good enough to make any final judgments, so take of it what you may.
  13. TemptedNZ

    TemptedNZ New Member

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    I don't think the sniper is OP.

    I think the way he gets frags game mechanics wise is really really ******* annoying to be on the receiving end of.

    No confrontation, exceedingly spammable one shot kills, no penalty for failure, great.

    The games pretty balanced now, it's better than it was on release imo.

    I see the change log about reducing armour on the Support and I think why?, what is the opinion on this?

    Stopped playing for a couple of months, started again recently.

    I'm certainly not doing any worse as an Assault even after the nerfs, altho I am now exceedingly careful in general and motherfuckingly careful around Tanks specifically. If a decent one wants the ground I am on he's pretty much going to get it, rofl.
  14. [451]Fireman

    [451]Fireman New Member

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    That's just him playing KDR and never trying to do anything to win. This play style is unfortunately all too common and generally results in awful games.
  15. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    I vote Sniper for reasons stated a million times. Snipers have been a problem on just about every PC shooter I can think of yet Uber decided to allow him some of the most broken mechanics I've ever seen. They really should look towards the TF2 sniper as a basis for balance and to my knowledge, even TF2 Sniper is pushing it.

    Fast RoF+hitscan headshots with no damage droppoff= the sniper that every other dev team tried to not create. Not only that but he has 2 skills that can completely change the pace of a game. Ice Traps can completely block off one side of a map and it is very easy to pick somebody off once they step in one. Flak is insanely powerful and can effectively stop just about every class once they actually get up close to the Sniper. Not only that but Quick scoping has no impact on accuracy and is strangely effective on just about every class in the game minus Assassins.

    You people complain about the Assault having no counters yet you think the Sniper should be left as is? It really isn't hard for the Sniper to counter his so called 'counters'. Assaults can be avoided just as easily as any other class. All they can do is pester you yet Snipers still have the ability to completely murder you from any range. Assassins are a bit better at this than Assaults but they can have some serious trouble with Ice Traps and it doesn't help that the SMG is dangerously effective as a close range weapon. Not too sure about this but Supports simply cannot outdamage a Sniper from hurt gun distance. SMG and flak destroy my health. I vote Sniper. ;)
  16. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    No offence PC community, but you are doing that thing again.

    Does anyone here who plays with 2 other people as different non-lonewolf classes actually have trouble with assaults or snipers?

    First off, the sniper has no actual damage output anymore. He doesn't. If he can't headshot, which he can't that often against good opponents without aimbots, then he has 1/8 the damage output of a gunner. His small profile doesn't matter to explosives because they don't seem to mind that when it comes to killing. Really, the assault will always be necesary because of this class, which brings me to the next whine to address...

    Second off, the assault also has amazingly low damage outputs torwards many things. Again, he even has a large nerf on him, making him even worse. Bottom line is that a team with 2-3 assaults won't beat just 1 support and 1 gunner who know what they are doing. Just zone them out and deny them with turrets.

    So lets recap. The sniper isn't broken because his rifle doesn't output that many shots compared to other games, and has no sway but many more opponents to counter it hard (like enemies you can't see or ones that can fly, in this game but not in black ops). The assault isn't overpowered because he can no longer shoot up as well as gunners, destroy stuff as well as assassins, or skill spam as well as tanks.

    The ones that actually can be broken is the tank because of health/skillspam/damage, and support because of stacking/juicing. The suggestion of amazing snipers makes me wish I would run into one that somehow proves your points. I ran into good ones, but not a "wow the sniper really is broken" one. I used to main assault, not even really my best class anymore, but plenty enough to wipe even good snipers. Tank is even good enough to wipe nerfed snipers, and tanks weren't made to.
    Last edited: April 27, 2011
  17. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Go play against some actually good snipers before talking smack. As it is your opinion on this subject doesn't matter.

    Go back to Xbawkz.
  18. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Again, I playz teh good snipers, and stop them from ever killing more than 100 bots in a full game, by harassing with lobbed explosives and railgun spam. Just not good. You can actually fire your railgun while your head is behind cover, not like a headshot kills a gold armor tank. This isn't even the sniper's hard counter.

    The more you nerf it, the more ANY class can beat it, which everyone here thinks it is fair for any class to be able to beat snipers. Apparently, there is no saving snipers. Nobody wants them. Everyone calls them cheap. Yet, I never feel cheap when an assault eats charge-deathblossom, or when I refill health off a passive mid-battle, or when I do any other cheap things. People WANT the tank to be unstoppable by assassins, but they want every character including bullseye and juicebot to be able to beat snipers.

    Just wondering, what do you want done with snipers. Headshots removed? Rifle only damages at jetgun range? ROF set to 1 bullet a minute?
  19. Vlane

    Vlane New Member

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    Name some.
  20. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    Srsly can't. If goose would remember some I played while with him, he could tell you. He was the one who remembered the names of the assassins that gave everyone else so much trouble (Oh, they were so broken! No wonder people cried for nerfs :roll: ). Names on games aren't my thing, specially when I can't search through them like I could on live.

    Also, honestly, what about snipers could possily ever change to make it "fair and balanced"? As far as I see, no matter what, people will use the "OHKO any target any range" as an excuse to make them look broken, even if they seriously could shoot 1 bullet every 15 seconds.


    ^They might as well get rid of the sniper, don't really care as a heavy and support player. Then get rid of the assault, so there will literally be nothing else but support-heavy fights.

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