The most important thing to fix in the first patch.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Time Glitch, August 14, 2010.

  1. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    Pretty much! =D

    My friend is the more aggressive player so I shadow him and provide support. Whenever he's spotted or misses a grapple the victim often jumps away, turns or back-pedals and usually unwittingly right into my loving arms :3
    Having two of us also means we can pretty much chain-grab jackbots out of existence too. Heck, half the time they're lucky if they even get out of the enemy base =D
  2. Goose

    Goose Active Member

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    Alright let me summarize the first post...

    "Let's make the support class completely useless by itself and make it a slave to the rest of the team".

    Supporting doesn't just mean put up and maintain turrets the whole game and over heal your entire team. The support has his offensive tools for a reason and they do a damn good job.

    You mention nerfing the hurt guns draining ability, have you ever tried this thing? It NEVER heals you enough to prevent a direct attack from a gunner, assault, tank, or other supports. It really should only be used to finish off an opponent or attacking bots to siphon of thier health and heal yourself faster. It seems like you just can't avoid air strikes and get killed by random shot guns then bitch about it later saying that the class is overpowered.

    Also, yes, I do play Support a lot. I also don't talk out of my *** about matters like this nor do i allow my opinion to be influenced by bias.

    PS, if you have a decent support on your team, firebases are NOT an issue.
  3. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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  4. faits

    faits New Member

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    An assassin can usually get rid of a firebase without too much trouble. The first step is to get rid of the support. Then if it's a lower level firebase and you have one or both of your passive upgrades, just bomb-blind it and hack until dead. If it's level three or overhealed, back up out of range and kill it with crit shurikens (shoot out of a level three cloak)

    If it's undercover (no hope of an airstrike) and cleverly placed to make attacking from a distance difficult, shouldn't an assault or gunner be able to bounce grenades into it?

    Firebases can be annoying (especially if you come around a corner and get surprise killed) but they're not that hard to get rid of
  5. Obiwan Kenblomi

    Obiwan Kenblomi New Member

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    I'm not going to say overpowered or not - but I just don't think that a support class should be able to go 48-9, like that last game I just played. It was me, so I'm not bitching because I was the one dying. I normally don't go for kills with a Support. I'm always just trying to advance the team. But I read this post, hopped on and then just tried for kills to see what I could do.

    It sucked. Why have a support class that can kill so easily? I wish there was a true support class that wasn't very good at killing solo but would be a pain to have around his teammates. A Support that made his teammates semi-gods but didn't stand much of a chance alone - even with his firebase down. "A slave to the rest of the team" as some other poster called it. It's not a "slave" if you are doing it willingly and enjoy it. Besides, if you want kills go to another class. That's the way it should be for a true "support" class.

    I just miss the feeling of support classes in some of my other fav games of old when the rest of your team would actually wait for you, the "support" class, to spawn because you were such a valuable piece to have in a group. You couldn't kill squat alone but were one of the most valuable players in the game. And TONS of people played them it was so fun.
  6. Geminosity

    Geminosity New Member

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    I dunno about that kenblomi. I've always enjoyed games that just let you play with whoever than waiting around for someone who's willing to play the special ,squishy, warm little center of the party. Don't get me wrong, I like being useful to the team myself but it's a lot of pressure to be nigh-on essential and it means that someone is going to feel bullied into playing the class if none of it's usual patrons are around to plug the gap.

    And this is coming from someone who was often the priestess in an MMO party or the medic in more action-oriented games :p
  7. Demoz71

    Demoz71 New Member

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    This was a huge issue for me tonight. Every game became Support-chains just running around the map wiping out entire teams.
  8. Rolo

    Rolo New Member

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    WoW, I disagree with pretty much every single thing you said here. It sounds to me (and I'm not even going to read the rest of the other posts after your 1st) like you need to learn how to play and counter better. Support is not this all mighty invincible class you make it out to be.
  9. vrdarkone

    vrdarkone New Member

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    lol @ all the people who complain about support being OP. Lrn to kill them from range.

    It hilarious to me that people are complaining about "AMG they got into my base and then camped the spawn point.." Hmmm you know what could have avoided that? maybe throw up a turret when the game starts, instead of running out to die like a scrub on your own? Perhaps kill them before they get to your base?

    And whats that? 2 supports healing a jackbot XL and you had to coordinate with your team to neutralize the threat? SHOCKING in a team based game.
    Turns out when your team is playing like a TEAM you don't seem to have all the issues I read in this thread.

    All you lone wolf players can keep crying, I will feed on your tears, and loot your corpses.


    The only thing that may need to be addressed is the ability to hack a enemy base turret.

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