The MNCup Tournament

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by groundcontrol, November 3, 2013.

  1. leov1993

    leov1993 Post Master General

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    Last edited: November 12, 2013
    naka333 likes this.
  2. frank fotaine

    frank fotaine Member

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    Our team is unbalanced? I would say our team is fairly close to skills team. I think for the most part the teams are as balanced as they are gonna get. Getting Miracle for teapots team balances that team out to a degree(teapot and miracle probably on slayer classes).
  3. xshammas

    xshammas Well-Known Member

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    I don't see how anyone can say these teams are unbalanced. I'd say Teapot's team is the best with Jeff now, Gambit and Jurisdiction are both good.
  4. frank fotaine

    frank fotaine Member

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    I have a question. Since we've posted the team's line ups and what not. Are we not allowed to change what classes people play? Or did we put down class assignments just to get a feel of the opposition?
  5. purp1escratchy

    purp1escratchy New Member

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    Guys I may or may not have to drop out. I got grounded for not doing my homework; it's wroth it to own you guys though.
    joker likes this.
  6. leov1993

    leov1993 Post Master General

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    You get grounded? Whaaatt the fuuuu
    naka333 likes this.
  7. groundcontrol

    groundcontrol Member

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    Just stick to the classes that you signed up for. But if during the game your team is getting crushed and a much more viable lineup is possible I would say that is fine because I would like to see this be as balanced as possible, because more balanced games tend to lean to more fun and that is what this should be about. And if people going off class that they signed up for would help that I'm all for it. Since we ended up picking teams all willy nilly the whole class specific players kinda got thrown out of the window once we decided to not draft all at once.
  8. groundcontrol

    groundcontrol Member

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    The only reason I gave your team the edge is your bot players are without a doubt better than skills. And with introduction of Miracle I would definitely rate teapot's team higher and mine in last. Main disadvantage to picking first in the catch and grab I didn't want to make a team to overpowered so I tried to make it balanced while picking some relatively unknowns but ended up making it the worse... Oh well this should turn out to be a good time.
  9. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    Alright, I don't mind being a sub if any team needs a sniper/gunner/support, you know where to find me.
  10. groundcontrol

    groundcontrol Member

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    Just completely ignored. Shows up all eager to play and just gets cast aside.
  11. 2wynbge

    2wynbge Member

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    Sounds like the origin story of every half decent villain.
  12. joker

    joker Active Member

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    I lol'ed. Poor scratchy
  13. frank fotaine

    frank fotaine Member

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    Well the thing with teapots team is, they have a few solid players (chron, teapot, miracle) but the rest of their lineup if new blood. So its people who are fairly new to competitive play teamed with vets so I think the inexperience pretty much puts the team on the same level as everybody else.
    Finding the correct amount of balance is a little hard. The main thing I was thinking about was that if people were able to switch classes during games that would obviously be a benefit if a person if underperforming on a key class (gunner, assault, sniper). But if teams like teapots have the potential to switch out to a very optimal line up if chron decides to try. I think its interesting and we should do it. It'll add a different dynamic to planning ahead to game 2 or 3 in the series. Oh just thought of an idea. Maybe we should limit if people can switch classes? Like each team can only switch up classes once in a series or something
  14. joker

    joker Active Member

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    I'm only playing support. Tourneys, scrims, PMs, a chunk of people in this have played with & against each other ad nauseam where I felt it was silly for me to play assault or sniper just because it's a "tourney". Id rather see new(er) players from the past 6-12 months of PMs have their run at team play on the more influential classes. If this thing follows through that itself is far more of a success than any particular team winning
  15. RandomToon

    RandomToon Well-Known Member

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    My sniper is super rusty. I can't hit a fricking brick wall...
    My team looks to be the weakest in general, but we will probably have the most fun because if anyone can cause an upset it will be us ;-)
  16. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    Damn a lot has happened. Should we assign the left over players as subs, that we we have less excuses to play? I remember having like 8 on our last draft tournament and it didn't matter.

    For the record, JPB3 did message me on XBL. So I did talk to him a bit there. His username didn't ring a bell but now I see why. Regardless, I don't know much about him or his skill level.

    Mircale does want to play, and that would help us balance things out a bit slaying wise. I do at least want to play with JBP once and let him try out because I can't recall seeing him in the game.

    As far as my team being ranked last by the community... that's EXACTLY what I wanted. I'm very confident that I scooped up the best underrated players at their class and hope that Chron and I can coach these guys. That's also why I was hesitant about Jeff. I'm playing with newer players that might not make the right moves all the time, so I don't want him getting mad.
  17. xshammas

    xshammas Well-Known Member

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    Gambit is not new to competitive.
    But let's focus on the format and how we want this to play out. No wasting time, let's get this going.
  18. xshammas

    xshammas Well-Known Member

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  19. teapot

    teapot Post Master General

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    I think Jeff is the deciding factor in that sense, but yeah Gxmbit has played probably 5 matches which isn't much, but enough for him to know what to expect.

    Personally I have no objection to the format you suggested shammas. I think it's an organized system and it looks fair enough so we don't run into issues with hosting later on.
  20. notgunked

    notgunked Active Member

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    if there isnt enough people on for a team i can fill in for a support or wahtever is needed, if im on of course.

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