The Good and Bad of MNC.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by nick8807, August 25, 2010.

  1. breischl

    breischl New Member

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    Just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents...

    I've done my share of whinging about the balance, but overall it's a fantastic game for $15. Not perfect, but really impressive. I don't think a lot of people comprehend the amount of work that goes into these games, nor how difficult the economics of these games are. We all want perfection, but it ain't a perfect world for anybody, including the devs & producers. It's easy to say they shouldn't release it until it's perfect - unless you're the one writing checks from a dwindling bank account with no income.

    I have personally never seen network lag, short of an actual host migration. I'm on Comcast cable modem in Denver - maybe being centrally located has its advantages. :) I have seen a few cases of slowdowns, which looked to me like rendering slowdowns, always with tons of bots and pros in a small area.

    The host migrations are frustrating. There's not much to be done about people dropping, but it would be nice if the migration could be done faster. It would be *especially* nice if post-game dropouts wouldn't cause a migration.

    The party system could use a little work. At the very least you should always end up in a lobby with your party, even if everyone else is gone. But those that are claiming other games never split parties are just wrong. I've played lots of Halo3 online, and though it rarely splits parties it does happen. MW2 would routinely split parties. I would play with my brother in a 2-person party, and we'd be split maybe 20% of the time. In a two player party!

    There are endless other enhancements that I would like to see as much as anyone else. But again, IMHO the game is a great value as it stands.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Well said breischl. Basically everything I was trying to say but just could put my thoughts down as nicely as you.

    Like I have said before there is no party system for Monday Night Combat. It's basically a pre-lobby where you can invite friends to come play and the only time they split us up is when we join a game already in progress. I also experience very little lag when I play.

    This is a peer to peer game so once the host leaves that room is closed. The only time I will quit out of a game is once I am in the lobby. I will agree the Host Migration at the moment sucks so all we can do now it wait for the patch.
  3. cutecakes

    cutecakes Member

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    Being stuck at the respawn point happens to me a lot, the countdown just hangs at zero and nothing happens; I have to leave the match.
  4. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Happens to me as well... the workaround is to reselect the same class and wait for the new respawn timer to count down again.
  5. Wutang85

    Wutang85 New Member

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    I dunno man....My problems with this game are very limited and ones that don't make it un-playable either.

    I've only ever lagged in 1 game......other than that it's been awesome connection. It could be your connection. probably is, and I wouldn't blame that on UBER.

    Bad Assassins are easy to kill.....they do however take away from the team aspect of the game.

    And because they are a weak class to begin with, if you have 3 of them and 1 heavy gunner or tank and the other team has 3 gunners , 1 tank, assassin, sniper then you are screwed most of the time.

    The only class that should be capped is Assassin. And cap it at 2.

    I know that seems harsh but it's for the better of the game and helps team play.

    The juice thing is starting to become more noticeable, but that is in part due to the fact of people playing this like it's open world street fighter instead of playing team based combat game.

    If nobody on your team cares about bots, turrets or protecting your money ball, then you are screwed and you just have to wait out the loss.......that is right WAIT OUT YOUR LOSS & ACCEPT IT !!!!!

    You don't suck because you have o many losses and you are not good just because you have a certain amount of wins....

    Most people 18 + understand this.......these little kids think they know better and think it's cool to rage quit so they can brag to their pimple clan in 9th grade the next day about how cool they are that they got another 20 wins.........LAME.......MEGA LAME !!!

    But in all I'd say that how unique this game is totally makes up for it's bad parts, which can be patched for the most part.

    I'd say look for this in upcoming patch if ever released.

    Possible: Neutral Turrets , capped classes , Decreased effectiveness of juice either overall or in overtime. prob fire rate or some armor differences in classes. random minor changes.

    Hopefull thinking : 2 new classes , 2 new Arenas ,

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