The Current Metagame

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Shammas, December 18, 2010.

  1. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    I'd still rather have two Shammas/Hudsons/DeadStreches/Bill Ruebens than any assassin and tank.

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    Well we can agree on one thing - assassin is definitely a weaker class at the current update format.
  3. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    I would much rather have 1 assassin and tank than 2 tanks. The assassin can push bot lanes and escape easily. She gains juice very quickly, which is important because she can escape the easiest and keep the juice meter full. 1 thing the assassin does very well over the tank is break setups. Her mobility allows her to get in behind the enemy and distract them long enough for your team to make a push, even if it's usually at the cost of her life. Also, if you ever are getting hit hard and need someone to quickly sneak out of the base and hold the bot lane back, your assassin can do it. It's probably the most important role on the team because it often makes the difference between win or loss. Imagine the assassin doing all of this with the support of a good tank, and that's why it's important.

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    :( You make me sad that none of my teammates really play tank. Jon messes with it but it's not really his thing. Because I do agree - every once in a while I'll get to play with Liberty, and I pretty much will always go 20-0+ just because any time I'm near dying, I run away to Liberty and I'm good. I'm virtually never afraid to go for any kills. Hell, if Liberty was near me, I'd go for face grapples on tanks. Why the hell not?

    I don't know if that pair is as good as gunner on a leash, though, which, if the gunner is really good, is just about damn impossible to take down. Add a firebase to that mix, and you pretty much have a chokepoint unbreakable or a savage push.
  5. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    Against a good sniper paired with a tank or assault, the gunner goes down easily, and the support doesn't have a leg to stand on. It's 2 players out of the game for 5-10 seconds. A good example was Zyn vs Combat Gaming. Jay Live couldn't really do **** except heal their gunners, and it was easy pickings for Zyn's 2 snipers.
  6. Savant HxG

    Savant HxG New Member

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    Well your basically talking about the stratagy to rock paper scisors hear, i mean look at it. Any class, in the right spot, is capable of making game changing abilities, i think its alot more of where you are then who you are. For example lets take your 2 snipers and run them into 4 assaults and 2 rouges...

    Assaults rain bombs and stream fire at the biggers classes, rouges use the ever distracting assault and his loud *** jet pack to assasinate any remaining problems, Rouges stop bots assaults camp base.

    But if you add in factors like location, lets say a tank in spunky cola that can pillar hump like a pro, and the outcomes changed entirely, Each class has diffrent advantages on diffrent maps, i think map should dictate play style over a set team.
  7. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    4 assaults would get destroyed. The gunner, tank, and assault would merely have to adjust their playstyle a little. Have the tank, sniper, and gunner play long range while the assault gets in close. They'll have no versatility and their assassins can't do anything.
  8. tlbww

    tlbww New Member

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    A tank in melee range 1v1 is best, but beyond charge length, the tank is a pit-bull on a leash just short enough to not bite the mail man but just barely. I would say there isn't a best class, but the classes with the better power plays are tank, gunner, and sniper. I see them getting hit marks all the time. Assaults that get high marks probably run way at the hint of retaliation (a la Charge and hide). I guess by power plays I mean multi kill, bot kill, turret kill opportunities. I think it's nigh impossible for an AZAZN to get a multi-kill w/o juice.

    I think another metagame tidbit is: No one used juice endorsements, everyone is usually Armor/RoF/Speed. I don't think there's a serious build that lacks one of these.

    Scramblers are still useless.

    Crossfire is won by the team with the most shaveices =)

    Guarding the annihilator is an actual tactic employed by solid players.

    Spawncamping is near mandatory while upgrading the base is optional (courtesy of your neubi, everyday pubs player.)
  9. caseyATL

    caseyATL New Member

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    Regarding the pushing of lanes, I still think Supports are quite relevant and are necessary to the offensive lane, between the ability to heal the pushers (Tank preferably) and the Firebase (used as a fallback point/rear guard or to suppress the bot spawn). The shotty and Airstrikes aren't bad against pub players, but against more aware/skilled opponents they become more opportunistic weapons; all the same, their presence can be a deterrent to the other team.

    Also, my wonderful pubs players, we need to discuss an important term... feeding. Feeding is the act of allowing the other team to kill you repeatedly, in this game giving them $25-$125 per kill. If Randy the Pubssassin goes 14-25, by himself he is giving the team $625-$3125. This is a significant amount of money and you feeders should all be ashamed of yourselves.
  10. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    No love for support at all :|

    The dude has been nerfed with each update. Yeah, it wasn't real cool that you could deploy the firebase or hack through walls. I was fine with that. Messing with his airstrike and juicing ability really makes him a difficult class to play. I still feel like Support is helpful to a team. I feel like one GOOD support is helpful necessary.

    The updates have made it harder to survive as a support, but I've adapted. My crappy connection makes my shotty, well, shotty. My ground zero's have gone way up though. I don't know if something changed with that, but it's become my go-to.

    Shammas is right about the tank being the best equipped for just about every situation. I've had problems with elite players from every class, but it's the tanks that I never figured a way around or through. Good thing most tanks I come across just aren't very good, and don't know how to run for cover with an airstrike beacon stuck to their head.
  11. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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  12. caseyATL

    caseyATL New Member

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    obvious pun is obvious

    HI IM SNARF New Member

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    Well, Mr. Futtbuck, I sure hope I showed you what a good assassin can do to the other team today :p.

    I was on a team full of randoms against Futtbuck and Teominator. We won, and I was pretty much the only player on my team to do anything.

    I was 20-?-13. 2nd most money and 2nd best k/d in the game (behiind Futtbuck, who I have to say is a pretty good gunner)
  14. Immortal303

    Immortal303 New Member

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    Naw, I'm just stoopid.
  15. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    The Sniper wasn't really "nerfed" that much, I thought.

    I mean, I didn't notice any difference whatsoever. Sure, it took me a TINY bit longer to gain Juice but that was it.
  16. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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  17. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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  18. Gentleman

    Gentleman New Member

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    I honestly didn't notice that until today when someone said that only one person could be trapped.
  19. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    The ice trap thing had a small effect on good snipers, because they really only use them to trap bots or juiced players.
  20. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    ice traps are pretty much something to throw out as a hindrence. or for running away? but i have started throwing them at the juice stations near overtime and have caused a few poeple to blow their money to no avail. Also I must say that two snipers that know what there doing(really know what there doing) can hold off just about anything long enough for there team of whatever to push past the mid way line then they can move up and hold the midway line control bot flow and pester any of the pros alowing their team to do its own thing.
    exapmle theres a sniper on each side of the map. you take two pros the go kill one and you get shot by the other sniper. bunny hoping aside youll lose out becasue youll either get killed or the fact that you pushed out two pros means your base is left weak. imo the two snipes are still a dam good pair

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