The Compliment Thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Cheesecakecrush, November 26, 2010.

  1. destructamental

    destructamental New Member

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    I hopped into a game a couple days ago and noticed dead stretch in the game.

    I played tank and got juice off that lazer blazer turret once. I sent you a message in game but I wanted to say I was proud that you stayed there and made sure I didn't do it again. Good show.
  2. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Haha yeah. It was like 30 seconds into the game and I hear juice go off and get killed by a juiced Tank. Thought to myself "damn a teammate must had made a Lazer Blazer."

    At first I was just hiding behind it just to keep killing you but then a Gunner kept trying to kill me so I was trying to get him to destroy the turret. Didn't matter they kept building them.

    Still was a fun match.
  3. destructamental

    destructamental New Member

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    I was glad to see someone who actually knew how to play even if it was on the other team.
  4. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    I would like to compliment all the *** holes who continually troll me for no reason whatsoever. I used to call some of you friends, but now I can't stand you.

    And by the way: I am not going to stay in a game where I join and there are 2 gunners and an assault camping the spawn doors while the moneyball is down only to pad their kills. Go find something productive to do. I am so sick of all the idiot children(Or people who act so immature it is difficult to determine their actual age) who have nothing better to do than to act like a **** on the internet. I am sending mods messages about it because it's just annoying now.
  5. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    Wasn't a troll post, I was being serious. Your aim seems good, but you rarely step across midfield of the maps. And I'm not even basing that off of that one game, I've seen you with the same play style in other games when we used to get split up in lobbies and in your Assault vid with FFB. You've got one of the most aggressive classes in the game, but you don't really put it to use since you're worried about dying too often.

    And if that comment about the gunners/assault was reference to us, your ball wasn't even downed when you left. But I could understand why you left. Not to mention I even asked Manny/Yan not to attack you because I wanted to see if you got better in 1v1 fights since (I think) the last time I played you Assault vs Assault, you sat in your spawn ring on Ammo Mule and lobbed bombs into the middle. Which you proceeded to quit out of that game as well

    double edit: If I appeared ****-ish, it's because I kind of got tired of your whole K/D mentality. You gripe over the most little kills being stolen by the annihilator. It's tiresome.

    And since I never made it clear as to why I decided to scrap it.....As for the team I was attempting to set up, I was trying to set it up with a group of people I knew were all friends. I knew you're a decent sniper and I figured you'd play a bit more aggressively seeing as it was a private game. Then I watched your games with FFB on Youtube and I changed my mind on the team. And it wasn't even the sniping vids that did it, it was that Assault vid where you stayed in your base the entire game. Your lack of aggressiveness because of worrying about your K/D turned me off on the idea of having you on a competitive team.

    Figured I'd just get that all out there and cleared up.
    Last edited: March 1, 2011
  6. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    I'd like to compliment SHStiger for not chasing me down on Ammo Mule. TUNCK NO LIEK AZAULT
  7. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

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    YAY thankyou MLGIntervention...I played with CoR one time and they're really good I think it was the first team with you and some other people...nice team
  8. Jraw20

    Jraw20 New Member

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    For one, you constantly acting like a douche, leads me to believe you are a douche. Simple as that.

    The games with FFB were planned out to some degree. I had a specific role, and I did what I was supposed to do. You could not hear them calling things out for me, because you only heard my voice. I even got freakin explosives, and I NEVER get them. I did because I am good at keeping people out of the base most of the time. That is exactly what I did. Watch the match on GIII again. I swapped back and forth from side to side clearing bots and anyone that got too close. One particular kill that comes to mind is right when overtime hit, I was on the right side clearing bots, and someone told me Feedle was rushing the left towards our ball. So I instantly turn and run after and quickscope him then continue doing what I was meant to do. Another thing, the reason I didn't go too far on my Assault video against CoR was because I was on PRO slaying duty. There was no reason for me to stay away from where EVERYONE accumulated. That is called strategic placement. They had to get to the middle to get to our side, so I met them halfway and always had something/someone to shoot at.

    I don't care how other people think the sniper should be played, he is a long range class so I stay close to midfield because it gives me the optimal range. Sniper rifle is indeed a SNIPER weapon. Not a "lemme stand 10 ft from an assault and hope I quickscope headshot him before I get ripped apart". I don't like dying because deaths aren't fun to me, unless I am dicking around. So please, excuse me for spending my money on a game that no one else bought for me and for playing how I see the class is best used.

    The game I was referring to was with Shammas, Pu5h and Miracle spawn camping my base as soon as I jump in game. They had the ball down and was just sitting there staring at the spawn doors ganging up on anything that came close to the exit. They didn't touch the ball, so I left. Simple as that.

    And as far as me "complaining" about annihilator stealing my kills, that was not a raging fit that I missed out on one freaking kill. You don't know me well enough, which is clearly evident. So what you interpreted was not correct. Easiest way to get an answer is to ASK A QUESTION instead of assuming.

    As for you in general, I did enjoy playing with you. You were fun to talk to, but then you just starting becoming a jackass and bashing me along with anyone else who had anything to say about me, so that is the real reason I removed you from my friends list. I don't need room. I regret it turned out that way, but oh well, it's a freaking game. Big whoop.

    Also, I haven't played a game with you since I don't know how long ago. If you played a game against "me", then it was more than likely my roommate. Because I work almost 14 hours a day and don't get home until later in the evening. So once again, be sure about what you accuse me of before you do it. Kthxbai.
  9. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    I know we're not allowed to compliment ourselves, which means I've broken this rule twice now for what I'm about to say.

    Except not really because it's more of a satirical mention that I totally laughed at and was like "Wow, go me."

    So, I reach down to pick up a charger in my room and notice my USB keyboard is lit up, which could only mean one thing--my XBox was on. I turn to Video Input and and lo and behold, there's the Dashboard and I have 15 freakin' messages!

    Four of these messages talked about how the Power Button was my friend (hinting at me to turn off my XBox). I didn't know it until I checked the Timestamps of some of these New Messages, but I'd left my XBox on for about...sometime between one or two days straight.

    Maybe even more, heck, I don't know.

    At any one point in time I must have sat on my controller or nudged it somehow so that the Guide button turned on the XBox by remote, and it had sat there activated ever since.

    I feel so derp. Hahaha~

    Sorry to everyone who had extended invitations to games with me! I wasn't actually there, haha.
  10. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    Compliments to everybody that played Sumo tonight, and extra compliments to ShadowStorm for dropping in.
  11. F0rs4k3n R0gu3

    F0rs4k3n R0gu3 New Member

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    Compliments to shadowstorm for pancaking 12 people

    and also gg to all you guys who got raped by the "new guy"
  12. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Yeah, I noticed. Your were away, so I went to see your profile and it said: "Away since 26/2."
  13. Ian

    Ian New Member

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    That story would've been funnier if you got RROD :p Count your lucky stars :D
  14. [ITA]EvalZenith

    [ITA]EvalZenith New Member

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    In this 2 days i've playes 30 match with 25 host change and my score was always's not possible to to my patience..
  15. vI Snack Iv

    vI Snack Iv New Member

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    Ninja Wallace is the biggest douche on the forum.
  16. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Noun: A polite expression of praise or admiration.
    Verb: Politely congratulate or praise (someone) for something.
  17. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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    Good games to Bangathon, Mudknot, TOM12121112, DEAD And Atheninja.
  18. vI Snack Iv

    vI Snack Iv New Member

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    He won the biggest douche award.
  19. F0rs4k3n R0gu3

    F0rs4k3n R0gu3 New Member

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    i didnt see you in-game but gg
  20. iammclovin117

    iammclovin117 Active Member

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    I was on other team before /lolmasskillwithmybadteam

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