After realising that custom biome server mods crash clients who don't have the client mod installed, Metapod and I decided it would make sense to try and minimise the number of such mods out there. I thus present the Community CSG Collection, open to contributions from anyone producing a custom biome mod. Currently, the mod contains: Crystal by acesoyster Also included are some snazzy star shaped CSGs to use as guides for planet design under Tools. Contribution instructions can be found on the git. Not currently on CMM.
Yep, is the plan. Need to do a touch more testing to work out exactly what I can cut given that the server mod needs the FBX papas for pathing.
It is very possible, I have it done. The mod (which currently just comprises of my fairy basically example) isn’t yet distributed because a touch more work needs to be done regarding how to deliver it to clients. Like all previous biome work, any client that joins a lobby with a custom biome planet selected that doesn’t already have the companion mod will likely fail, due to a race condition on the biome definition files. I should really put up a photo for a bit of hard evidence that it works.
Very kind of you to say, but I'm really not a good enough designer for that I am hopeful other people will try their hand at some point, I made a guide on how to create custom biome assets which is linked in the git readme. A quick image now added above.
Recently i tried to make an gas+ground Planet hybrid. It did Not Work. Will try again by modifying Gas Planet into Gas+ground. Maybe it works this way round. Also planning to create a Metal+wather Planet. Just use Metal and then adding water Code to .js File...
Metal Water planet was very succesful. I will need to refine it more before publishing and asking for including.... This is what we all wanted, right? A Water-metal map
Crystal biome texture ideas for CSG crystal and for ground: I would love a dark ground for crystal planet for a good contrast. a stone or massive ground, while then having bright blue crystals on there.. by the way, the crystal is made of your crystal screenshot, acesoyster. Oppinions? Can you use this?
So you should probably have a closer look at how PA terrain textures work if you want to make your own biome stuff. The textures are not tiled ~because spheres~, and are instead lots of simple elements layered and randomised within limits
Thanks for the feedback, acesyster! I will learn how to do this. With this texture layering, you probably mean somthing like the content in this directory? Let me know if you mean this. How big should the texture layers be typically? the bigger the better? The lower the better? Please also let me know if you (or someone else) needs a specific texture for your own terrain ideas. Not: I generally suck at re-texturing a CSGs. yet.
The textures are going to vary depending on what they represent. If you look through the textures for the moon biome, many of them are for small craters, and have small textures to go with them. However, there is one spiral decal that only appears a couple of times per planet which has a higher resolution. Compare the final size of your biome with those that are in the base game to get a sense of whether or not you're pushing it too far.
Ok thx. I'll have a look. Textures are in textures directory, right? Ground Texture. Not Feature CSGs.
Ok i had a look now at all textures. Holy ****, the textures look so sharp. I really need to buy a new graphic card to be able to play with uber settings,... Looks like the archived files with pattern *_tile_diffuse.png and *_tile_normal.png are templates for concrete texture creation by designer. Typical texture size is 1024*1024. I'm going to vectorice some common spiral subtractiv layers in order to make own stuff. publishing them here later... Question: Any idea what the _normal.png textures are for? Is this a heightmap? edit: its not a heightmap, its probably just material. and the specular sharpness channel is used. whatever this is. And the usage differs in biomes in terms of "light" direction...