The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger...

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by thetrophysystem, May 6, 2013.


Should the commander explode bigger, and/or more destructively?

  1. Larger explosion

    62 vote(s)
  2. More impacting explosion

    62 vote(s)
  3. Size is fine

    27 vote(s)
  4. Explosive damage is fine

    14 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. slavetoinsurance

    slavetoinsurance Member

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    Actually, this could be really cool if all the buildings are still intact, but inactive. This way, any commander or engineer could come by and capture the building and repurpose it. If the team on the receiving end of a combombing is quick enough, they could potentially steal the buildings that the now-dead commander built up before he decided to run off and blow up.
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    That would require not having any way to give/gift units to allies. The general idea is you build up some basic infrastructure, give ti to who ever isn't Combombing and then you march out to deal damage with your built-in Nuck.

  3. teradyn

    teradyn Member

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    This almost sounds like a game setting that is configurable at the beginning:
    "Allow Share Resources (Y/N)"
    "Allow Share Units (Y/N)"

    Setting both to no could be a way to discourage these tactics. This would also allow you to base the balance decision (wrt commander explosion strength and radius) on what makes sense in terms of lore/commander worth, rather than trying to fix cheese.

    I like having the option to share resources and units as a game capability, but I may not want to play a game with them turned on, especially a ranked/tournament game. Uber has already said they plan to have a lot of customization options for game type, so these could just be more of the same.
  4. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    This almost sounds like a game setting that is configurable at the beginning:
    "Allow Share Resources (Y/N)"
    "Allow Share Units (Y/N)"

    Setting both to no could be a way to discourage these tactics. This would also allow you to base the balance decision (wrt commander explosion strength and radius) on what makes sense in terms of lore/commander worth, rather than trying to fix cheese.

    I like having the option to share resources and units as a game capability, but I may not want to play a game with them turned on, especially a ranked/tournament game. Uber has already said they plan to have a lot of customization options for game type, so these could just be more of the same.[/quote]
    I'm assuming you'd intend for the default is to not allow those. Making something optional alone isn't enough, because only one can be the default option, and it's the default option(usually because it's the 'optimal' choice, like how Assassination is the Default Game mode became the game is designed around the gameplay that stems from it).

    I agree it'd go a long way to 'solve' the issue(but more so sidestep it) but I don't think it goes far enough because it doesn't solve the problem, it just adds more hurdles which might not be enough to prevent it, even if a player can't give his structures, units prior to Combombing, if they just turn inactive and can be re captured, the team can still compensate and prepare for it. I feel this is part of the reason why in SupCom when you're ACU dies all your units self destruct as well. But even that can be made somewhat beneficial to your allies, if all you build was structures, they can all be reclaimed by your allies(units too technically).

    It's far from an easy problem to tackle, I don't think all these roundabout ways to stop people from Combombing are as effective as tackling the root problem, the ComBomb Itself.

  5. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    TA structures not only die, but they disintegrate when the Commander dies. Self destruct likewise did not give wreckage. No loot = no problem.
  6. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    Didn't they say that the amount of overkill done to a unit/structure creates a inversely proportionate amount of reclaim?

    Such as, a small unit hit with an entire volley of missiles from every direction, would possibly not leave a damn thing left to reclaim?

    I could imagine they could make it to where anything within destroyable range of the commander also would be vaporized into nothing.
  7. PrinceAAwe

    PrinceAAwe Member

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    Just a suggestion but for the galactic war campaign... since the scale is gonna be so massive.. how about when a commander is destroyed it takes out the planet its on with it? seems like a fun idea... Love how the game is looking so far ^_^
  8. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    The TA suicide and "game over goodbye" were special cases that vaporized the unit. No wreckage.

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