The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger...

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by thetrophysystem, May 6, 2013.


Should the commander explode bigger, and/or more destructively?

  1. Larger explosion

    62 vote(s)
  2. More impacting explosion

    62 vote(s)
  3. Size is fine

    27 vote(s)
  4. Explosive damage is fine

    14 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. apocatequil

    apocatequil Member

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    It should make a small crater. Nuf said.
  2. Shireknight

    Shireknight Member

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    I think the explosion should be huge but the damage not too bad -in Supreme Commander they can take out three quarters of your base if they explode in the wrong place lol.
  3. Moranic

    Moranic Member

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    I do think the HP of the commander is fine. It makes you play a bit more careful with you com instead of rushing it at the enemy.
  4. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    You really insist on taking the awesome out of it don't you? In favor of an imaginary sky castle of "balance" no less.
  5. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    Don't be such a wet blanket. Yes, the gameplay implications of a huge explosion should be considered. In fact it was one of the reasons the Commander nuke was nerfed so severely in Supcom. It was awful and it felt necessary. Unfortunately, we saw that the reasons behind suiciding didn't change. Those problems have to be addressed first, as they justify Comm bombing regardless of its devastation.
    The Commander gets sacrificed because that is the best way to use it. Its resource generation in early titles was insignificant, its weapon was insufficient for defense, and its death would destroy a great chunk of base. So players metagamed around these issues; by going for the draw, by gifting everything to their ally, by blowing up inside the enemy base instead.

    Give a player a free nuke, and he's going to treat it like a free nuke. It's really that simple. You can't stop players from using Commanders as nuclear weapons, but you can punish them for using the Commander in a clearly inappropriate way.

    Everything about the Comm should absolutely be pushed to the game breaking limit, including the biggest explosion possible. It is worth the effort in the long term to create the best Comm play possible.
  6. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    You talk as if style doesn't matter. Gameplay doesn't exist in a vacuum.
  7. veta

    veta Active Member

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    quite the retort, how do you answer bob?
  8. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    I'm not even sure that statement makes sense. Lil' help?
  9. Daddie

    Daddie Member

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    It is a bit of non discussion atm. Right now Uberent is focussing to get all the core mechanics into the game. Size of explosions is part of the fine tuning afterwards..
  10. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    I'm sorry bobucles... You've hit a brick wall when you were aiming for the goal.

    I've a sneaking suspicion that bmb is moving the posts around again.
  11. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    I don't think you actually understand what moving the goalposts means.
  12. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    Commanders exploding is an artistic and "lore-friendly" choice. It also has gameplay related repercussions, especially in team based games. One does not trump the other. You must balance between the two bmb.

    The Commander exploding in an over the top style looks cool, but is objectively bad for team based gameplay as has already been pointed out in this thread (and others you have posted in. This is hardly the first topic you're sticking your oar into.)

    YOU are being hypocritical in saying that the artistic integrity of the commander's Explosion should not be changed, regardless of how it affects gameplay... and then commenting that other's are looking at gameplay in a vacuum.

    As for you "moving the goalposts", that was in response to you trying to derail a line of thinking that was only taking into account gameplay effects by pulling it towards an artistic line of thinking.

    There's nothing wrong with thinking about art... but when someone is TRYING to talk about gameplay implications, try not to force them out of their detailed examination, you'll strain their eyes.
    Last edited: May 7, 2013
  13. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    I'm saying it should not be changed because the gameplay implications are minimal and often beneficial.

    Combombing is overblown by carebears who can't handle being blown up.
  14. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    Comm nuking is one of those things that's really worth having in the game. Don't go crossing it off just because it might be "hard to balance". There are many solutions to deal with the munchkin aspects of the Comm bomb.
  15. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    Of course there is. But artistic integrity isn't really a factor there. It's a balance issue that must be solved... not hand waved away because bmb says it shouldn't be balanced.
  16. bmb

    bmb Well-Known Member

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    I'm saying it already is.
  17. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    And we vehemently disagree on that point, you and I bmb, not to mention half-a-dozen others of whom I'm sure you're well aware.

    The only comment you seem willing to post on the matter though is "Don't be such a baby".
    I'm of the opinion that words to that effect are not a discussion of balance, they are you being insulting.
    Last edited: May 7, 2013
  18. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    It is very much an artistic choice to push the Comm nuke to its limit and to tweak the gameplay around it. But if there aren't half a dozen posts every day about "Comm nuke OP", then it's really not strong enough. :lol:
    Well it's not. Not entirely. That part still needs some work.
  19. torrasque

    torrasque Active Member

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    To come back to the subject of the thread.
    I would like a more instant explosion. I'm not sure if I'm alone but I never really liked those explosions where you have to wait before the big boom.
    I really liked the instant death of the commander in TA. It was really a pure instant of gratification/punishment.
  20. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Re: The Commander Should Explode More Violently and Bigger..

    That's one area that I thought SupCom had the edge on TA. The Commander Deaths were slower... tortuous, like the difference between biting into an ice cream, and gently taking a spoonful.

    Same result, but a totally different experience. SupCom had the best Commander explosions IMO.

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