The Assassin still needs to be fixed

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Liefglinde, December 8, 2010.

  1. dredd

    dredd Member

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    Yes your right the Assassin still does need to be fixed here is why

    #1. She does way to much damage to turrets and the money ball the assassin is a class thats meant to be used to take out other players not turrets or the money ball

    #2. Shes the fastest class on the map why does she need to be able to use speed upgrades under her Endorsements?

    #3. The Lunge/ Grapple needs to be nerfed did you just grapple some one? Really then your right bumper dash/lunge is disabled for 2-4 seconds did you just Dash at some one? Really then your grapple is disabled for 2-4 seconds

    I see it all the times in games noobs with assassins just dash grapple..dash grapple..Dash grapple and they get lame free kills because of it.its ****ing stupid un balanced and Op
  2. Jet Magnum

    Jet Magnum New Member

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    1. I agree on the damage issue, but she's not meant to exclusively take out enemy pros. However, there are plenty of things that either slow an assassin down or just plain neutralizing her, even while juiced.

    2. That's hardly an issue. You might as well argue about why tanks being able to use armor endorsements. It's just silly.

    3. Noobs with assassins die, a lot. If you are dying a lot by a lunge + grapple combo, you are obviously doing something wrong. Listen carefully to their hum, and keep track of your surroundings all the time.
  3. dredd

    dredd Member

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    A tanks job is to get up in the fight not sit back and pew from range like the sniper for instance it would make perfect sence for the tank to be able to house an armor endorsement thats their job to Tank damage. assassins job is to assassinate players but most use Gold Speed Silver Armor and Skill reign Bronze and just Dash grapple one hit ko Dash Grapple one hit ko its stupid noobish unbalanced

    Thats another issue some ppl are hacking now and making it to where there assassins make no sound..and before any one says Then you must not have heard them Im a machinimarespawn director I got Turtle Beachex41 for free.and I still cant hear them some ppl are just sad homos who cant play the game with any amount of skill (BoltAction) so they turn to cheats to be able to play. And the rest of the community has to sit here and wait for the Devs to find a way to fix the issue
  4. F5in

    F5in New Member

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  5. dredd

    dredd Member

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    I really don't find it LMAO at all its sad really
  6. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    Okay, whether or not your arguments are justified, no one is going to take you seriously if you're going to talk like that. Correct punctuation and grammar are your friends.

    Also, accusing someone of having no skill without any proof isn't going to back up your case. Especially if you use unnecessary vulgarity to state your points.
  7. Obsydianyte

    Obsydianyte New Member

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    Especially if the person being accused is as renowned as Bolt. How utterly laughable.

    Stutterstep can ALSO be fixed by picking up a Speed Pickup dropped from Pros. It doesn't always fix the problem (but then again, neither does anything else always fix the problem except dying), but it's a relief when it does.

    Lunge and bomb fails, as well as stutterstepping is super nerve-wracking. I too hope they fix these issues.
    Maybe they'll work on the solutions in the PC version and then us 360 players will be delivered from this evil!
  8. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    oh lawdy I been called out yet again

    Anyways, let s not let this derail

    The sin neeeds fixes!
    There are far too many bugs and glitches and broken mechanics for one character ;(
  9. Leonyx

    Leonyx New Member

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    What is this stutterstepping thing? I don't think I've ever had a problem with that ability before.
  10. Liefglinde

    Liefglinde New Member

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    1. Unless you're host or playing on a very good one, this is near impossible due to lag.

    2. Tank does more damage from the front with Charge + Death Blossom. AMG NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF NERF

    Seriously... DREDD, you have trolled my threads before. Don't need you here again. I know that any halfway decent Assassin makes you sad because you can't go undefeated, but that doesn't make them overpowered.
  11. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    dude seriously. i havent thought of lunge grapples as a problem since non-allstar lv50, and im almost a gapshot now. i used to run on a 19 inch 10 year old tv that has seen gaming its entire life, and i can STILL pick an assassin out in a gunfight. the cloak isnt worth much after you get good at spotting it.

    also: if there was EVER a way to get everyone here to follow a point you are trying to make, calling out one of the more respected members here is the best way to do so. ESPECIALLY when your claim holds no merit in the first place.
  12. GhostRain

    GhostRain New Member

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    I go for a lunge and then the system says "Lemme roll the dice here, Today you get half lunge!"

    Stutter step UGRAWWWWW!!!! :x

    Smoke Bomb "Wait why am I still here? Oh please don't kill me!"

    Has anyone noticed that sometimes you respawn with dash skill locked so you cant use it?! OMG The Only way Ive found to fix it is to upgrade the skill to unlock it again. Oh or die since I really like that option better.

    Help us!
  13. Saint Mudknot

    Saint Mudknot New Member

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    Last night i was stutter stepping so badly, i died consistently because the smoke jump failed every single time, i counted a 7 streak fail. Then when i would go to lunge at people i would either lunge in sloooooow motion, or i wouldn't even move and just hover in the same spot with the lunge animation going on.

    I hope this class gets fixed soon, its so buggy but so fun.
  14. InsolubleFluff

    InsolubleFluff New Member

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    I got an uberstreak whilst stutterstepping the other day. It wasn't easy, but made it all the more worth it :)!

    Any ways, I'd definitely NOT agree that the assassin is over powered. The whole beauty of the assassin is she's fast and deadly but extremely fragile. Gold armour and silver armour are near enough necessities to survive, but I know if I ever came across an assassin who was good enough to play with no armour endorsement at all, she'd be such a killing machine it's unreal haha. I can imagine it now; Speed, Skill Regen, Rate of Fire in no particular order.

    Anywho, OP is a cool guy and has made cool points. Please fix Uber!
  15. dredd

    dredd Member

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    There is a difference between trolling and giving my opinion and feedback on a game (Like I did a PAX when I found the MNC booth and played the game there) and any particular player that cheats in said game, Now Im a machinimarespawn director I get youtube time free sponsor stuff Turtle Beaches shirts so on so forth when I can hear with my said x41 Turtle Beaches a Tank.or a Sniper..OR even other enemy Assassins on the other team walking around the mapclear on the other side of the map and there is that one Assassin that makes no sound what so ever that can run up behind me and Assassinate me with no sound what so ever that causes me to sit back for a moment and think

    (Hmmmm I can hear his other team members why not him and its not just one time its every single time he does it hmmmmmmmm)

    Now the only logical conclusion I can come up with is hes cheating hes already admitted to me and five others in a party he (BoltAction) uses a modded controller..its not really a breach of the xboxlive TOS to use a modded controller now but it is really lame and does leave the door open for me and others to think hes cheating when his Assassin makes no sound thats my Opinion not a Troll

    And no youre wrong any half way decent player doesnt make me mad any player who cheats or knowingly uses a glitch to get the advantage over me makes me mad you should see me and Jedidreams go at thats a fun fight hes ranked in the top 20s in the world for kills and me and him run the same Assault but also VERY fun because why? I know he's not cheating Given the evidence I cant say the same for BoltActionthats why I put him on my Avoid list And reported him

    However you did make some good points in your post and after my opinion Id like to touch on them for a moment I agree basically the only time you can get the full fun experience out of a game is when your host or you live near the host like Ive stated many times before Dedicated servers would fix almost 99.99 % of the lag issues with MNC EA Games knows this first hand BFBC2 Runs on Dedicated servers and almost no one gripes about lag and when they DO its there crappy connection thats causing the lag

    And yeah the tanks level 3 Dash is a little busted it knocks you down..and your frozen in place for 3 seconds before the game lets you move.and all the tank needs is 2 seconds to finish you off after that dash and Ive seen other people do this and Ill admit Ive done it as well use the Jet gun until there is a sliver of ammo left and Death Blossom and get the full damage out of it these 2 issues need to be fixed in the next patch for the 360
  16. The Dude 421

    The Dude 421 New Member

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    lulz. I wanna play this kid so i can be called a cheater.
  17. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    Hey DREDD, did you know that you can't hear an Assassin when she's not cloaked? Any decent Assassin will turn off cloak when they are about to go for a grapple. I would put Bolt on my list of decent Assassins.

    You pay $400 for the level 3 charge on the Tank. Yes, it adds knockdown. The menu tells you that when you buy it. 3 seconds? Closer to 1.

    They already fixed the Death Blossom. If YOU can still get full damage from a partial clip, which you just said you do, you are cheating and therefor reported. See what I did there?

    You're probably already on his avoided list...and reported. Don't ask me how or why. I'm just guessing.
  18. GhostRain

    GhostRain New Member

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    tl dr
  19. dredd

    dredd Member

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    Yo moron I didnt say any one gets full damage out of a Death Blossom with a sliver of ammo left in the jet gun was a cheater and to be honest I havent noticed any reduced damage in it But honestly any Assassin who drops there cloak in or near the enemy base is a moron because the level 3 cloak recharges the cloak if you stand still
  20. JON10395

    JON10395 New Member

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    I know you didn't say that. I did. You said it is something that you do, Uber said they fixed it and that it was unintentional. By your definition, it is a glitch. You admit to using it = you are a glitcher.

    If an Assassin who drops her cloak near the enemy base is a moron, how do you feel about getting lunge grappled by a moron (repeatedly)? Just curious...

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