1. maxcomander

    maxcomander Active Member

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    If I was betting, I would be leaning towards how it works now, simply because the the orbital launcher currently is to small to fit a commander inside it. Also I think animating how the commander mount's the rocket may be difficult to do in game. I'm not a developer so that's purely speculation.

    I'd also like to see multi unit transports, orbital or otherwise.. But I love the way the game play's currently. That new Ai Is awesome btw. I had some really good games against it this weekend. =)

    Anyways I'm aware I'm getting a little of topic here so I'll Finish with that. Apologies to the Op.
  2. pivo187

    pivo187 Active Member

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    I think we all want multi unit transports with easy built in UI usage. Multitransports seem to be the best way to surprise attack on these larger planets & even to get in range of strong defenses like pelters, catapult, & holkins & also to attack a planet ur enemy has set base up on.
    stormingkiwi likes this.

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