Team Baconators Recruiting

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Clans, Team, and Tournamen' started by WildmanX2k, April 19, 2011.

  1. Disturbance24

    Disturbance24 Member

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    Yeah we might have to recruit some more people. Hopefully some of the peeps we teamed up with will join us, otherwise we're gonna have some 3v6 scrims lol.
  2. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    I'm excited for our scrim saturday guys, let's do this!!
  3. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    An Arctic Fox-- Assassin (Leader)
    Wildman X2k-- Tank (Co-leader)
    pilkey420 ----- Assault
    SkizoFrantiK-- Gunner
    wazupwiop---- Support
    A R IE S x----- Sniper
    aTb RippeR----Support
    Last edited: April 30, 2011
  4. desertfalcon

    desertfalcon Active Member

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    NOOOOOO not skizofrantik!! hes going to kill me!!
  5. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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  6. HazeTheRipper

    HazeTheRipper New Member

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    its aTb Not ATB thx for chanche xD
  7. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    i would like to play you guys sometime. maybe now wildman will have a team as dedicated as he is.
  8. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    whoops sorry. Changed it now
  9. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Would also like to play your team, but I don't think we will soon. We haven't even all played in a private match, let alone work as a team. When we get better i'll let you know.
  10. Pilkey420

    Pilkey420 New Member

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    I think this would be a perfect game to see how we do, we all know TEG is good correct? so why not play a good team to see if we're up there with them or if we just get destroyed, i dont think we would do to bad though.
  11. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    This may sound a little harsh, but I want to play teams near our skill level first before taking on competitive teams. I don't want our first scrims to be us losing because then you guys might not want to play again.

    Sory if anyone took offense.
  12. Pilkey420

    Pilkey420 New Member

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    I understand what your saying, im just saying it would be good to see if we're at their level or not and win or lose, im always going to wanna play again.
  13. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Wanna scrim my new team, then? 5v5 perhaps?
  14. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    if it makes you feel any better, our "warm-up scrims" consisted of teg vs xShammas, ChRoN1Cle, Miracle JF, MLGintervention, PU5H, Deadpool FTW, and a few others.

    we got stomped, but it is best to play against an organized team so they can give you help regarding what you are doing wrong, as opposed to playing another team that has little to no experience playing the competitive scene.

    just saying...
  15. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Okay. Will speak to Fox and we'll make a decision.
  16. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    dont mention names then because fox hates me.
  17. WildmanX2k

    WildmanX2k New Member

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    Whose in your team?
    We have 6 people so it'll be 6 vs 6
    EDIT - Unless you only have a team of 5, but we have to lose the same class e.g No Tanks on either team so it's fair.
  18. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    You guys need a lot of work. There is an overall pub mentality with some of your players that is just unacceptable if you want to be a good team.
  19. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    aires needs to learn the difference between a public and a private, and adjust his playstyle accordingly.

    you guys need to try to have it so you can all play at least one other class just in case you end up with an awkward roster.

    you guys need to make sure your gunner and assassin are top notch because having a poor performance from either class will guarantee a loss.

    you need to get your players to set aside rivalries and just man up and play a match regardless of who it is against.

    by the off chance that skizo is offline/unavailable, you NEED wildman as gunner. none of your other teammates are as good as he is.


    your support needs to be healing your gunner, NOT NOT NOT building and hacking rockets. i have to say the Steelpeel match today was lost almost entirely because of your supports actions. if your gunner (chronicle) had a decent leash, he should have been able to keep me at bay, instead of allowing me to waltz right through your base and do as i please.

    your assaults(needs to be remedied) need to realize that a gunner is their hard counter and they should under NO circumstances try to 1v1 a full health gunner. i walked all over pilky because he would try to fight me 1 on 1.

    you guys have a decent amount of individual skill, but as a whole you really need to work more on teamwork. if the enemy gunner is giving your tank problems, focus fire on him to keep him back. this isnt a lone-wolf game, and if treated like one, it wont end well.

    in the lazerrazor match, i feel like i saw wazupwiop way too much. that may not effect you too much seing as he isnt an assassin main, but still useful information.

    at this point, i would say that aries is probably your weakest link right now because he knows nothing of the competitive metagame whatsoever.

    wildman or wazupwiop are probably the strongest links now. wazup has a good skill level with all classes and has a decent grasp on what he should be doing. wildman is a solid tank and an awesome gunner, and has a great grasp on what he needs to be doing.


    all that being said, i think you guys did well for having subs and whatnot. was that your first handful of competitive matches as a (nearly) full team?
  20. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    Glad to hear someone in the top 100 sees me as decent....

    As far as seeing me often, I am not concerned about that when I play assassin. I was able to kill several of your members because I wasn't cloaked. I backstabbed Miracle twice, and your Sniper and support were easy pickings. There are times where I will cloak alot, but Lazer Razor gives me a TON of cover.

    I usually play support. I forget who we had covering the support role, but they really weren't playing up-to-par. Tank is my weakest class, I need to work on it some more.

    Aires is one of the better snipers I have seen. He isn't as good as Sigmar, but he definitely can take down people quickly. He plays WAY too aggressively though.

    Wildman beats me anyday. His gunner is AMAZING, and his tank railgun skills are good as well.
    Artic played gunner on Lazer Razor because he felt like he was a better gunner than I. Fine by me, but he got ran over because the support wasn't doing his job. Wildman should have been playing gunner imo. I haven't seen Scitzo play, so I don't know his skill level.

    Pilkey is a pretty good assault. I didn't see much of his gameplay, but he also plays pretty aggressively. I think we need to work on spawn trapping personally.

    To me, it seemed like I was wrecking the bots and the base, but the team couldn't push out. I was backstabbing, juicing, and whatnot, but at the same time it didn't do much good. When I mean spawn trapping, I mean learning to push the enemy back w/o overextending ourselves. Whenever my team overextended, they died.

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