Tanks deploy skill.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Lucky13, December 26, 2010.

  1. XyzKiller

    XyzKiller New Member

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    How to win with Tank's Deploy:
    1.) Get Deploy 3 sometime
    2.) Get enemy moneyball shield down
    3.) Sit *under their spawn and Deploy with Jet Gun out
    4.) **Fire at moneyball
    5.) Tank damage & build Juice
    6.) Release Juice
    7.) Repeat steps 4 through 7 till you win

    *Sitting under their spawn prevents you from being their main focus of attack on and helps you gain juice from those who are attacking you without dieing.
    **If Assassins or anyone tries to grapple you, press jetpack to flame them from behind.

  2. noxiousg

    noxiousg New Member

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    This will work until a half-inteligent assassin uses cloak and the S-launcher to kill you in two clips. By the time you can even undeploy, you'll have just a sliver of health left.
  3. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The Tanks deploy skill is really useful for base assaulting. Deploy in front of an enemy turret, product grenade so it's stunned and stops shooting, then just burn it down. Why is this better then just walking up to the turret and doing the same thing? While deployed you can't be grappled and/or charged/bombed/slammed away.

    Also while deployed the Tank becomes stronger and so do his weapons and his Jet Gun's range is about doubled.
  4. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    I've yet to see any actual noticeable increase in damage or damage resistance. If it's there, it's extremely marginal*.

    Guess what also beats being grappled/charged/bombed/slammed? Jumping. Plus evades 30% of incoming fire by being a moving target.

    *Like Bot Support Aura marginal.
  5. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Get a second player and go into a private game and do tests of your own.

    Um yea no.
  6. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    Oh wait, I forgot to mention: By the time you're making an assault on the base, you should have picked up a speed endorsement or two on the way, making deployment even less protective vs. chaos.

    This is like in TF2: You can plonk a sentry down anywhere or your fat Heavy arse there, but with all the rockets and grenades and bullets, don't cry when it wont last a few seconds. Only thing you can do is keep moving.
  7. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    When I am base assaulting I am going after turrets, not Pros. I use my product grenade, since hitting it with a turret causes it to stop shooting. Deploy so I can destroy it faster and to last a bit longer.

    I also use it to destroy Jackbot XL's faster.
  8. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    You can still be hit by charge AND bomb while jumping, and its actually worse if you do get hit by either while jumping since you will fly twice as far (and likely out of the ring).

    I'll absolutely use deploy to juice down a level 3 rocket turret.
  9. Alienami

    Alienami New Member

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    I use tank deploy to heal, I also use it if there aren't Pros around and I can kill any turret besides a Rocket turret easily, or money ball, the ammo regen is very handy. But, if the players are good it only speeds up your death.
  10. Ironheart

    Ironheart New Member

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    Yeah, no. You need to hover for almost a full second to outrange grapples.
    Trying to jump everything else will just ensure you a ringout.
  11. MikeyTWolf

    MikeyTWolf New Member

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    You only need to be not on the ground for a grapple animation of ANY kind to fail, so you don't need to be hover for a second, just off the ground. It's how you counter assassins and will apply to all the classes.

    Plus jumping over an explosive charge won't guranteed a ringout if you jump AT it, rather than away from it, since vertical height takes away horizontal momentum, damage doesn't seem to increase the closer you are to the source, and being launched upwards grants you better air-control to land back on the map, especially when you have jets to assist. Yes it gets harder the higher level it is, but map awareness will help you jump at an angle more likely to throw you towards the center of the map or a wall.

    Only exception is airstrikes, which is more incentive to not deploy.
  12. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Deploy under cover and Air Strikes can't do anything unless the Support is smart and air strikes the ground next to you.

    The Assaults bomb does not launch you upwards it launches you away from the bomb. Also once in the air from an enemy attack you can't aim where you want to go or land unless you are the Assault.

    Jumping does not counter charges from either an Assault and/or a Tank. Your toes can be at their forehead and you will still be charged with the full effect.
  13. zarakon

    zarakon Active Member

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    jump +jet high enough, and charge will miss completely
  14. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    And since your jet has a very limited duration, I'll be hitting you with charge on your way down if I could not hit you on your way up.
  15. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    The point is there are certain times when the skill is invaluable. It has plenty of good situational uses even if you don't use it every game. There are times where you need juiced mobility and there are times where you need staying power to siege.

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