Tank vs Assault: Help!

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by lord_sammy, January 23, 2011.

  1. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    The assault doesn't have many weaknesses. As assassin, I have found that I can get tons of player kills through well-timed ejector uses. That isn't assault specific, but it works if the are down on ground level.

    The gunner can win in a 1v1 fight against an assault provided that the assault doesn't use any of his abilities. I know the times I fought gunners as assault, I always bombed, then shot them, or I grapple-threw them off the edge. The gunner isn't a good counter vs. a good assault.

    The sniper can kill an assault through his freeze traps and head shots, but a good assault won't fall for that, so you are really stuck with an ambush grapple..... if that even works. Flak will also kill a weakened assault, or one with no armor very quickly.

    The support can do decently against an assault. A good support is the one thing I fear as assault. The support's H/H gun has a decent range that can still reach an assault a short time after their charge. If the support lures the assault into the range of his firebase, one or two quick shotgun attacks combined with the firebase=dead assault, no matter what armor the assault are using.

    Tanks can also fair very well against an assault, the key is using the proper scenarios to kill them. The big problem of the tank is the mid-range vs. assault, but in the right situation the charge 3 + jet gun will destroy them 99% of the time. The jet gun will light them on fire and will burn them as they run away, so if your initial charge doesn't kill them, the jet gun will. The key to this strategy is to not fight the assault on open ground where they can kill you at medium range. You really need to use this where you can surprise them. I like to use this on the L bridges on spunky. I like to get the attention of the assault through rail gunning them. After they notice me, I retreat to the corner of the L and hide under the ledge. When the assault comes running after me, I ambush-charge them, then use 1/2 to 3/4 of my jet gun on them. By this time the stun-knockdown should have worn off. If they are not already dead, you need to death blossom with the last half of your jet gun ammo to finish and light them again. Basically, you have to get them to turn or walk towards a corner so you can surprise them and not get shot at mid-range.

    The only real counter to an assault is another assault. When two assaults fight, it is usually the first one to hit who wins. I use a few different builds of assault depending on the situation, but typically when an assault battle starts, bullets and bombs go flying. If I am winning the fight, I will charge to finish him off. If I am losing, I use the GL and start bouncing those things off the walls.
  2. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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  3. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    I tear up assaults w/ gunner using gold accuracy or gold crit, especially while deployed. *shrug*
  4. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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  5. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    The only thing that makes the assault OP is his high amount of damage combined with his small hit box.
  6. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    assault is over powered because assault > tank/sniper
    NOTHING > assault
  7. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    And Assaults are my third most-killed Pro. and I main Tank. The best Assaults are untouchable though. If the whole double-bomb thing gets sorted out, their bag o' tricks will be reduced a little.
  8. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    So if the only thing that counters a good Assault is another Assault, does that mean eventually everyone will go "screw the other classes Assault is the best"? XD
  9. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    No!!! An assault might be good at killing pros, but they lack the ability to kill bots as well as other classes. This is why other classes are good at skills and abilities as well. Gunners can kill everything decently. Tanks can push bots and counter assassins. Assassins are also good against pros, but they can juice turrets and push bots. Support is a good all-round defensive player. Assaults are really only good vs. pros. I am going to stop worrying about my K/D ratio, winning the game is what matters. I won't make stupid decisions, but not all pros are created equal for certain tasks.
  10. Edward Coug

    Edward Coug New Member

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    The best way to get good with the rail gun is to stop using the jet gun entirely for a while and go out of your way to put yourself in bad situations against assaults (mid to close range) and snipers (long range). It's not good for your k/d ratio, but it will make you better in a hurry.

    I learned the tank backwards. I had far more rail gun kills than jet gun kills for a long time.
  11. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    Only joking >.>
  12. DismayVJJ

    DismayVJJ New Member

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    This. This is what I was trying to get across in my last few paragraphs. Assault may seem OP when it come to killing pros, but to clear a bot wave knocking on their door, they fall shorter of the classes that excel at it.

    I didn't mean to derail this thread into a QQ about about class balance vs Assault, what I was trying to propose was the question of their vulnerabilities, which they seem to have few of. Once you have acknowledge their weaknesses and limitations, then you can develop a strategy and technique to deal with said situation. So back on topic I go!

    (Warning; This gets long)

    The problem the OP may be having is that you are looking at things the wrong way. A good player rarely dies, They know how to avoid bad situations and when to retreat. Instead of thinking of killing an Assault as the only means to measure victory, try to see it as a battle of map control. If an assault is taking out any pros trying to push a bot lane, then he is winning map control. If you repel that assault to go on the defensive and regen, for even 10 seconds, this gives you means to establish map control and take out any bots that he was guarding, thus this is a 'won' battle situation for the moment, and now the opposing team battles to win back their lost ground, and the cycle repeats.

    This applies to every class, Assaults are just one of the harder classes to win these battles against, especially as a Tank since we have one of the weakest mid ranges compounded by slow maneuverability and our strength isn't pro killing as much as it is bot clearing and map control.

    Against an average skilled assault, there are a few ways to take care of them as a tank 1v1. Many of them have been mentioned and these are probably common sense, but I'll just throw out there what I do. I'm in no means the best player. I'd say I'm average. My K/D is always in the positive and I play objectively, but when I'm carrying my losing team by bot clearing and pro hunting, then it can unfortunately drop to 1/1 while still leading my team of scrubs :roll:

    Scenario 1; mid / long range head on head
    If you spot an assault and they are at long range, product 'nade if / while they are aiming down their sights and take pot shots with the rail gun. If he runs away and take cover, I consider that a win for the time being. If he pulls out the grenade launcher, retreat / dodge while taking potshots.

    If you miss with the product grenade, which is easy to do vs assault, and they take notice to you and start heading your way, continue to fire at them while backpedaling, heading for the nearest tank-charge jump spot and ready yourself for a quick escape. Once he is in range where his bullets start to take health away, tank jump to safety. Hopefully you drew him out into the open where you can still take shots at him, and if not he should be low enough on health that your team-mates can take care of him.

    Scenario 2; Mid / close range head on head
    Basically the same as the second half of scenario one, take pot shots with the RG, try to product grenade, ready yourself for an tank-jump escape once you start taking damage. Try to lure him into the open. You can't win at mid range, so don't try unless it is your last hope.

    Scenario 3; Suprise! I'm in yo' face head on head
    Say you round a corner and both the Assault and you weren't expecting to find anyone on the other side. There are a few ways to deal with him.

    3a) IF you have charge 3 and its up and its safe enough, you can use it for the quick charge + death blossom kill assuming it hits first and he hasn't dashed at the same time. If you both dash / charge and bump off each other, it will probably be in his favor as he can jump over any death blossom and shotty hit detection with the jet gun make it a toss up. If he is out of jet gun range, chances are you are already dead from a Bomb blast and/or AR rounds. If the gods deem your beard worthy enough and you happen to live then you are as mighty as Zeus himself, or the assault is just plain bad.

    3b) Another more reliable way (imo) to take on a surprise head on head is to jump and go backwards diagonally and cross your fingers he blows dash on a whiff. If he doesn't dash right away and doesn't run out of DB range, then you can take him out with a deathblossom / charge. When/if he misses on the dash, deathblossom / Charge if its safe. If its not safe then product nade / jet gun / deathblossom / ect.

    You will have the upper hand in this situation because he will be disoriented for a split second trying to scope you in after the dash and you know about where he is going to stop when his dash ends. If he retreats, you still have charge and he doesn't have dash which gives you the upper hand to stay in close range viable and safe. If it's not safe to follow then try to finish him off with the RG, you only should need 1-2 RG shots landing to finish him off. Watch and listen for any Bombs he might throw out and don't get greedy by following him into the open.

    If he happens to hit you with the initial dash, you can hope that you land in the arena and therefore are at long range to pot-shot him with the RG, and still have charge to tank jump to safety if needed.

    Scenario 4) Getting the jump on an unaware Assault
    If anyone has to explain how to kill a insert class here from behind, then you are doing it wrong. I will remind you, don't get tunnel visioned while running towards that pesky opponent that has been harassing you all game and get killed from behind yourself.

    General advice; If you are losing any battle against an Assault that isn't close range the best thing to do is just tank charge - jump away. Also, don't get too greedy in chasing down an assault that only has 1 RG shot left to finish him off as you will probably find yourself at the respawn screen faster than Mickey Cantor can fire off one of his trademarked witty phrases.

    The easiest way to deal with any opponent is to not be a lone wolf and play with a team that sticks together. Unfortunately pubs are crawling with lone wolves trying to imitate that guy they saw go 40+ kills and don't realize he was relying on on teammates for the most part to get him that score.

    I didn't mean to make such a wall of text. At the beginning i was planning on only a few paragraphs but it blossomed into a essay :lol:. Again I acknowledge that I'm only an average player so this may not pertain to you if you are more enlightened than I at this game.

    Thanks anyone that took the time to read this wall of text and I'm open to criticism to improve my gameplay, but flame away if you must, it will just show how little intelligence you have as an individual. Have a nice day! ;)

    Edit: I forgot to mention that against any skilled assault player I just avoid them as a tank unless I can get the jump on them being unaware of my presence. A skilled assault will beat out a tank more times than not because of the tanks weak mid-range and the abilities the assault has to keep a tank at mid-range fairly easy.
  13. lord_sammy

    lord_sammy New Member

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    Thank you. I'll keep all of this in mind next time I play the fat egg.
  14. x killa

    x killa New Member

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    Get your railgun aim up. I was playing against 2 fairly good assualt players and I always railgunned them to death. Even after they've charged far away. I always try to keep my distance from the assault. If you can get a charge to hit, they are dead.
  15. Zander Star

    Zander Star New Member

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    Untill you get proficent with the rail gun, i.e hit 80% of your shots your pretty much left with the peachypony sneaky beaver tactics.

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