Tank is the most overpowered class

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Sephisticated, January 13, 2011.

  1. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    It all depends what setup and how you play it. Some use deploy, some use rail gun, some use skills, some use jet flame, some use death blossom, some use all. I use him as a bot pusher. If you want kills then you need a speed/skill endorsement
  2. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Having gone through the thread, I must say a skilled tank is a force to be reckoned with. But not overpowered.

    The overpowered-ness seems to be stemming from the assumption that every Rail Gun shot hits, as well as a Product Grenade. The way I see it, that's only if you're better. If every single one of your shots hit, and theirs don't, it's because you're better as a player, if only in that one instance. You might the right moves, and they didn't.

    If two players of equal skill were to meet, the only match-ups a Tank would win would be a Support, and Assassin. And, I guess since it would Tank vs Tank, a Tank would win that too ;)

    Assuming every shot hits is only fair if you do the same for the enemy when judging balance. Every Rail Gun shot may hit that Gunner, but if every BULLET hits you, then you WILL die first, unless you were out of range.

    While the Tank has an amazing set up, so does every other pro. It's just about playing to your advantages, and avoiding theirs. See the tank? Either back off, or let loose.
  3. Sephisticated

    Sephisticated New Member

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    But the best tank agrees with me

    I must be right?

  4. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    The only problem is that it wasn't a 1v1, it was more a 2v3. Shammas had two (stupid) Assassins trying to kill me, and I had ManaCorp below me with a firebase and a hacked Rockit Turret I could fall back on. If it was just me vs. Shammas, it probably still would have been a stalemate, but that is because I'm not good at sniping. I'm confident that in the same situation Sigmar or PoeTayToez or Grindout or [insert another good sniper] would have had him dead or at least pushed back farther.

    Edit: My point being that I haven't run into a Tank that I considered unstoppable. Assaults on the other hand...
  5. Shammas Draft Picks

    Shammas Draft Picks New Member

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    I haven't met an assault that I couldn't shut down. But it's not really about 1v1s or anything in team matches. Each race is important and you have to have one of each working together to be the best you can. I won't try to fight a sniper 1v1 with my team, I'll probably just blind him or put shots in him so Miracle can bomb him. I think it's just that an assault or a very good tank are the only 2 classes at the moment who can stand a good chance against any other class in a 1v1.

    Here's how I see it versus other classes 1v1 for me (assuming they are good):
    Assassin: 90-10
    Support: 85-15
    Gunner: 80-20
    Assault: 70-30
    Sniper: 40-60
    Tank: I never fight tanks 1v1, it's literally impossible to kill a tank from full health as a tank. It just ends up being a stalemate until someone's team-mate steps in.
  6. wazupwiop

    wazupwiop New Member

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    I think there is a good element of surprise that needs to be used as a tank. A good tank will round a corner with charge 3, knock down an opponent or 2, and finish them with a jet gun.
  7. sensitivepsycho

    sensitivepsycho New Member

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    Tank is fine what are you guys talking about he's perfectly normal in fact he's a little underpowered come to think of it yeah Uber give the Tank a buff.


    To hit Assaults reliably, you'll really have to run Accuracy. That said, If you get the drop on someone with Gold ROF, you're going to take off half of their health with the Railgun before they turn around - Gunners are my second most-killed class after Assassin for this exact reason.

    The Tank isn't overpowered - he's just awesome.

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