Tank Commander - PA minigame v1.5 (closed)

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by ozonexo3, March 1, 2014.

  1. ozonexo3

    ozonexo3 Active Member

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    This is realy nice that you tell something like that about me, but you shouldn't tell such things. Without uber, there will be nothing. They are much more expirienced than I am. Creating minigame when there is idea for it, using existing universe, assets and even using existing community is not that hard as creating IP from begining, designing it and finding people who will buy it and love it.
    stuart98, zweistein000 and LavaSnake like this.
  2. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    Woah. This... this is special.

    Uber is making a game that is many many many times larger than a little flash game.

    This mini game used assets from the game. Just like how we can't make a game with stuff from Star Wars, Call of Duty, or anything else that is owned by someone else. It has nothing to do with any of the stupid reasons you brought up. The mini game was using the property of Uber. That's not allowed.
    v4skunk84 and stuart98 like this.
  3. allister

    allister Active Member

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    Kind of sounds like the same reason Notch (Mojang) wouldn't allow BrandonJLA to make the feature length Minecraft movie that he was raising money for. I understand and forgive both companies. :)
  4. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    That and I think Uber didn't close the game because they are afraid that it will grab all the players attention. I believe to was rather because (how do I put this to not make Uber look like an evil corporation)... the game made its point, it showed that ozone can make great games and has the right mind to create fun games, but Uber can't really deal with that now, especially because I get the feeling that they really want to release 1.0 PA within 3 months (note: just my gut feeling, nothing confirmed/said from uber) and for this game to be completely legal a long and tedious process of negotiation would be required that would take time and other resources form Uber. The game doesn't exactly fall under fair use, at least I think it doesn't and even then I think some talk would be needed.

    Legal issues, would plague both sides if left untouched, fixing it would take too much time.
  5. v4skunk84

    v4skunk84 Active Member

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    I think Uber were already being awesome for allowing ozonexo3 to show his skills in creating a nice mini game.
    I have not played it yet, so i can't give an opinion on it, but if it is good ozonexo3 does deserve some recognition and may be even a little help and a few pointer to get into the gaming industry.
    I wish i knew how to make games, but i decided to be a oily automotive engineer :'(
  6. ozonexo3

    ozonexo3 Active Member

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    I'm already working in game industry.
    v4skunk84 likes this.
  7. doud

    doud Well-Known Member

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    Problem is if you grant rights to someone to use your stuff, there's no other way than complex license agreement. Otherwise it means you grant rights to anyone. How will you ensure that someone isn't going to use your material to make profits ? O3 intentions were without any doubt, good intentions. But if there's no license agreement, it means you have no control over what belongs to you.
  8. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    This is awesome!!! :D
  9. Remy561

    Remy561 Post Master General

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    And then you read that the game has to be closed, damn u copyright laws!!
  10. ozonexo3

    ozonexo3 Active Member

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    brianpurkiss likes this.

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