T2 Missile Defence/AA?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by arausio, January 5, 2014.

  1. arausio

    arausio Member

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    Hey everyone,

    I recently got PA because since it cropped up on Kickstarter I've been watching it closely and well, the Steam Sale finally suckered me in. As a longtime fan of TA and SupCom/FA, when I started playing, I realised after hitting T2 that the only T2 AA was T2 Aircraft. Why is this?

    I've found in the roughly 20hours I've soaked into PA so far that T2 Air Sup Fighters are utterly decimated by T1 Fighter blobs. Since they are faster to produce and cheaper to build, people can easily have 5+ no fabb'd Air Facs pumping these things out over the course of the game to totally nullify bomber runs etc.

    Ok, it's a legit way of dealing with this, but It seems that whoever owns the biggest fighter blobs, wins the sky since the only other AA comes in the form of T1 Bots/Vehi/Boats and Missile defence towers, which frankly, tickle T2 bombers.

    In short. T1 Fighter Blobs will secure a T2 Bomber victory simple due to the lack of hard hitting AA outside of the T2 Air Sup fighters.

    Will we ever see ground based T2 defence in the same vein as SAM Launchers in FA?
    stormingkiwi likes this.
  2. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    More likely to be flak then sams...
    and please use a search next time this is a topic that has been discussed before as well as in livestreams ... otherwise use the faq
  3. arausio

    arausio Member

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    Flak would be lovely vs Blobs. Something in the same idea as Cybran T2 AA, but that could actually hit something :p

    Didn't see the point to reviving a dead thread and the FAQ doesnt mention anything pertaining to T2 AA, only Shields.

    Besides, new thread, new discussions.
  4. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    New thread , old topic , spread information , annoyed people
    mered4 likes this.
  5. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Well, annoyed you.

    Most people seem to be fine with it as it is rather common for forums.
    bradaz85 likes this.
  6. bradburning

    bradburning Active Member

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    This topic has not come up in quite some time and its not an easy search to make to find the old threads. The no new topics on already made ones is to protect against spam...... like all those spam threads we did not get about nukes.....

    Any way I am really hoping to see flak to stop groups of T2 bombers when they clump up it will make it possible to to defended anti nukes and other high value targets. Though I dont want to see flack with and AOE until we have formations to make it easier to carpet bomb and area.
  7. TheDeadlyShoe

    TheDeadlyShoe Member

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  8. fragal0t

    fragal0t New Member

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    This is one reason why most ppl don't deal with forums. As a new user here, that crap makes people avoid forums all together, not just here on Ubernet. Searching for threads in these things is a horrible mess.

    When new people come in they ask the same old questions that annoy the old-farts in here, they act condescending by telling them "use search, it's been talked about before, respond to the old threads, Bah Humbug.." that doesn't help us. You could perhaps summarize the old thread, or at least link the old thread to us for other to review. TY
    stormingkiwi and ORFJackal like this.
  9. emraldis

    emraldis Post Master General

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    That is true, but you can also look at the FAQ at least, because it's quite easy to access. I don't think you're covering something on the FAQ, but a lot of new people ask the same question every second day, and those questions are usually answered on the FAQ. It's mostly at that point that the "old farts" get annoyed. Either that or when people post new threads about something that is posted incredibly often, such as this topic. Not to say what you are doing is bad, just pointing out why/when some of the more veteran forum-goers get annoyed quickly about these kinds of posts.
  10. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

    Likes Received:
    There are threads with links to the topics asked already ....what more do you want?
    looking them up is up to you we cant do more then make summerising threads with links to specific threads you looking for ... search for them do some research yourself ....
    or go on and make the forum even more of a mess .... because why should anyone care ... right?
  11. brianpurkiss

    brianpurkiss Post Master General

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    The problem is, there's new people all the time. Lots of forum users just hop on to ask one question when they can figure it out on their own.

    We're under no obligation to perform research for you.

    The information is readily available.

    What's more, you've been answered on this thread. Several times.

    Uber will be implementing some form of advanced aa tower, most likely flack.

    I'm personally REALLY looking forward to this tower.

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