SXD24's Health and Armor Endorsement Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by sxd24, December 22, 2010.

  1. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    I based my armor guide off the supports shotgun. Each shot does over 100hp health. This will kill a sniper/assassin with no armor in one shot. Try this on the support with no passive and I'm pretty sure he might be able to survive 2 shots since he has roughly 125-150hp. This is how you meassure the tank and gunner.

    Putting gold armor on the gunner lets him survive 3 shots I beleive while tank can withstand 4-5 shots with passive 3 and gold.

    I have it down on paper but the armor listing was posted here a long time ago I beleive.

    Sniper/Assassin- 100 hp
    Support- 125-150hp
    Assault 125-150 hp
    gunner/tank- 200 hp

    Then the armor is 25-30hp bronze/50-60hp silver/75-85hp gold
    I might be off...

    Then the passives add roughly one level of bronze. Tank gets 2 and support gets 1.

    tank can have 325-350 hp with gold and passive 3
    support can have 150hp with passive 3 (passive 2 increases health recover speed)

    To measure the exact detail use assassin and each shruiken that hits does 5hp damage.
  2. Mellowbusiness

    Mellowbusiness New Member

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    this whole topic is bascially saying that the characters that NEED health endorsements are

    Snipah, assassin, support (silver so that he doesnt die to a face stab)

    Gunner doesnt need health unless you have big problems with assassins, then go for gold so you can survive a backstab at full health (but its not like you can do much to a smart assassin up close anyway)

    Assault doesnt benefit from health much since he will die from backstabs anyway. he can use other more endorsements

    tank doesn't need it but its helpful especially if assassins are near since he can survive a backstab katana with only bassive 2 and silver health (in which the only way an assassin could kill him is to lunge and grab)
  3. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Well if you know what the damage of each weapon does you can do the math now that endorsements of the killers can be seen.

    Ie: Sniper/Assassin with no armor will die extremely easy to a tank/assault charge etc..

    A gunner with gold armor will die to over 4-5 shotgun blasts..
    I'll grab my book next time I'm on and post my damage stats..

    Might help sxd more
  4. TOM12121112

    TOM12121112 New Member

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    assassinations arent the only thing armor is good for. the way i look at it, if you are only taking armor to counter assassins, then you are wasting one of your endorsements countering one class. armor is great for several situations. if you ever wanted a "tanking" tank, try gold armor. gold armor on a gunner will generally trump any unarmored gunner, no matter what the endorsements are, as long as you can land you bullets.
    gold armored assaults can bomb jump into the action and land with 7/8 health, where an unarmored will only have half.
  5. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Well it all depends: Rate/Crt>Armor Armor>Crt if crt's don't connect
    CRT juiced>all
    Never checked the damage stats of juiced CRT weapons and if anything can withstand them or they are 1 hit kills.

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