SXD24's Endorsements Guide

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Strategy and Tactics' started by sxd24, December 13, 2010.

  1. The Teominator

    The Teominator New Member

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    Do you hate getting faceraped by Assasins? Got an annoying body/bot shooting explosive round sniper? Cant stand getting insta-killed by an Tank charge? Do you want to outlast the most of attacks but still keep some firepower and Accuracy? Then try the Armor/RoF/Accuracy Assault! Shoot fast,outlast!
  2. SHStiger

    SHStiger New Member

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    I've completely quit using that accuracy build, I just haven't taken the time to edit my guide. I've been using Armor/Accuracy/Crit or Amor/Accuracy/ROF. The gold accuracy isn't really needed, but I do feel it's pretty handy in the silver slot.

    I disagree slightly on your rankings of endorsements, mainly skill recovery being second on the list. I used to almost always use skill recovery in the bronze slot, but the difference between it and default isn't that large. I'm a big time bomb user and not having it slotted doesn't seem to be a problem.

    If I had to rank them (on personal preference) it'd be:

    Armor, Accuracy, ROF, Crit, Clip Size, Skill Recovery, Health Regen..... Reload Speed, Speed, Juice.
  3. BoltAktion

    BoltAktion New Member

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    Actually I think sigmar may have left cuz' me and rev set up a melee kill on him
    Purely speculation, he could have left for anything really
    Thats why you did so well bro, we spent the entire g3 match just chasing him with juice doing flipkicks :lol:
    I think we both may have even gone negative that match

    On topic though, Id like to point out that gold rof IS in fact better then silver on the AR and I don't give a damn what anyone else says.
  4. PlumbumTheEpic

    PlumbumTheEpic New Member

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    You an add my classes if you want. :cool:
  5. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    You have no armor assault builds as recommended? wat

    I love me some AR-only endorsement assault play, but gold armor is amazing. My 2 assault classes are:
    Armor/RoF/Clip (Used to use accuracy bronze but it felt like it didn't do ANYthing)

    I also tried Billy or whoever's build of Crit/RoF/Clip and that was fun, I'll have to try it out more. I only used it for one match, and I can't tell if the criticals were raping people or if they had no armor.
  6. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    PU5H and Scorpion's assassin:
    Clip Size

    Miracle's Assault:
    Clip Size
  7. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    You'd be surprised how well they work. The Assault is fairly mobile, and if you're willing to work without Armor, he can pick up some other fairly useful endorsements to help in a firefight.

    Not to say that armored Assaults are bad - these are just what some of the best Assaults recommended, and as I see them constantly have 23049724985692736 - 0 games, I'm inclined to believe them.
  8. F5in

    F5in New Member

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    Oh no I wasn't saying these aren't good, I actually use 3 different Assault builds, 2 without armor. I just think an Armor/RoF/whatever build should be recommended on top of those. :)
  9. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Added and edited a few in there just a few moments ago, so yeah.

    Gunner Endorsements are now available.
  10. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    Alright, so I'm necroing here. Not sure if you are still on these forums, but I hope you'll list the other endorsements.
  11. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Glad you did. I just let this guide die, as hardly anyone gives me feedback or responses.

    And yeah, I roam around the Strategy forums fairly often. I tend to write a lot of guides to help out the newer players to this game, as well as anyone that wants to try out a new class. I have 4 thus far (in my sig), and they are all up-to-date, if you want to check those out as well. ;)

    Updated Sniper endorsements due to necro.
  12. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    If it helps necro I'll post my builds.

    Gold ROF, Silver Accuracy, Bronze Clip Size

    Gold Armor, Silver Rate of Fire, Bronze Accuracy
    Gold Accuracy, Silver Rate of Fire, Any bronze endorsement you find helpful.

    Gold Rate of Fire, Silver Armor, Bronze Skill Recovery
    Gold Skill Recovery, Silver Armor, Bronze Rate of Fire

    The others have been mentioned or I'm not good enough with others to give good advice.
  13. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Thanks. Your builds have been added as well.

    Support section has now been added, as well as a bit of editing to the Assault section (recently tried out a few more builds for the Assault, and moved the endorsements accordingly). Many thanks to SHS and JackTrips for the Accuracy recommendation - it really helped up my game as an Assault.
  14. CreepingNshadowz

    CreepingNshadowz New Member

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    Thanks for these tips!
  15. hickwarrior

    hickwarrior New Member

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    Hmm, I think I checked out the support guide of yours, and it's very informative. Though I'd have to study it, since the placements of my firebase is something that's hard to do for me. But then again, I'd need to learn about timing and whih classes will be a threat at that point.

    If it's okay, I'll see if I need to necro those posts too.
  16. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    I thank you for the kind words. Firebase placements are indeed difficult to get down at first, but are crucial to the Support. Once you learn that, you can push both lanes while only being in one, which can make or break a game.

    Feel free to necro if you wish. I won't be editing much of those guides anymore, unless a new DLC comes out.

    Bearded meteor section is now up, and the guide is now complete.
  17. Grec

    Grec New Member

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    SXD, thank you for the honorable mention.
  18. OfficerFuttBuck

    OfficerFuttBuck Active Member

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    I've edited my alt gunner build to: Gold Armor, Silver Accuracy, Bronze Rate of Fire

    Also, the gunner is faster than the tank ;)
  19. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    ahahah. where in hell did you find this thing!?!

    anywho, i think i LIKE gold accuracy, when i have bacon or whatnot. also, i see a lot of "shotgun-endorsed-supports" (the CoD playing bastards...) with silver accuracy.

    it drops the damage drop-off at range, guranteeing anything that would only be injured at normal shotgun range be killed reguardless, and anything outside normal shotgun range may be injured from a ridiculous range for a shotgun.

    so says the guy who used steady aim in CoD tho. i like shotguns to have less spray but more focused damage. lots of others (both mnc and cod) would rather have to aim less accuracy and yet have a wider area of damage. i just like all my shot being placed in the center, and then i hafta aim but i do that well enough as it is, so the extra damage ensures no "hit markers" or wounding without killing. cuz in S&D, hit markers during a 1v1 battle sure does piss your team off when they lose due to your shotgun only damaging an enemy enough to aggrivate his ump45 trigger finger and him spray you.

    and reguardless of the next post in line, i still say that if deadeye can apply "shadowrun" to mnc and be a high end gunner, then CoD quickscoping and shotgun-accuracy are also valid. dont diss it till you get bacon and see shotgun accuracy's effect on you. because its a fact that 1/2 of people who use endorsements that are obviously for shotgun-trolling, use silver accuracy. i wouldnt use it, im not a shotgun troll. if i was a shotgun troll, id use it. if this was tdm like it is on CoD, id use it. if you want kills, at least try it.
    Last edited: January 21, 2011
  20. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    This is not CoD though (or Street Fighter, C&C, Team Fort, or Shadowrun). I trust Sexy D's opinion more than yours (or pretty much anyone else's).

    The main point is that using accuracy for an endorsement slot on a support immediately identifies you as a player that either doesn't understand the endorsement system/support class, or a player that could care less.

    I would rather run gold juice on a support than any accuracy endorsement.

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