Support's over-healing: can't get no love?

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Decker87, February 15, 2011.

  1. Lucky13

    Lucky13 New Member

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    Would it be such a huge deal if we took a page out of TF2's book and gave the support were to get assists for kills made by the target they're healing?

    Id also like assists for kills made by unowned turrets that you've hacked, or are healing. Heck, maybe even assists for kills made by a bot your healing..

    Lets reward the support for all of his jobs...
  2. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I tough about asking for assists on turrets you hacked, but that seems a bit greedy. I would be more than happy with the assists for healing teammates. I would be ecstatic if they added assist streaks. I would most likely die of heart failure if they implemented the hack assists.

    Here is to hoping my heart fails soon. Bacon for everyone, on me.
  3. Beargod

    Beargod New Member

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    I play Support 90% of the time, a mix of other classes the other 10% of the time, and I can say that Support needs by far the most money to keep up their responsibilities to the team.

    I am:

    * Healing you with my Level 3 Fire Base ($550)
    * Overhealing you with my Heal/Hurt Gun
    * Maintaining a base full of Level 3 Rocket Turrets ($950/each)
    * Hacking all of your and my turrets
    * Constantly spawning Level 3 Bots with any left over money I have ($100/spawn)

    I need thousands of dollars to keep our base defended, yet I am the farthest from where the money usually drops. By the time I can even get to money dropped from one of my own turret kills, all the Assassins have already gobbled it all up since the turrets are spread all over the base.

    The first time I played Assault was a real eye opener, as I always had way more money than I could ever spend. My new strategy is to play as Assault for the first third of the game, save up a few thousand dollars, then switch to Support and finally start building defenses.

    I don't mind healing you, I like to do it actually because that's usually the only time I enter the enemy base, but if I am escorting you all the way from our spawn to theirs, I'm not making money, which means I have to decide if you are worth the escort or not.
  4. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    There is literally no reason a support or his team should expect him to be investing more money in turrets than other classes. Unless/until Support gets some ability that makes turrets cheaper for him than the other classes, it's primarily the responsibility of Assassin and Assault to upgrade after respawning. They're the top earners, and unlike Support, they don't have Gapshots, which nine times out of ten are a better investment than turrets anyway.
  5. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Turrets can be darn useful, people VASTLY misunderestimate them. But you are right in that the support should not be the only one investing in them.
    And no class should be a "top earner", all the classes should be able to get tons of money by doing their job to the best of their ability. The people that get the most spend it on the things that fit their roles respectively(supports buy gapshots, assaults/assassins/tanks/gunners buy juice, everyone buys turrets and skills).
  6. goathax

    goathax New Member

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    If you've established map control, turrets are dead money. (Except for longshots and in some instances forward ShaveIces hacked to 3.3)

    I'm not saying never buy them or never upgrade them, but this game rewards an aggressive posture. There's usually a better thing to spend money on.
  7. Beargod

    Beargod New Member

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    Considering all of the turret nubs are in our base, and all the other classes have no business sitting in our base instead of attacking, who else exactly should be the one building/upgrading/hacking/healing turrets?

    I rarely see non Support people spending too much time or money on Turret infrastructure, which is fine, because I want them out there pushing the line towards the enemy, so when I finally get our base defended I can join them and drop a healing Fire Base.
  8. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    No class SHOULD be top earner but certain classes simply are better at it.


    In that order are the best earners. Assassin is the fastest at clearing botwaves AND having them give juice/money drops (tank can clear a wave slightly faster but assassin can give from one wave to the next much faster, and tank doesn't gain juice from using death blossom) Assassin also makes more money than many classes since she gets a lot of grapple kills. She is also extremely safe and thus able to keep her bot/pro streaks going a long time.

    Sniper is the safest class and one of the best at keeping his bot streak going (not to mention getting 50$ per headshot) and while he can't pickup money drops as often as assassin he is a bit less likely to lose his bot streak(I got a 300$ bot streak bonus just 2 days ago on Spunky Cola)

    Assault doesn't have the bot killing capabilities of assassin or sniper, but he gets A LOT of money from killing pros with ring outs via his bombs and grapple charge. He also is better than assassin at getting assists for turrets/pros. He doesn't have quite the safety of the assassin or sniper, but he certainly is more likely to keep his streak going than a gunner, or tank, or support.

    None of the classes are BAD at making money. However some classes are inherently better than others at it. In the end though a lot of it comes down to play style. If you are playing assault and being forced to try and control the enemy sniper then you aren't going to be making nearly as much money as assassin's and tanks who are clearing bot waves. And while you'll be able to keep that sniper from earning nearly as much as he could, chances are he is still going to out earn you due to your inability to clear bot waves from a far range. There are a lot of factors at play that change the dynamics of money earning potential.
  9. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    I agree with everything you said eternal.

    Money is a reward for doing your role in the game. With the current setup, certain classes' roles are better at making money. Making all roles equally rewarding should be the ideal, leaving the money to the people who perform their role best. Healing is a VERY important role, and should be reflected as such monetarily.

    My opinion is that assists are the way to go for giving the support incentive to perform their healer role, and assist streaks would promote teamwork as a whole.
  10. Decker87

    Decker87 New Member

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    Lol, are you kidding? This is so far from reality. Supports have every bit as much responsibility to go out and push the line, and in fact if they didn't, they wouldn't have money to build up the base in the first place.

    No class should be turtling in the base, ever. The only time anyone, regardless of class, should be at home building turrets, is when they've died and respawned or been pushed back that far.
  11. Lucky13

    Lucky13 New Member

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    Pay attention kiddies, this is how NOT to play support....
  12. tinygod

    tinygod New Member

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    Um.. Snipers?

    When I snipe I usually have so much damn money its rediculous. I buy turrets constantly and upgrade them whenever I can. I mean why buy juice as a sniper, I build it fast enough, and its not all that useful on the offence, its best saved for defense. (for snipers that is)
  13. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    What if said assault doesn't die?
  14. arseface

    arseface Post Master General

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    Then he should stay on the front lines because he is obviously doing his job right. If he fails in his duty then he deserves to pay in turrets.
  15. heavensnight

    heavensnight Member

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    all i propose is 5$ per heal assist plus a assist point on the scoreboard but only when the teammate being healed gets a kill or is healed back from critical health.
  16. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    You already get 15$ for assists.
    That would make the problem worse.

    Here's a thought, pay $1 per tick of the heal gun on friendly pros who aren't fully overhealed!
  17. [Knovocaine]

    [Knovocaine] New Member

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    If you place your firebase aggressively you will find yourself with too much money to spend :lol:

    Honestly the only change I would make to support is changing it so that the vampirism from the hurt gun can overheal the support... because that would be sweet :geek:
  18. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I think he means you get 5$ ONLY and it lists you as having recieved an assist. Sort of like how getting a headshot gives you $50 + a kill point instead of $50 + $25 plus a kill point. Or how killing a firebase gives you $10 but counts as a turret kill.
  19. DehydratedWater

    DehydratedWater New Member

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    So what you are saying is that you should get $10 less for assists as a support?

    I'm not sure how that is going to help the money problem, but whatever floats your boat.
  20. eternal

    eternal New Member

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    I have the distinct feeling you are trolling however I will try one last time to be nice.

    He means assists that he receives based off of healing teammates would grant you 5$. Assists based off of your own damage would still be $15

    So a teammate you just healed gets a kill you get $5 even if you didn't hurt that particular enemy yourself you assisted in the kill via healing the person who did kill them.

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