Support finances

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Wishlist' started by Fighter4Christ, December 2, 2010.

  1. Bonecrusher

    Bonecrusher New Member

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    Best way to get things built is tell your team to spend the cash if they got it while playing.

    I don't know how many times a player will go with over 500-1000$ on them and want to buy nothing but juice. You can get juice so easily in the game.
  2. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Pffft. Getting random team mates on my team to spend money. You're funny.
  3. AARPS

    AARPS New Member

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    After 24,080 games of asking 'hey if you have the cash...' I had a person actually do it. Once. I had to quit the game though 'cause the shock made me fill my pants. :oops:
  4. DUDE98678

    DUDE98678 New Member

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    The incentive to upgrade a turret lies in the fact that you may have spent $450 to get that rocket to level 2, but $800 more and its MINE! :twisted: Same goes for longshots, much more affordable/stealabe. I will often upgrade(/steal) rockets and longshots to level 2, almost with the intent that they will get stolen back. Selfish? Yes, but smart, and helping the team too.
  5. Fighter4Christ

    Fighter4Christ New Member

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    uhhh, you haven't played in awhile, have you? Rockets are now 300/600 to upgrade.

    I think the best way to balance this out is to have the support get money from assists. I mean, to be perfectly honest, if I see a team has decent defence built up, I WILL save up 650 dollars and switch to gunner to take down thier ENTIRE base (Alternatively if Im playing gunner already I will focus on getting juice and staying alive). That is nothing when I will be killing thousands and thousands of dollars worth of turrets...Even killing two level 2 rockets are worth it, financially speaking.
  6. DUDE98678

    DUDE98678 New Member

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    Oh wow, didnt realize i did that. I got the 450 right (150+300), just didnt put the 600. :shock: However, this furthers my point!
  7. Die4Less

    Die4Less New Member

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    Guys, quickest way to make money is to play an Offensive Supporting Character. Follow a Tank/Gunner/Assault around and help them. Keep them healed, set up a Firebase to cover blindsides, assist by removing (Shotgun!) and distracting Assassins (9 out of 10 times, when given the choice to assassinate a Tank/Gunner/Assault or a Support, they choose the Support, even if his Firebase is right there).

    Using this method in tandem with careful Air Strike throws to clear lanes of bots, I can make lots of money really quickly, mostly off of assists, but also from pro and bot kills. With the Firebase and Shotgun, you can also streak very quickly, making more money per kill.

    I even remember a match where I did this with an Assault, and it took four members of the opposing team to bring us down. So it works, and when I died, all of my skills were at Level 3 because I made so much money.

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