Support and Juice Machines: Balanced Solutions

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 Feedback and Issues' started by Ninja Wallace, December 30, 2010.

  1. AtomGone

    AtomGone New Member

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    I kind of think the support's air strike is fine where it is right now, maybe a tad slow. People saying that they've never heard people complain about it being too quick before are just being blinded by the rage of the nerf. There were plenty of people complaining before, because it was regenning too damn fast.

    In all honesty the OP sounds a bit like they're wanting the support to get to a status on par with the assault and gunner in battle tactics. Here's a hint - the name of the damn character: SUPPORT. Supports really shouldn't, by their very nature be great warriors on the field, but good at assisting others unless you tweak them some weird way to make them good at combat and less at "supporting". I'm not saying they should be useless in a fight either, just more dependent on help than other classes. That does seem to be their role.

    I do completely agree with the juice respawn though. I've had several a game penned in the base as a team controls the middle and MY team's juicer. It sucks. I can usually break through and get through their line but still can't do anything about it since they're juiced. It's a crap state of affairs really and a small change could fix it.
  2. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    Nothing I suggested would increase the Support's ability to get kills. It's entirely about assisting their teammates and taking out critical objectives.
  3. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    Justice bump.
  4. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    some of your fixes seem OP. some of them seem necessary. a lot of them seem good. ALL of them together seem OP.

    mainly, if the support got money for ALL of that, theyd be more wealthy than the sniper, and with gapshots already insane, that wouldnt be balanced.

    airstrikes could use a slightly faster cooldown

    lazors should do more damage than a lvl1 rokkit. or, lazors should simply not reward juice, even on taunting or deployed players. or, should nerf the rate juice is gained somehow. they are the very last choice of base defence, not to be build less the alternative is bots pouring into the base with no other turrets up to meet them. then, you need to guard the lazorblazor constantly afterwards. its barely a good solution to the alternative, letting your moneyball drop and suffer servere damage.

    hh gun could use a slightly faster base rate of fire. is there any way to give it a base rate of fire, and an additional rate of fire affected by endorsements? if so, that would give it a higher rate of fire than it currently has without endorsements, but not make it any stronger than current gold with a gold endorsement.

    he does need more assists for what he helps with, but it should be stricter than that. he needs assists for team mates he is currently healing or has healed maybe in the last 5 seconds but is the last teammate he healed. healing multiple teammates and getting assists for all of them should be nerfed so he gets assists for one pro he is healing, the one he healed most recently. bots should also cover that, so if he heals a bot he gets assists for it but not recently healed pros or other bots. he should get assists for one thing he is supporting at a time, the current or most recent thing he supported.

    his juice gain rate with hh gun is fine. his defence of the juice machines is just part of his gameplay. he could maybe use 2-3 gold for every 1 he currently gets for healing. thats about it.
  5. Ninja Wallace

    Ninja Wallace New Member

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    >implying the support will ever be OP
  6. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    well there is a fine line between OP and necesary. if you think about it, if your team doesnt use one of EVERY class, then there will always be a way for the enemy to stack counterclasses against you.

    but the support is one of the most necesary classes, i just dont want him to be OP. on C&C Renegade, engineers werent OP, but your base slowly dies without one so you need one, perferably 2-4 out of 12.

    however, supports here need to be as balanced as supports on renegade. supports on renegade were vital, but they rarely got mvp. they were balanced so their constant duty earned them credits in the middle of the pack of their team. supports here do need a few extra ways to earn money so they can be put in the middle of the earnings during an average game, but giving them ALL of those WOULd make the support god-tier. he could use assists from healed teammates, he doesnt need to be able to stack assists from all his teammates.

    plus, thats what gapshots and longshots already do. they trade money for the assists of everyone on the map. (lol i got 46 longshot turret kills)

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