Super Units in PA?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by squishypon3, February 10, 2014.

  1. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Well what I mean is I am never actually on the forums nor did I get this from the backers forum I was sent the image from a friend. I should have really thought about what I was doing, oh and of course read the plain text on the picture...

    However I do not use this as any form of justification! I just hope the whole of the backers won't be punished for a leak by an ignorant backer who just wanted to talk about giant robots!
    Last edited: February 10, 2014
  2. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    You'll be punished. By a Giant Robot.
    squishypon3 likes this.
  3. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Oh my.

    By the way.. Your picture fits perfectly.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  4. websterx01

    websterx01 Post Master General

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    Don't worry, non backers shouldn't be able to view the backers forum unless they are a backer.
  5. matty999

    matty999 New Member

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    My take on super units would be something capable of taking a beating (taking two nukes to destroy, able to shrug off artillery to a degree) The bot its self will have powerful weapons capable of tearing up bases. But will be slow and vulnerable to fast moving bots that can get close to its feet (unable to attack units that manage to get into point blank range e.g. turrets) The bots will have to be microed well to avoid getting literally crushed however. To avoid this costly loss using a combination of forces to assist the super unit would be required. Super units will explode violently when destroyed making them a potential liability if destroyed near friendly forces and posing great benefit if you can manage to penetrate the opposition’s base.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  6. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Now I know I keep bringing this back up but this is pretty much exactly what the Krogath in TA was.. A giant powerful, super slow bot thing... Buuuut.. easily dealt with, and it literally had it's own factory, took a LONG time to build aswell. Overall not very efficient considering how many tanks could have been made in it's place, but that's it's downside.. It's EXPENSIVE and I mean.. expensive. Huge powerful units that take a while to build that ultimately aren't the best choice after looking at the numbers but if you have the economy and really need to push the base they CAN be a big help. Some would argue this is similar to an Experimental from Supcom but I'd say that, that is not necassarily true- yes it's big- yes it's expensive- yes it's powerful but.. not OP, obviously we'd need to go into balancing such a huge thing but I mean it's pretty simple, it's horrendously slow and can't defend itself worth anything alone because anything that gets below where it can shoot is in no danger. It only become a very powerful weapon when used correctly under the right conditions, namely, medium range base destroying with a backup army of both fighters, possible gunships/bombers/etc.. and of course land forces to help give it some point blank protection.
    matizpl and v4skunk84 like this.
  7. Pendaelose

    Pendaelose Well-Known Member

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    The problem with "super" or "experimentals" was not being OP. It was they were always a good option. They don't have to be as cost effective as a T1 to make everything else obsolete. Just the fact that it can completely replace other units is the problem. You are describing an extreme example of a linear upgrade. Call it T3, T4, super, or experimental... it's still a replacement for our Dox, Ants, Vanguards, etc. I feel that if we are going to have super units they should be distinct.

    Carriers, mobile factories, armored transports, or mobile missile defense could all be heavy units (on any layer) that don't invalidate another unit currently in game.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  8. v4skunk84

    v4skunk84 Active Member

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    Every where I read there is a majority of people wanting a megabot.
    Your opinion is wrong.
    In TA the Krogoth was not op and didn't replace any units. Lets not mention the fact Krogoth the only megabot in TA was only available to one faction.
  9. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    You don't seem to understand, a "megabot" would not replace any units if anything it could be considered a niche unit, only used in certain situations! You see you can't just use these kinds of things alone, that's what sperates them from experiments in say Supcom1, you see.. Experimentals could still be devastating without any sort of backup. (Not necessarily that they don't need any protection just not as much) It's a very powerful unit but it can't be used practically for anything other than assisting an assault on a base. Just look at it this way I could either attack an enemy with just a huge amount of T1 tanks alone, spamming them like crazy. OR I could add variety to my units using T1 bots mixed in with T1 tanks, some repair bots, a few T2 tanks, even a couple T2 artillery tanks sprinkled in.. In fact! Let a few sniper bots join the party.. All this huge megabot is, is a large niche unit, support. You can't attack with it alone it'd be stupid. You'd be wasting all that time and effort, you'd NEED units to help it, why attack with just tanks when I can attack with tanks AND a giant robot?


    Not to mention it could be argued that IF multiple unit transports are added that can ferry armies of units to other planets this "megabot" would be even less useful for anything but attacking a base I mean.. after you attack that base on that specific planet it's useless. Which is exactly what I'm saying, it's a NICHE unit. A unit with it's on specific reasoning for existence, outside of this it's impractical and usless.
  10. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    If i can build supertanky basebreaking single units why shall i build anything else groundwise? You make units obsolete with the mere existense of those ... mega super experimental .... its the same ....
    If it doesnt have those atributes what is mega about it? You have already units with such atributes that you build in larger quantities and with better flexibility ... if it doesnt have a significant advantage over other units then it is in itself obsolete ... what niche shall that unit even fill another unit cant or shouldnt?
    Last edited: February 11, 2014
    Pendaelose likes this.
  11. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    Obviously it's range and power, it is slightly similar to say.. a really big artillery unit a suppose, not necassarily general purpose. Not at all.. It would be best used specifically for using as a large target for units AND a high damage unit, possibly even volotile which means it could also be good as a suicide bomber? The point of this unit would be to soak up damage whilst dealing out quite a bit as well giving a larger window of oppertunity for smaller units. It created entrances, destroys base defense and allows your units to flood into a base. It's just a large, powerful unit with it's own specific niche as a defense destroyer. Once more I say this thing couldn't work on it's own it's simply not powerful enough. The only way it would work alone if it could do everything, which it can't, something so slow would be extremely vulnerable to just about everything. I'd imagine one nuke, the thing is dead if something like that happened it'd be a huge loss. A huge waste of economy and time. Buuut.. if defended and if being used in conjunction with an assault force it could be extremely powerful and a great asset!
  12. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    Ok for soak up damage you have infernos and afaik vanguards
    For suicide you have those spiderbombbots
    Range artillery shellers ... nothing realy niche about it
    It would be just another kind of commbomb which imho is a totaly cheap unit ...
    Pendaelose likes this.
  13. meir22344

    meir22344 Active Member

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    I think we need to get out of this thinking that massive robots need to be base smashing combat orientated juggernauts when they could simply serve an auxiliary role that involves support like anti-nuke bots or walking teleporters that are really really expensive but give the player more tactical options.
    Pendaelose likes this.
  14. Pendaelose

    Pendaelose Well-Known Member

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    Except... here it is.... I'm not a fan of the Krogoth either. I think TA would have been a better game without it.
  15. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    The catch is that as soon as units are "large" as a result of the role they carry out and/or the involved mechanics they are super units, experimentally or megabots anymore, they're just a regular unit with some slightly different circumstances.

  16. meir22344

    meir22344 Active Member

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    That's the point we can have large unit that aren't experimental or game ending.
  17. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Yes, but people keep asking for Megabots, Super units and Experimentals, not simply large units.

    They really are completely different things and you can't "substitute" a super-mega-experimental with large unit like we described, people that wanted the super-mega-experimental thingy will be disappointed with that.

  18. meir22344

    meir22344 Active Member

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    Then let them be disappointed if they want supreme commander styled experimental units then they can mod them in, that shouldn't stop other players from having large non-experimental units just because a unit is large doesn't mean that it must be an army/base smashing juggernaut what i'm saying is that just because a unit is big doesn't mean it's an experimental.
  19. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    fact of the matter we have big units already ... namely naval stuff as well as stargates and planetthrusters
    later the unitcannon and hopefully orbital carriers and transports just to name a few ... i would have count the orbital launcher as well if it werent for it to only build units instead of loading units in to be sent somewhere else with its rockets, too ... we dont realy need to have fatboys or megalithes if other units do the same thing already ... you could replace both with an amphibous tank or hovercraft with medium to longrange cannons or artillery because that is their mainuse
  20. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    How are planet smashing asteroids and tank chucking artillery not super units?

    There is a market and a fetish for gigantic robots. Can they be integrated in a way that isn't simply a redux of everything else? I think so. Just find a role that can't be accomplished by a small chassis.

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