Super Units in PA?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by squishypon3, February 10, 2014.

  1. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    Great Idea. We have given a chance to more half-baked units than that (I'm looking at YOU nukes...). We should at least give them a 1st pass to see if they can work. If not, easy enough to remove before launch and at least they can say they tried (or give us a starting point for balance).
    tatsujb likes this.
  2. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    The thing about PA is, unlike SupCom, I never looked at an army in awe or horror. In Forged Alliance you might see a giant horde of tanks and siege bots and you'd think "oh wow look at that! Such power!" but in PA all I ever get is "awww, cute wittle wobots". I think the art style is to blame more than anything else (and of course, this is subjective) but I'd really like to see something threatening, something truly awesome.
    tatsujb and iron420 like this.
  3. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I'm with neutrino. I want space platforms, small asteroids turned mobile to carry your army to your enemy, unit cannons to pour units onto another planet, smashing said asteroid into the planet below, exchanging nuke fire between planets, and interesting units like a wreck eating Replicator or an orbital factory capable of building terrestial units in orbit and dropping them and building a portal to dump more units. I'm interested in roles of galactic conquest rather than superunits.

    want my interest in superunit? Make one that looks like optimus prime.
    bradaz85 likes this.
  4. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Too mainstream. Make one that looks like Striker Eureka.
  5. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I got a classic. Make a gundam wing zero. Nah, my favorite is actually heavyarms, make that.

    or big o. But I expect an endless loop of the song to play while he engages the enemy.
    carlorizzante likes this.
  6. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    Striker Eureka is Australian. Therefore it has been chosen by natural selection as superior.
    BulletMagnet and Pendaelose like this.
  7. FXelix

    FXelix Active Member

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    Yeah, exactly my opinion! This would offer a larger area of invasions, I hate turtlers and some of them going over the top -.-" this is really annoying.. So this would offer a larger area of invasions and a better way to break trough massive walls / defensive structures, so this megabot could tank lots of damage in my opinion, and this is only a question of good balancing, so please don't complain about OPness. Or do you have better solutions for future turtlers? :/
  8. iron420

    iron420 Well-Known Member

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    Can't we have it all? Why are the mutually exclusive?
    hearmyvoice likes this.
  9. hearmyvoice

    hearmyvoice Active Member

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    Please, show your evidence. Have you actually counted how many people dislike the idea of experimental and how many don't? When you're talking for the whole community like that, I expect you have some REALLY good sources backing up your words.
    iron420 and v4skunk84 like this.
  10. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I only argue that there will be no future turtlers. I lack proof, but where is yours?

    there shouldn't be counters for turtles until we establish turtles. Ps, so far competitive games are won by an army offense gutting economy or sniping expensive targets.

    that's like declaring open season on endangered rhino arguing there will be too many of them. Without evidence of their population. Lets establish if its endangered rhino or if it will be wild jackrabbit
  11. FXelix

    FXelix Active Member

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    My only proof for turtlers are that I've seen them... Too often :( this is annoying, but yeah maybe in future there will be less turtlers, but why should there be less turtlers? Turtling is a good way to defend against every attack... Every because I've seen it... So there should be more ways to break trough, so we'll see and hope there will be less turtlers.
  12. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I do not believe a turtler won that game. Just saying. Show me one a turtler does win?

    I turtle or do something that resembles it often. I have high-reward games at times, but I also have ones I fall flat, and it seems high-risk-high-reward. Unit stampedes can be killed with high attrition when you turtle and have ways to thin their herd out, but at the same time an army has so many ways to gut a base and all it needs is to break into one way. Honestly, if you kill it, they usually have time to mass produce a second wave before you even get anything amazing against them.

    This is barely considered turtling mind you. This is going from start of game and building right up as close to them as possible and establishing an outpost and assuming said outpost lives before enemy commander rushes it, and then pelter creeping and claiming metal in the vast safe area between the outskirts of claimed territory. Any other form of turtling has it's troubles, such as losing control of over 2/3rd the map, and falling behind on eco and unit production, and not sufficiently hampering enemy economy. This form of turtling is ideally to do as much as possible while still "fighting from your own stationary defences", any other kind isn't a threat.
  13. FXelix

    FXelix Active Member

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    Oh yes it was a threat, and yes I must say, I left the game after 45 minutes of hard attacking ( 45 after we was only 3, the whole game was much longer) there were two turtlers and I was the aggressive other player who wanted to attack them, but I couldn't get any wins, so I don't know who has won, maybe there are still playing ._. But turtlers win... By other players bored to death!
  14. Slamz

    Slamz Well-Known Member

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    Looked like that entire game took place on one planet. Single-planet turtling is not a problem that I've seen (although turtling + nuke spam is still more effective than it really should be, especially in a FFA).

    The problem is invading an established planet, which doesn't take very long with T2 bomber patrols being a thing. I can turtle up a new planet, such that you can't land on it, very rapidly, especially if it's small. In multi-planet games I've had to switch "claiming planets" to priority #1 because it's usually whoever gets there first locks the place down.

    I'm still hoping for an "invasion" solution too. Smashing planets or nuking them to death isn't really invading them.
    carlorizzante, iron420 and FXelix like this.
  15. liquius

    liquius Well-Known Member

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    Your way off on this. Uber added content to the game. They didn't do it in response to interplanetary stale mates, they did it because they had always planned to. It just so happened that the additional content eased interplanetary stalemates.

    Now when Uber gets the balance to a reasonable state (hint: its almost nonexistent), if interplanetary stalemates are still common, that is when you should say "I told you so!".
  16. tatsujb

    tatsujb Post Master General

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    ugh, that's better but not best. Honestly I don't get all the hate against experimentals. and either way we already have experimentals in the game in the form of the unit cannon, the hailey, the nuke launcher, stuff like that.

    What I gather you guys are against is a bigger variety of experimental units which I can't understand. variety in units and strategies will be this game's salvation.
    I think you haven't quite yet put the finger on it, the art style isn't the entire culprit. come have a look at the megathread.
    Last edited: February 10, 2014
  17. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Oh. Those. Know why those aren't streamed? Because nobody sets up games with either more than 2 seperate planets or less than 2 moons around each planet if more than 1. Realm usually uses 1 planet 1 non-kew moon and 1 kew moon. 2 planets are fine, as long as there are enough moons to take at least 1 fairly and then get a grip with nukes and teleporters. Played a game that way.

    Basically, you didn't lose to turtle, you lost to rigged map. For instance, spawning on a single lava planet world with a lava planet 60% water height and seeded to have almost no land whatsoever, then obviously the map is rigged. It is not the gameplay, its the map.
  18. wheeledgoat

    wheeledgoat Well-Known Member

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    I donno, man - I had my first "big" fight yesterday. Just me & the AI. I got overrun on the first planet so I dug in on the 2nd planet, let the first go, and geared up for an invasion. I was so looking forward to it!

    But by the time I was ready, my computer was on its knees. I couldn't finish the game. (3ghz Athlon 64 dualcore, 4g DDR2, Radeon HD 4850). I know the optimizations will help, but this was just me and the AI! Even after the optimizations, how am I going to play with 4-6 other armies?

    I don't think MORE UNITS is the practical answer.
  19. squishypon3

    squishypon3 Post Master General

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    I apologize I wasn't aware of the posting rules and I am very rarely on the forums. Infact. This picture was actually sent to me by a freind- Though I am able to get on the backers lounge xP
    zweistein000 likes this.
  20. zweistein000

    zweistein000 Post Master General

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    I don't know if there are any set rules, but still it it's backers only, there is a reason it's backers only. The main point is that you are betraying uber's trust and that always leaves collateral damage. Next time ask uber how they feel about you bringing stuff like this up before you post.

    Anyway enough scorning, more super unit talk. It's here, we might as well discuss it to death one more.

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