Super Units Being In The Game

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by stevedaman1228, March 8, 2013.

  1. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    PA has NEW line breakers!
    Ballistic Missile Asteroids!
    The Unit-Cannon! (SupCom2)
    Other Mega-Units teased by Neutrino that we haven't seen yet! And they might even be something even COOLER than just a line breaker!

    The Aeon Paragon is the only real experimental. The Cybran, UEF and Seraphim... well everything are not experimental. The Paragon does something nothing else does! it is a TRUE Experimental!
    the Monkeylord, Fat-Boy, Galactic Colossus, Ythotha & Megalith,
    the Soul Ripper, Czar & Ahwassa,
    the Mavor, Novax Center, Scathis & Yolona Oss,
    and the Atlantis & Tempest...

    are Just re-skins of the same unit; Ground Line-breaker, Aerial Line-Breaker, Artillery Line-Breaker and Large Submersible Aircraft Carrier... so a Naval Line-Breaker.


    And what's worse... uninspired!

    And what's worse that that... they only had "flavour" because of there being 4 different races!
    Last edited: March 14, 2013
  2. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Super unit artillery

    Super unit factory/unit cannon

    Super unit nuke

    What you will you do commander?

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  3. Bouncer2000

    Bouncer2000 Member

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    I agree, but I think they should think about big-units/experimentals before completing the game. Otherwise it is going to hard to incl. an idea like that, when the core game is not made to support it.

    damn it. I belong to the people who can't hear that mod excuse. Why not make PA with experimentals and mods will exlude them for the people who want a total TA-esque game. Doesn't sound that good eh?

    first of all I think they were fun. line-breaker maybe, but at a cost. wouldn't you consider the krogoth a line-breaker as well? I don't think going for experimentals would make you win the game, but they added variation to the game
  4. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Because there is a fundamental difference between designing a game that SERVES the use of experimentals and one that doesn't.

    In SupCom you NEEDED line breakers because the "line" that you could build with shields and Point defence was almost UNBEATABLE! The game was balanced around the USE of those experimentals to render any defensive line breachable.

    If the game is designed around the use of a unit then you compromise on other areas of game design!
    How can you not understand this?

    I don't want Uber to compromise the vision of "Future-Time Planetary Warfare"
    And I do not believe that you can NOT compromise their vision if you are forced to include Experimental-Like units.
    Last edited: March 14, 2013
  5. cobycohodas

    cobycohodas Member

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    The unique unit sets you are going to have: gas giant related, for example, is a lot cooler IMO. IT is new and has not been done, and will give PA a different feel than games it has been inspired by.

    That being said. Once the current planned iteration of PA is released in Alpha & beta and tested, balanced, and the final units that are planned (mega units, other specialty ones) are released... then could consider other unit packs. Could you then start a new kickstarter campaign for a Planetary Annihilation Expansion Pack. No doubt most of the people who backed the last game would at least consider it. IF the kickstarter for an expansion was advertised with release of the current version it may get attention. An expansion seems like the place to introduce super units & other unit packs!
  6. movra

    movra Member

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    Truly an essential super unit.
  7. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    I'm getting close to my last straw too
  8. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    Just because you don't think they're valuable doesn't mean they aren't.
  9. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    NO! No no no no! you don't understand at ALL!

    They were VERY valuable in SupCom. In fact at certain points they were essential. I hate that about Experimental-Like units if they were to make it into PA.

    Do you not understand?
    Last edited: March 14, 2013
  10. Bouncer2000

    Bouncer2000 Member

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    I understand, but so far we are not quite sure what gameplay of PA is going to be. As long as alpha status has not been reached everything could be implemented and altered, even experimentals.
    As far as I know PA won't have shields or at least not like in SC, but that doesn't mean experimentals couldn't be added to fit the over all design.

    and as I said, I don't need a copy of a fat boy (but I would be fine with) I am all for something truly experimental and unique as you said.

    Anyway, I could live with and without. Because I love TA and I really like SC.
  11. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Then we can agree that the "attaching engines to an asteroid" is enough to be considered Experimental-Like?

    We don't need a larger robot with a bigger gun to be satisfied that the game is "awesome" enough to buy solely because of that?

    Finally, you're speaking my language!

    I'm sorry, but it's been so hard trying to wrap my head around why the "Monkeylord" is a game seller, but an Asteroid With Engines is not.
  12. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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    Combined arms is the new and old best strategy.
  13. Bouncer2000

    Bouncer2000 Member

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    well, we can agree, but I consider the engines as well as the unit-cannon more like experimental-buildings, which I total agree add soemthing unique. the Krogoth could be considered as an experimental-bot and it worked well in TA and was a fan favorite. So why not add more of that. I think the uber guys, especially Steve is capable of adding some creative ideas for some experimental tanks, ships and airplanes.

    I think you're making good points and I repsect your passion to convince everybody with a diffrent opinion, but maybe you should be more open to the idea that the game could work great even with some big bad boys...
  14. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    I like super units. I just don't want them to be game dominating either.

    It would be more "this game's style differing from the other's" if super units weren't even necesary.

    They could still exist, as others said, by having abilities that no other units have such as cloak...

    ...or having real drawbacks such as lack of fast transport so you have to babysit it's course to the enemy and then balancing it's mobility with it's health so its also a completely balanced skirmish when experimentals vs 50 unit army.

    It would be nice if they were balanced, so that they were a player choice for those who wish to smash stuff with a 2-story-building-sized-fist, and a player choice to ignore altogether in favor of making more smaller units covering a larger area.
  15. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Let's see if this argument can be summed up real nice:

    Should big units exist? Yes.
    Should stupid units exist? No.

    There we go. Back to your regularly scheduled debate.
  16. igncom1

    igncom1 Post Master General

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  17. nanolathe

    nanolathe Post Master General

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    Define "Stupid".

    Edit: lol, Ninjas!
  18. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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    Wow, that's big.
    Wow, that's stupid.

    Pretty simple, right? :lol:
  19. menchfrest

    menchfrest Active Member

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    This whole thread has felt like it's degenerated into a shouting match. Can we all just chill?

    No one has suggested AT ALL that current features will be compromised for super units. I think it has been made clear that despite what anyone has said, the devs will only be adding them after the base game is done. People are expressing interest for that at this point.

    Things also need not be a spiritual successor to a single game, it can follow the footsteps of both TA AND SupCom or neither. This is not TA 2 or SupCom 3! And just because we all pledged money for our view of the vision Uber had, does not mean Uber has any obligation to replace their vision with yours or the other guys. Yes, we collectively get to influence that, but it's Uber's job, not ours, to pick how, and like it or not, other people can have other opinions, even if we don't understand them.

    And yes, different people are allowed to have different views. Some people see asteroids with engines as super units, I chose to view it as remaking the map, which is a feature we have not had. I can also call it ammo, resource, or probably several other things if I sat and thought about it. And that's fine.

    I would like to at somepoint see larger than normal air/land/sea/orbital(?) units that can play combat/support roles (albeit very limited/unique ways). Nothing that scaled crazy like experimentals did, maybe a giant fragile air transport, or a 'drone carrier' style carrier also fragile. I love the idea of mega structures like was mentioned earlier, but I'd like to see something a little in between.

    edit: o/c there are like 10 post as I wrote this...
  20. tenaciousc

    tenaciousc Active Member

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    It seems like this could be solved with unit restrictions, which I believe TA had, not sure about SupCom.

    In the game options menu:

    Enable Experimental Tech? Yes/No

    The game would have to be made without the requirement of the use of experimentals but that seems to be where it's going anyway.

    I would definitely contribute to a stretch goal or expansion pack for experimentals. I actually like this idea, Uber can gauge the interest for such things and let the people who want it pay for it.

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