Super Healing Jackbots

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Terminal Happiness, August 15, 2010.

  1. Doom

    Doom New Member

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    I just ran into what OP is talking about. Seriously the dumbest **** I've seen in this game.

    We had 2 Snipers level 3 flaktrapping it and it wouldn't die because of the two supports healing it. Not to mention some Assassin was buzzing around our base, so we couldn't bother to just go after the supports due to being sandwhiched between a jackbot and the two best close range classes in the game.

    You shouldn't be able to heal a jackbot period. 2 supports = infinite health.
  2. Sm1tty Sm1t

    Sm1tty Sm1t New Member

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    I can confirm that it's not a glitch or a bug, the developers stated in the Monday Night Tournament that Jackbot overhealing was part of the game, though I've never been able to do it. :x
  3. Tvayumat

    Tvayumat New Member

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    Being a support main, I can tell you that this is utter nonsense. The Jackbot has a LOT of health, and the fact is that ANY class can outdamage the healing done by a single support's healgun, not to mention the fact that as long as the support is healing the Jackbot he is out in the open, moving a lot (firebases are easy to destroy right after they get thrown down), and distracted by monitoring the Jackbot life gauge.

    Try thinking a bit more outside the box, lay traps, use ejectors, airstrikes, bombs, assassins. There are literally dozens of way to counter this technique.

    Overhealing Jackbots is not supposed to be possible for a good reason, and I trust uberent is working on fixing this glitch soon.

    Have you ever gone toe-to-toe with a Jackbot XL that has NO support? They go down to most classes in no time, and they wouldn't be anything more than a curiosity, a moneyfarm, and a mild nuisance if you took away our ability to heal them.

    I generally heal Jackbots when they spawn, and try to push them into the enemy base, and even with another support helping me, I can tell you that my push is generally over if I encounter two or more players forming a coherent, organized defense.

    Anyone who wants to take away the ability to heal jackbots is unimaginative, lazy, and a whiner to boot.

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