[Suggestion] - Area attack with multiple nukes to randomly cover the selected area

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Martenus, March 7, 2014.

  1. Pendaelose

    Pendaelose Well-Known Member

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    1-9 is horribly insufficient when you have 10 or more nukes. If I have 20 or more it's a bad joke to suggest using 1-9.

    I do agree with the OP, we need an area command to fire all the nukes at once across an area. I agree with the suggestion that shift clicking should fire the nukes one at a time on specific targets. I also think we need a patrol area order for the nukes silo so it can fire at the first target in the area as soon as the next missile is ready. If I have 20+ nukes with a swarm of fabbers area assisting it takes too much of my time to worry about each nuke individually. I want to target a whole moon with an area command and simply know my nukes won't stop their good work until the job is done. Now I can focus my APM on my army and intel gathering.
    Martenus likes this.
  2. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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  3. wheeledgoat

    wheeledgoat Well-Known Member

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    I'm just thinking outloud here - but I'm reminded of the C&C Generals interface where superweapons (that you were obviously going to use far, far away from your base) had their own launch button on the sidebar.

    Would it be feasible to have a "nuke" button on the sidebar, perhaps with a number in it representing how many are ready for launch? Then we click on it, click on our target and it launches the nuke that's been ready the longest?
    Pendaelose likes this.
  4. Geers

    Geers Post Master General

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    No, that's the Annihilate button. Silly.
    PhoneySpring646 and drz1 like this.
  5. Nullimus

    Nullimus Well-Known Member

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    I want to be able to queue up the attack so that the nuke automatically fires when it is ready.

    An area command for blanket nuking would be very cool though.
  6. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    I am not against it, but personally I am more in favor of a key binding for selecting the closest available Nuke Launcher, without having to go manually selecting a specific Nuke Launcher.

    That way you could just stay on the spot where you intent to deliver a Nuke Strike, press for example *K*, and then simply click with your mouse on the exact spot you want the closest available nuke to hit.

    It would make all the process much faster and flexible, and you could still carpet with nuke a wide area of the base, simply repeating the operation few times. Also you wouldn't need to override any Grouping on other units.

    Of course that should work also within Moons and their main Planet.

    Beside, the PiP makes already much easier to manage Nukes' Attacks.
    Pendaelose and xuereb like this.
  7. xuereb

    xuereb New Member

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    Yeah, I like the ability to use the PiP for launching nukes but if I have a bunch of fabbers assisting nuke production then it becomes difficult to select the nuke and not the fabbers
  8. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    Automatic attack with Nukes doesn't really sound like a good idea to me, when I think that Nukes deliver Friendly Splash Damage, and can easily vaporize your own armies if they happen to be on the spot.
  9. wheeledgoat

    wheeledgoat Well-Known Member

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    how would you know when the nuke is ready? and how many you have left that are ready / when you've launced the last one?

    I think a simple (mushroom-cloud, of course) icon on the sidebar w/ a superimposed number of how many nukes are ready solves all the problems, rather elegantly! just click on that to launch one, don't need to leave the screen - easily keep track of where you've targeted ones that are still enroute!
  10. Martenus

    Martenus Well-Known Member

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    What? Sorry but, why would you do that?
    It doesn't nuke at "random" place. It does nuke inside the random place withing the area attack circle. You do not aim this to your base, but to your enemies. If you do, then you are doing it wrong :p
    Pendaelose likes this.
  11. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    If a Nuke Launcher isn't ready, then isn't ready. It's quite simple.

    An alert when a Nuke is ready to launch would be a nice addition to the UI. I see it coming in the form of a Mod, more than a built in feature.

    Random Nuke's Attacks do not sound that smart to me, because the risk of vaporizing my own armies that passes nearby.

    Beside that, if you can afford it to bomb carpet your adversary with nukes, or he has a similar eco and he did already carpet his territory with Anti-Nukes (as I usually do), or you won already.

    In fact, the duo Nuke vs Anti-Nuke is frankly quite boring by itself. Nukes should be more integrated in the game-play. A Nuke Launcher in itself should be easier to counter, and a player should work organically with other units in order to grant himself an opportunity to strike with a nuke. That equals to say that the Anti-Nuke should be slightly cheaper and easier to obtain than what it is now.

    But, again, I am not against it. I'm just telling what I would personally prefer.
  12. Choromakolo

    Choromakolo Member

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    Should just be a timer of when your nuke is ready.. in the right section of your screen.. or when it is ready .. you will hear something like ''Your Nuclear missle is ready Commander''
    carlorizzante and wheeledgoat like this.
  13. wheeledgoat

    wheeledgoat Well-Known Member

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    but if you're using a keybinding to launch it, you're not looking at your nukes to know they're ready. you won't know if you just launched one, and can expect it any second now, or if you just launched nothing, because it wasn't ready.
  14. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    I agree. In fact, I've said :)

    I'm totally with you in this. And that should come with the voice of John Patrick Lowrie :D

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