Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by savvon, September 9, 2010.

  1. jovial1

    jovial1 New Member

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    I try not to quit. If I feel like there's anything to be gained from it, I'll go down with the ship on a 3 v 6 match where we're pushed back to our moneyball - and some of those games can feel pretty satisfying.

    But if I'm getting beaten like a pinata to the point that I'm getting frustrated and angry - yeah, I'll quit. Gunned down repeatedly for daring to exit the spawn room? That's one thing that'll do it. Feeling like an assassin out there is spawn-camping me? That too. Nailed with a headshot ever time I peek around a wall? You get the idea.

    Sometimes those things just drive me mad - hey, it's a pretty short trip to start with. And I'll admit - a lot of times, it's players with superior skill and/or coordination and not just cheap tactics. But I try not to get too burned up when someone else quits mid-match because I know sometimes I feel pushed to do it as well.

    As an aside, that's one reason I try to make sure I'm not hosting. Most of the time, if I see myself in an empty lobby, I back out and try again. If that happens, I don't want to ruin everybody's good time.
  2. Amaranth

    Amaranth New Member

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    I had a couple games yesterday where my teammate and I were split. there were only two of us in the party, and both of us had pretty bad teams. I was the only one playing base defense, and his team kept acting as bullet shields for my team.

    Very tempting to quit, but we didn't want to have to play another game where we were split up. Which we did anyway.

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