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  1. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Your baseless claims and subsequent poorly thought out proposals made without making any attempt to understand the situation do imply a certain lack of either intellect or maturity.
  2. mpmumau

    mpmumau New Member

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    In other words, you disagree with me, so I must be stupid. Now I understand. People who disagree with others are stupid people. Makes TONS of sense. And you guys say WE have a hive mind?
  3. veta

    veta Active Member

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    hey man, u get that you're buying a collector's edition of the game right? u never seen a collector's edition sell for $90? how much is the COH2 collector's edition right now?
    this was a semantics problem - uber wanted to sell preorders for $40 but valve wouldn't let them
  4. antillie

    antillie Member

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    To make it easier for people in other countries to purchase alpha access. Not everyone can easily use the Uber store.

    PA is not other games and is not using their marketing model. I do not see how this applies.
  5. veta

    veta Active Member

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    the community asked uber to put it on steam, the community asked for the prices to remain the same as the KS too

    the devs wanted to put up preorders for the normal $40 price but valve wouldn't let them do it with early access
    Last edited: June 14, 2013
  6. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Once again you totally miss the point and are unwilling to understand the situation due to your personal sense of entitlement. My argument stands.

    Unless of course you would like to have a rational debate on how best to market a game during the development and testing process.
    Last edited: June 14, 2013
  7. mpmumau

    mpmumau New Member

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    Because their marketing model isn't a positive change -- is a disrespectful one to consumers. Hence the emotional rage. It's something that I hope is *NEVER* repeated, or else I'll stop buying games altogether, from anyone, who does such a thing. And I do like games, so I hope it never comes to that point. But I simply have more self-respect than that.
  8. antillie

    antillie Member

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    I disagree, it is the best thing to happen to the game development model in at least 10 years. Just because it goes against your sense of personal entitlement does not make it a bad thing. In fact it makes me like it even more.
  9. veta

    veta Active Member

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    pls no need to spite him, he accepted the collector's edition argument already
  10. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    It's hard to discuss making a change to the system when a change isn't going to happen, especially when it isn't warranted.

    What I'm saying is not much is going to happen at this point, so complaining about the price is going to do nothing but make this forum more toxic. Which is sad, because before this entire discussion, this was one of the best communities I've ever experienced in a forum.
  11. mpmumau

    mpmumau New Member

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    I don't feel entitled. And I feel that same way as you...about *KICKSTARTER* But when developers start to feel like ALL customers HAVE to partake in their business risk in a Kickstarter fashion, THAT is crossing a line.
  12. acetylene7

    acetylene7 Member

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    I feel that you and many others wouldn't be annoyed if there was a similar option to this on steam:


    I agree that it's a bit unfortunate that only the $90 tier can be offered on steam which is why I think only the $40 pre-order option should be available there. However, you're attacking the devs because they're offering a higher tier option which comes with additional benefits which are completely optional and don't hinder your ability to buy the finished game for cheaper. It's their decision to charge for early access. Don't like that? Don't buy a package with early access.

    I personally chose the $90 tier because I wanted to support uber as every extra dollar they get makes the game better. I loved TA and SupCom so I wanted to help them flesh out their vision for a next-gen RTS. I also wanted the opportunity to influence and assist in its development.

    You seem to think that the company is going to runaway with the money they're making from this game. Uber needs this game to be successful so they're pouring everything they can into make it as good as they can and are listening to what their fans want for the game as well. The game has a development schedule and studio of people who know what they're doing. I have faith in Uber to deliver on this because they've made a convincing pitch and because the devs in the team who have worked on the precursors to this game have proven themselves. They're not going to be constantly on vacation.

    Like you've said, they'll prove themselves once the game is fully released, but they've asked for help and have convinced me they'll do a good job of it.
    Last edited: June 14, 2013
  13. mpmumau

    mpmumau New Member

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    Well, I agree that nothing is likely to change at least in this instance. But the reason I feel so strongly about this, and the reason why I'm posting so much, even beyond my own common sense level, is that I hope in some way at least some of this debate trickles up into the "hive mind" of developers such that this mistake is *NEVER* repeated.

    I'll be honest -- this game looked really cool to me, and I was kind of pysched about seeing where it would go, and I was glad it got the Kickstarter backing it did. But, as I've said too many times now, the nerviness of releasing it on Steam for sale, in an unfinished state, for MORE than the normal retail price just totally soured the deal for me.
  14. antillie

    antillie Member

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    Yeah I remember when Neutrino held a gun to my head and made me pay $90 for alpha access. Good times...
  15. kiviar

    kiviar New Member

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    IMO its the exact opposite. While kickstarter and pre-buying and 'buy-in' betas have given us some gems, unscrupulous developers (not claiming Uber is doing this) are already starting to use them to shovel off unfinished and unplayable schlock on users and passing it off as being 'in development'.
  16. Zoughtbaj

    Zoughtbaj Member

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    So if they had sold it on steam as a pre-purchase for $40, with a link to their store, then would you have still been this upset?

    Despite nothing changing other than pixels?

    And despite that you can do the exact same thing on their store?
  17. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    But KickStarter along makes it harder to create larger games, even PA with it's 2 million KS and self funding by Uber, all the funding that happened since KS(Pre-Orders, Upgrades and Steam Early Access) have help the game become better.

    That will happen over time, when the Alpha is done and the Beta kicks off, it will drop to 60$ and as release gets closer I'm sure one could do a proper Pre-Order via Steam.

  18. mpmumau

    mpmumau New Member

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    I've said it like 30 times, but I guess I'll say it one more time. It's the precedent that their decision sets...not so much the particulars in this instance.

    You can get all "holy roller" about this as much as you like, but clearly this thing has hit a real nerve with people, including me. Ridicule us, but the peril in just tossing the dissenters in this argument aside is real, I assure you.
    Last edited: June 14, 2013
  19. mpmumau

    mpmumau New Member

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    At least in that case it wouldn't make a statement. By doing something so unprecedented and extreme, however misguided the public was in their interpretation, they seemed to be kind of throwing up the middle finger to customers who barely even know who the company or the game was all about.
  20. veta

    veta Active Member

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    wuld u haev been mad if it was laballed "callectors editions 90$" and praorders $40?
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