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  1. spacefooled

    spacefooled New Member

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    Then I would love to know exactly how they work :D
  2. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    If they're paying to play, they should wait for release, The Income from Alpha/Beta Access is being cycled back into the game according to Devs(technically so will a goodly chunk of 'release' profits too I imagine in the form of content updates) just imagine that out of every 100 Alpha Accesses, the Howard can record an extra 30 seconds with the orchestra, or allow an artist to create a new Commander(Arbitrary Numbers) so it's not like they're pocketing all the money beyond the KS amount like some crooked Business man.

    The game isn't even ready for "playing" yet, not even half of the game mechanics are even in yet. If you want to play, wait for Beta, that's the earliest it'll be "playable" like you seem to want/expect.

  3. spacefooled

    spacefooled New Member

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    I'm not really comparing Uber to EA, I'm just a bit terrified of what EA could do if they see that this marketing strategy can work to get them more money for an unfinished game.

    You could also say:
    "We will pay you more if you let us test it!"
  4. Sylenall

    Sylenall Member

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    Devs, on the Steam forum PLEASE add a sticky link to the Uber storefront, and mention that all packages can be redeemed on Steam.

    At least some of this hostility is stemming from the misinterpretation that the $90 is the only choice available or the only one that you are trying to "sell".
  5. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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    Aye, and this game will cost 40$ at release. :)

    I understand that part, I really dislike all of the big publishers myself and haven't bought a game from then in the last, 5 years or so. (Not that it improved their behaviour. :cry: )

    But you have to understand one key difference between a game with a publisher and a game without one. Big publishers will try anything and do anything as long as it increases their green numbers at the end of a quartal. Even protests won't stop them as long as people buy their games.

    On the other hand, a small developer like uber is often dependant on a continual cash flow just to make ends meet. Additionally they often don't make games to get rich or just to have a job (which isn't something unhonorable btw. the just having a job part) but because they want to make a game they themselves would want to play.

    In this case, uber wanted to reward those people who made a (although small) risk of investing their money into a kickstarter where there was no guarantee that something would ever come out of it.

    Yes, somebody like EA would probably love to charge additionaly to give beta access for their products, but believe me, they don't need a smaller company to get ideas like this. Their clever enough to get such ideas themselves. :twisted:

    I just suggest, when one doesn't want to pay more, just wait 'till the finished and fun game comes out and pay the reasonable price then. ;)
  6. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    That's fine we've never been transparent about our costs, nor do we intend to be. I will say that this game is a lot more expensive than I think anyone realises.

    Keep in mind this is an entirely new game built from scratch. It's not a TA sequel.

    Greenlight is to get the game on Steam. That wasn't really an issue.

    VAT is generally included in the price. In the US people are used to paying tax on top of the price.

    I'm always up for talking with people passionate about the game. Anyone who has been on the forum for a while will see that ;)

    And that's ok. We want the community to grow in stages over time.

    Thanks for the support. And thanks again to all the ks backers that made this happen.
  7. darktom77

    darktom77 New Member

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    I wouldn't concern myself with EA personally, they would do this anyway even if it failed for Uber, bunch of Crooks :lol:

    This is a great way of looking at it! Unfortunately most people seem to think this is either a full release or just want to play and won't bother reporting bugs which ends up being useless for Uber at this stage.

    At this point as well i'd prefer these people who are moaning to not get the game, much better to keep a friendly community.
  8. spacefooled

    spacefooled New Member

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    Yeah, as I told Neutrino 2 friends Kickstarted it. I'll probably buy it when it's finished. Nice said here, in truth I thought a publisher would have approached them by now :)
  9. ticklemeelmo

    ticklemeelmo Member

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    If you are still foolish enough to buy their games you deserve it. Accessing the credibility of game devs is now a standard part of being a consumer. And as you can see when the lead developer of this game takes the time to respond to your thought your not dealing with EA.

    I would like to explain pricing logic.
    If a company just gave you access to play a game in Alpha form and that's all it would be worth less than at release.
    If a company gave you access, and solicited for you feedback and you got to have a say in the development decisions, that would be an added value.

    Your not paying for the game, your paying 90 to be able to shape the game.
  10. spacefooled

    spacefooled New Member

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    Personally, I'd fill in inquiries if it was lowly priced in alpha. I understand that they want dedicated fans but setting a high price in alpha is not how I would approach it,but then again I don't run a gaming company :lol:
  11. kiviar

    kiviar New Member

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    Many would claim that willfully excluding a large group of people who are interested in playing a game, but disenfranchised with its price, is not really the action of a friendly community either.

    And lets face it Early Access is basically a release. If you don't have to sign an NDA, don't have a bug report quota and pay money for it, its a release.
  12. spacefooled

    spacefooled New Member

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    Quick response, haven't bought any EA game in a long time. I was very pleased with Neutrino's response :)
  13. skynet464

    skynet464 New Member

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  14. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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    What? Never, go on the offensive! Double the prize!


    Also, early access is not a release. How one would even think its similar to a release (where a game is supposed to be playable and bug free with all features in it) is beyond my meager mental capacity.
  15. dbx125

    dbx125 New Member

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    Can someone with authority say if its possible to get it removed from Steam. Or at least get the ****ing Steam troll pit...sorry forums, closed as they usually are with games not released for months and months?

    Honestly the inability to read a sticky, among other things is making my blood boil.
  16. ticklemeelmo

    ticklemeelmo Member

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    Just so you guys know. There are releasing new builds in the alpha almost daily. It is awesome to wake up. Read the patch notes and see what new goodies have been added today. Log in and test them out. Talk to people about them in game, and on the forums. Be the first to report a bug, a game in and of itself. Chat with the devs about what you think. I know that 90 dollars is a lot of money, but just know this, it is worth it.
  17. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    Costs of running a game company is another topic BTW but it's something people seem interested in.

    In general game companies in the US typically charge about $12k per man month. This is a fairly standard rate that someone like microsoft would pay if you are developing a game for them. To get an idea of monthly or yearly burn you just multiply it out.
  18. neutrino

    neutrino low mass particle Uber Employee

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    I mean where else are you going to have the devs all over the place answering questions and interacting? If you care about making games this is a great project to back imho.
  19. darktom77

    darktom77 New Member

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    I guess this is true, it's just they way so many of those people are behaving is whats getting at me. Lots of them seem to have no knowledge of the game or anything that's been going on with it in the past few months. And then there's the people that are just refusing to have a rational discussion about it and are just shouting a lot about how they shouldn't have to pay so much to get the game 6 months early!!!

    I'm going to start this bit by saying I personally hate and I'm against Steam's early access, I don't think anyone is entitled to an alpha and it's a privilege to be in one, not something the masses should have access to because most of them don't fully understand game development, (not saying I do, by no means do I). But this is also a very subjective topic because some people view different releases in different ways.

    I'd also like to say it's nice to see that there's hardly any flaming on these forums and most people are willing to actually talk about stuff :)
  20. thetrophysystem

    thetrophysystem Post Master General

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    Didn't minecraft have 3 blocks and no entities including a player character model, upon it's public alpha release, which it did in order to save the game to even get it finished?
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