Steam & PA // Questions, Answers, Discussion

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by peterbusunum, March 1, 2013.

  1. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?

  2. menchfrest

    menchfrest Active Member

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?

    I don't get why the big deal about this? If the game is going to have to be existing independent of steam with all the same features, I'm not sure what having it as a steam code instead of an uber one helps any. If it were to have the ability to use steam multiplayer features then it would require support for that in addition to uber's own system which is going to be essential to have in the first place. And support for getting it as a steam code does not mean it will per say have any steam multiplayer features.

    Now the logical portion is over and now for my more opinionated portion. I have always had issues with steam, delayed updates, assuming I want 32bit versions of games and borking the installs or installing 32bit games into the 64bit program folder and the interface is clunky at best in game. It has gotten much better over time, but I still don't see the reality of steam matching the much lofted ideal of steam.

    So I say this with sincerity and seriousness, please inform the clueless (me as of now) why.
  3. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?

    Well people use Steam cause they're lazy.

    They got most of their games there and most of their friends. Steam is adding more and more features such as the gamehubs with integrated forums, market, sharing of posts, videos and others.

    Having PA there also will make it easier for them to get into the game and at the same time have access to their friends and other features.
    I have had very little issues with Steam and it is a pretty good service.

    Main reason people want it on Steam is laziness and convenience
  4. peterbusunum

    peterbusunum Member

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?

    Yes, of course you can't know yet but still it's important to know where you'd want to head when the issue becomes more clear and what you work towards.

    I don't think we (or myself) want an "either" "or" situation. I guess the best option would be to have either one key that works for both Steam and Uber or two keys one for Uber and one for Steam (if the first isn't possible).

    Eventhough I'd be perfectly happy with having to chose, if activated on Steam I still could access the Uber Network for Matchmaking and such.

    Thank you for your reply! :)

    As "iampetart" has pointed out: It's a matter of convienience. I simply don't want to have several game specific networks running in order to play what I want and I don't want to shut them all down if I want to use only one (which happens mostly). I don't want to bother with setting everything up again and again (Username+Password+Avatar+Settings++++). Also If I tell any of my friends "Hey PA is UBER awesome! Go get it and let's wreck some Planets!" the reply will be "Is it availible via Steam?". Everyone I know uses it and none of these people have ever had any kind of issues that could not be resolved (don't know about the 32/64bit part, hadn't had any problems with this).

    Also the integrated option for creating screenshots and uploading videos and such is simply awesome. If I'm at work and want to show a collegue some screenshots from the last match I simply go to my profilepage and BÄM. There we go! And I don't have to remember several accounts.

    It gets better over time and is, for any publisher, a very good place to get more publicity and get their game out there. There are several million people using it on a daily basis. Super MNC isn't just there for fun.

    So it's both convinient for the customer and a good place to get more coverage and to sell more copies for a publisher. Win, Win situation right there!

    Especially if you can use your key on both platforms or have a key for both.
  5. RCIX

    RCIX Member

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?

    Well, as I understand it, won't the game come via ubernet by default? We're talking humble bundle style where you can go to your ubernet page and get a key for your game to activate on steam so it's in there.
  6. djunreal

    djunreal New Member

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?

    Some games (as I said in a previous post... UT3 for example) came as their own standalone games, but the same licence key that allows you to install the game from the DVD/wherever also works to activate your copy of the game in a Steam account.

    It may be worth consulting with Steam (if/when you end up with PA going out on Steam) to see if they'll "enable" existing keys from PA to activate the games on Steam as well.

    It might simply be a case of "provide us with a list of serials that have been sold and we'll add them to the allow list" in which case, a DB dump from the Ubernet keys list should do the trick...

    [NOTE]: this is based on two major assumptions - 1) Steam are friendly enough (and interested enough in the publicity) to do this for you, and 2) Ubernet keeps some kind of database for game keys which you can run direct queries on to dump lists of codes etc. If I'm wrong, please feel free to adjust as appropriate!
  7. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?


    Uber would prefer us not to go through Steam ultimately. But I would prefer it myself.

    Its a really powerful community platform, but we get along with in game social tools like in LoL and MMOs just fine. I just want inviting to games and such to be easy.
  8. menchfrest

    menchfrest Active Member

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?

    I'm confused at the assumption of available in my steam library meaning uses steam services. Is that a requirement for being in steam or is that just wishful thinking?
  9. garatgh

    garatgh Active Member

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?

    This. Basicly the "ubernet code" would work as a "steam code" too (Connecting them so that you cant play the steam version at the same time as the ubernet version, so it works like 1 game key) xD.

    But if that isent possible, having the option to choose between a ubernet or steam code would be a great alternative (for me at least).
  10. peterbusunum

    peterbusunum Member

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?

    No. There are games that are merely managed via Steam (e.g. you can download it any time and get updates but it still uses the built in Multiplayersystem and such like R.U.S.E. for example).

    There is no need to create any sort of Steam only thingy in order to make it work as far as I understand how Steam works.
  11. liamdawe

    liamdawe Active Member

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?

    I would prefer it to be on Steam than not, so I can chat away to people while in-game :D
  12. peterbusunum

    peterbusunum Member

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?

    Yeah. I hope that they won't have any problems with getting it to Steam and when they do: Give each and everyone of the backers the option to activate it there, too (if we need two keys or can use one for both, I really don't care that much).

    Also, as far as sales go: I have no numbers to support this so this is just what I think:
    If someone buys PA via Steam (pre-order if possible or otherwise) it wouldn't be a loss because there is no guarantee that the same person would've bought it through the Uber-Store. I see why they don't want Steam to take a cut just yet (or at any time for that matter). But the sales generated via Steam wouldn't have happned otherwise (at least that is what I imagine for a large quantity of customers).

    I myself wouldn't have backed now through the Uber-Store if I wasn't a complete and total TA/SupCom fan. I love the scale, the systems. Everything.

    Only way they got me to throw my money at them already ^^ Others won't do so if they can not have it via Steam - a store most users there trust.
  13. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?

    What Steam does that Uber cannot is marketing. It'll just take more sales from the Steam store to match a sale from the Uber website.

    However, more customers either way is a good thing. It'll get a little fishy if Uber does paid DLC/expansions though. Steam doesn't like when your game does that in app and circumvents them.
  14. peterbusunum

    peterbusunum Member

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?

    Care to elaborate?
  15. Polynomial

    Polynomial Moderator Alumni

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?

    Crysis 2. ... e-to-blame

    I got my stories mixed up. Its not doing it in app, its crossing the download service streams.
  16. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?

    I think he means that Steam doesn't take a cut from DLC content but that kinda makes no sense so I would like to know as well.

  17. peterbusunum

    peterbusunum Member

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    Re: If PA comes to Steam, can PreOrdered Keys be acivated?

    Ah, I see. But I don't think that'll be a problem with PA - Also Crysis 2 can be bought via Steam (just checked) again. So. Hm. Strange story indeed.
    It wasn't me, Petar! :(

    Also I'd like to throw in, that I'm trying to monitor the Backers Forums and the upcoming livestreams for mentions about Steam and so on. I will keep the first post up to date with the most recent information availible. Please continue discussing Steam&PA here - New Questions are welcome!
  18. Daddie

    Daddie Member

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    Well.. as I am using Steam alot I would not mind seeing a steam key. But this game is far better of without any digital platform, without any DRM, to allow the optimal LAN party destruction :mrgreen:
  19. peterbusunum

    peterbusunum Member

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    That is actually a really good point, you know. I've never tried playing anything I have on Steam in LAN mode.

    Since we already know that no onlineplatform will be mandatory to play PA (to ensure "optimal LAN party destruction") this adds kind of a twist to the question about the backers keys.

    For example: If we have to chose between either a UberNet Key or a Steam Key, would it be possible to play PA via LAN with the steamversion?

    Does anyone have any sort of experience in regards to playing Steam Games via LAN?
  20. iampetard

    iampetard Active Member

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    lol lan party, people here prefer rl parties and getting wasted. I have yet to find a proper SupCom fan. Croatia sucks

    I would assume there are no issues with LAN parties though, would be silly if Steam messed that up in any way

    Yes I typed the wrong name. The sin is mine. Apologies :oops:

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