Explain the differences (besides the little perks like that shot first emote thing). I see two different programs, each offering a set amount of DLC that amount to the full game.
PFFFFFFFFHAAAAHAAAHAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAA .... ... AAAAAAAAAHHHHHAAAAAAHHHAAAAHHHHHHAAAHHHHHAAAAHAAAA ... ..... ..... *sighhh* ...... ea, activision, ubisoft, sega, nintendo and squareenix (feel free to add more) ... those companies had each a number of BS moves over the last decade that i don't realy feel that they will better themselves in the near future .... inb4 konami, may as well not be a videogamepublisher anymore ... at least microsoft doesn't seem to go overly craycray ... unless i forgot something significantly (something kinect related maybe?) as for me i am not realy looking forward to battlefront 3 from what i know of EA's businessways that made me lose interest in battlefield 3 and 4 before .... ... not to forget deadspace ...
There's stuff like the lock on for fighters which makes sure there will never be a skill gap between pilots.
Except you miss with it all the time I had to lead manually for the most part to get kills and only used lock on for missiles.
Tbh the aircraft controls themselves are better than Battlefields, what do you think is wrong with them? Everything about them is rather nice- Other than the floaty controls. Oh wait we're talking about the lock! Whoops, my bad.
You're right. You see two different programs each offering a variable set of DLC. Compare the base costs for each game; Battlefront is somewhere in the region of £50. Battlefield was not far off that at release (3 or 4, take your pick). DLC is something we can't measure the value of until it is out, and something I've already spent a huge post explaining. You don't have to buy it. Additionally, and I might not be correct, but in the case of Battlefield 3 the Premium edition didn't cover all DLC for the product, I don't think.
It feels sluggish and not very responsive. I have to drag my mouse way too far to turn the damn things.
Well yes, but otherwise the controls on paper are great. They should be perfect, but the way it works is... Weird so it doesnt, look at War Thunder for a proof of concept.
They don't work on paper. F1, F2, F3 for evasive manoeuvres. WHAT THE FLYING FRAK IS THAT!? pun possibly intended.
Premium covered all the dlc. There isn't a variable amount of dlc. There's 4 (apparently), and Battlefield had 5. That's not something I'm complaining about though - I don't think it matters too much. That said, if these dlcs are ANYTHING like Battlefield's, then the pricing structure was a huge mistake and they are ripping us off. Let me put it this way: Premium at release for BF3 and 4 was 33% more than regular old Battlefield. Battlefront premium is 100% more than regular Battlefront. I WAS going to throw this on my Christmas list but now.... It's just too much. Geez.
Battlefront Ultimate Edition is not Battlefield Premium. Your entire argument revolves around the "if Battlefront is like Battlefield". I mean, completely, don't buy it. I've never been saying you should buy it. I just dislike all this silliness about what costs what.
But it IS. Dude! It's got the same terms and the same rewards (excepting the little stuff ofc). Why is there such a price discrepancy?
Okay, this really bears repeating: You have no idea what will be in the DLC contained within the Ultimate Edition. No idea whatsoever. You are assuming it will be similar in size, scope and complexity to Battlefield. This is an assumption that has not been proven true, yet.
I don't have specifics, but I can make an educated guess based on my past experience with dice and EA. I also attach a condition to my statements: this is them ripping us off IF the DLC content is similar in scope to Battlefield's DLC.
I understand what you're getting at, but I think it's far too early to make decisions either way. Definitely, at least, I recommend (if you like the game) buying the game. The DLC is optional, and if it isn't good I urge people to vote with their wallets there, too. Might send a message that the game is worth it, but the DLC isn't.
what like turning the OS into the spyware usually on it? Nahhhhh couldn't be that major thing you're referring to at all.