Stalemate with Planet Vs Planet?

Discussion in 'Support!' started by fergie, October 1, 2013.

  1. cptkilljack

    cptkilljack Member

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    There is a thing called the Unit cannon which can drop units from space to attack a planet. The other part about this is there is more to be done with units for orbital as its not finished yet. I really think we should be getting more ground based units as well but who knows. We still dont have the orbital engineer like what is shown in the Kickstarter trailer that can travel from planet to planet to asteroid to asteroid. The games units are not yet flushed out and I cant wait to see more.
  2. kosmosprime

    kosmosprime Member

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    1. Unit cannons which shoot units through the orbital layer if your planet is close enough.
    2. There is no useful orbital bombardment weapon. Sure we have that laser, but it must be directly above its target and can be taken down by fighters easily. Which you will have since "it is more feasible to just be space dominant".
    fewrfreyut likes this.
  3. banaman

    banaman Member

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    that's why you don't allow space based combat units like that, be able to target or do anything to planets directly... and with umbrellas still able to fire at them. any unit able to do everything is going to be broken, that's why there is limitations on everything.
  4. commissarpt

    commissarpt New Member

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    Well, i am not sure i am liking the options we have, of invading a planet.

    Nukes? Yhea its fun but not very epic (at least for the guy that sees it coming closer and closer hehe)

    Asteroid smash? Epic yes, but too hardwork... (go to asteroid, land, build base, build huge motors on it that take forever, smash, all gone.... nahhh)

    What would be cool?

    1 - Lets make it a little homeworld like... Build motherships that can transport space fighters and dropships and can also build units. (it nees to have a new camera view for staging orbital invasions :) )

    2 - Convert asteroids into mobile bases (instead of smashing, move it in orbit of a planet and start pumping units with a unit canon)

    3 - Epic / Experimental Transports - Huge transports that can land on a planet, deploy (cool animation with landing gear and giant doors opening) and can unload armies of bots / units with the ability (perhaps) of building more.

    Please, no teleporters or things like that... it sucks... (although a stargate would be acceptable :D )
  5. corteks

    corteks Active Member

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    1) Everything points to no space combat like this. I love homeworld but that's why I'm looking forward to the HD remakes of 'em

    2) Has been suggested before. Seems pretty guaranteed it'll be in there.

    3) I would also like some larger transports so setting up a beachhead on a enemy planet will be a more realistic tactic.

    We're pretty much guaranteed to get teleporters BtW. How they work will be something we have to wait and see. I hope they'll be a case of having to have a gate on both ends, rather than click-to-go-anywhere-you-want.
    dala1984 likes this.

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