Spunky Cola FREE DLC Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, November 30, 2010.

  1. Shammas

    Shammas New Member

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    They destroyed the support's main offensive ability, and it's only ranged attack. This was totally unnecessary.
  2. ababypenguin

    ababypenguin New Member

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    I think "destroyed" is a little harsh. I have been playing a lot today and I've seen some good use of the air strike.
  3. Uklamok

    Uklamok New Member

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    I played for a bit tonight and I gotta say its not worth putting up a turret unless you are going to play a support and babysit it.

    And I can not over state my frustration with assassins killing me right next to a couple turrets and then just bouncing or sprinting away.

    Game after game I would join a team that couldn't get past the moneyball and in spunky cola you couldn't get out the door. Instead of a 2 minute game its now a drawn out beating and the juice rush comes seconds after overtime.

    It just wasn't fun.

    I need a game mode where you break up parties because otherwise there is just no point in joining a game by myself.
  4. ababypenguin

    ababypenguin New Member

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    I like this idea. I love playing "Mercenary Team Deathmatch" on COD:MW2 because it breaks up the parties. However, I think it would take Uber a long time to implement. Understandably so.
  5. InsolubleFluff

    InsolubleFluff New Member

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    I always upgrade smoke bomb to level 3 since it's a quick way out of the battle and can save your life big time. It's also really good at getting in to another person's base without them seeing you.

    I smoke bomb'd a bouncer yesterday and it just continued to hit me whilst it had the dazed globe thing above it's head.

    I like the fact the bots are all together, because as you said it is good juice. But when all the tanks and gunners are congregating there, how am I supposed to get in there without being killed?

    I played again last night and managed to get like 24 - 3. I had to play mostly as a shuriken assassin though. I suppose it's fair that I have to stand back and not run in to the action now, but I'm gonna miss the fast paced action I used to get :S!
  6. Roy Campbell

    Roy Campbell New Member

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    If the airstrike is, in your opinion, the support's "main offensive ability", then you're doing it wrong.

    Oh no, you can't mash on the 'b' button for insta-kills as much. Come on. The less spammy this game is made, the better this game is overall.
  7. thrustbucket

    thrustbucket New Member

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    Put me in the minority of people that are fine with the airstrike "nerf" - and support is my main class.

    I always play a support defensively. I don't think they are meant to be played offensively. They rely on turrets for kills, defense, and offense. Because of this, the airstrike nerf doesn't hurt the way I play them. This leads me to conclude that the way I play support is more in line with what Uber intended them to be.

    I think most of the complainers always saw support as just a slightly weaker offensive class that can heal.

    There have always been three HUGE problems with airstrike:
    1- Amount of damage they do. Usually instakill. There are only two nearly guranteed instakills in the game, the airstrike takes a lot less skill/risk than the assasin backstab.

    2- Being able to throw all three at once.

    3- How quickly you can repeat the above at level 3.

    Uber only addressed number 3, which is fine. If they EVER decide to increase airstrike recharge again, I really hope they radically reduce it's damage, to at least turrets, and also put in a cooldown between airstrikes.

    My main complaint as a support right now is that I can spend 1/4 of a match saving up for a level 3 rock-it turret and then watch an Assasin take it out in less than a second. That's stupid. Nothing that takes that much time to build should be that easy to destroy.
    Last edited: December 3, 2010
  8. flow

    flow New Member

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    Hello, i m in france and now we can download the dlc..
    Thanks Uber..
  9. jarnhaan

    jarnhaan New Member

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    I just want to say that I love the new Spunky map and the changes to the other maps. The glass walls definitely make the original maps (like Steel Peel) play differently.

    One thing I want to point out (and I'm not sure if it has already been said since I am still reading through this thread). On Steel Peel, there was a gunner with level 3 mortars spamming them from his spawn to the opening on the right. The mortars basically exploded right at the opening. That was annoying.

    I lag on the Spunky arena after about 15 minutes of play time when it gets very hectic with all the bots (bouncers) running around. I have not had my Xbox freeze yet, but the lag does make it annoying. Still fun, but annoying.

    I appreciate all the effort you, Uber, and you, players that want to be heard (Billy, Hudson, DeadStretch to name a few) have put into making this game what it is. I enjoy the hell out of this game and I hope to continue enjoying it.

    By the way, can I place a pre-order on the future DLC already? I want make sure it gets made and released. :D
  10. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    This is a good idea. I want to do this as well.
  11. thrustbucket

    thrustbucket New Member

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    I would love to hear more about future dlc. Is Uber already working on it? How far along are they? What is their ideal release schedule for future dlc?
  12. zabari

    zabari New Member

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    Yep thats it in a nutshell perfect. Juiced supports were jacking up the game.
  13. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Buy some store gear, next best thing to funding uber :)
  14. FB Zombie Chaos

    FB Zombie Chaos New Member

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    Yup! I have done this too.

    If they would make a Support statue, I would get one of them as well.
  15. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    The Gunner's Pancake is always an instakill.
  16. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Headcrab and Headshot (in most cases) are also instant kills.
  17. jarnhaan

    jarnhaan New Member

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    Soon to be part of the plan...
  18. That Dutch Guy

    That Dutch Guy New Member

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    Is there a list on how all the protags are called? I've seen some awesome ones but I have no idea how to get them, such as Humiliation, Annihilation and so on.
  19. Bambam Bm

    Bambam Bm New Member

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    List of Protags and how to get them
  20. ManaCorporation

    ManaCorporation New Member

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    Why am I not surprised MNC has a wiki? :roll:

    Edit: Why is the wiki black? IT SHOULD BE PINK!

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