Spunky Cola FREE DLC Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, November 30, 2010.

  1. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Are you in France? Xbox was having issues in France with our DLC. Should be ok now.
  2. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Spamming Airstrikes has never been a problem for me or anyone else I've ever played with. You're given 4 seconds to move out of a designated area that is GLOWING and has a high pitch sound eminating from it. If you sat in that area, then too bad. The fault is your own.

    I've been running Gold Skill Recovery for a while to get Airstrike kills, but I feel like I'm not getting compensated for doing so anymore. Instead of getting my intended result, I get a half-minute timer on each individual Level 3 Airstrike. Then, when I do use it, I have to hope that it either sticks or they can't/don't move out of the way.

    No me gusta.
  3. corporal

    corporal New Member

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    Hi again!

    I'm in Norway.
    Do you need my gamer ID or something?

  4. ChoxZ

    ChoxZ New Member

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    I'm having the same issue; also in Norway.
  5. InsolubleFluff

    InsolubleFluff New Member

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    Wow, you based a class nerf on an item that drops?
    That's like basing a nerf on the assassin by how much gold is dropped from a black jack or how much boost bacon gives you.

    That's got to be the worst idea ever.

    I still feel cheated by the assassin but I will play again in just a moment now that i've calmed down and hopefully get back in to the flow.
  6. Col_Jessep

    Col_Jessep Moderator Alumni

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    Caramba! If every dev studio would support their games like Uber the world would be a better place! :D

    The Spnky arena looks sweet and more Blitz for everyone! I love the new video btw!
  7. Diablohead

    Diablohead New Member

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    Amazing how many of you support players rely on air strikes :p lol

    Bots are not too hard to take down without them imo, a shotgun grapple is a kill, few shots up close is a kill, you are support, a hacked sentry will tear them to shreads too.
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    Looks like someone didn't read the whole thing...
  9. Galactique Stizz

    Galactique Stizz New Member

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    No, it still not work :'(
  10. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Reading is hard, complaining is easy. ;)
  11. StarPilot87

    StarPilot87 New Member

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    I'd say the "Support getting Churros" is a bit of a Catch 22, however for me it's a different reason. I will be just behind the front line, which of course is where all of the item drops are. Tanks are going to be getting the majority of drops, with Gunners and Assassins coming in second. A roaming Assault would probably be third (or fourth), with Support 2nd to last. Sniper (at least the way most pubs play them) would be last on getting drop items.

    I do think the airstrike cooldown needed a slight nerf, but the current rate is a bit too slow. Then again my main uses for the airstrike are to either wipe out a bot wave, take out a turret, or drive an enemy pro out of cover. Actual kills for me tend to be collateral damage.

    If the airstrike is to retain some level of cooldown nerf (ie not returning to pre-DLC rate), I would think that Supports should be earning more cash from basic healing. For X amount of healing done, the Support gets X amount of cash. Constantly overhealing the same target would not contribute to this, just healing and overhealing up to the target's limit.
  12. Galactique Stizz

    Galactique Stizz New Member

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    Yeah i'm in France :)
  13. DR0KZ

    DR0KZ New Member

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    Well i just moved into my new house so i can't go online yet, but played abit at a friend's but dude, AWESOME! Down to the menu everything seemed better and improved in some way, and all that now 200% more hilarious..love it!
    Haven't had a good chance to listen to the new Mickey lines and volume changes as it was a full house when we played (but sold another MNC Download, wahey!) but it seems much improved, seems its time for a new sig soon :p

    Uber really outdone themself on this DLC, and for the price of only abit of patience it's the best thing i will download in my life.

    Also really cool to see my protag suggestions being put in the game :cool:

    Actually, now the timer is longer meaning the Gold Skill Recovery sponsor just got even better with this change as it's effectivly decreasing the timer more now ;)!
  14. eido740

    eido740 New Member

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    I agree with everyone else on the airstrike nerf. It's difficult enough to stop a wave of bots as support, the airstrike was my last resort. I've only picked up a few churros: not enough to make much of a difference. I end up saving my airstrikes for a pro ambush or to destroy a turret. When I'm farming bots (and thus in a position to pick up churros) my airstrike is fully carged because I'm afraid if I use them on bots I'll find myself defenseless when I get jumped by a tank or an assault.

    That said, the rest of the DLC is nice. Spunky is all-out mayhem. Mickey Cantor is hilarious as always. Churros are a great addition (though they don't drop as often as I'd like).

    This is why I prefer indie games: the developers listen to the community, fix balance issues, release free new content, and actually play the game they made. And because nobody takes themselves too seriously we get a game that's not only fun but also f'ing hilarious. Keep at it, uber.
  15. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    Hey Scathis, just to let you know: the DLC is still not available here in France.
  16. Ekanaut

    Ekanaut Uber Alumni

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    We checked with Microsoft and there were some errors with the launch in France. They tell us it's been fixed and should be live later today.
  17. MojoTeq

    MojoTeq New Member

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    Tank Jetgun grapples turn bouncers into bouncer bits. Assasin smoke bombs make them all tarded and shorten their kick *** lives. Etc and so forth. They are not a problem, unless you don't seem em coming.

    Playing on a big screen absolutely threw me off after playing on something almost a third the size for so long. Give it some time. However, that said, there is no game change reason that would cut your K/D like that. THE biggest nerf the Assassin ever got was pulling the grapple cloak. Simple as that.

    I'm not sure what you meant by "the delay."

    I also don't understand why you have a problem with a huge congregation of bots. That is THE BEST TIME! Fun, if dangerous, and with a smoke bomb in place, CRAZY juice gain. Do you even upgrade smoke bomb? I think a lot of people have gotten lazy and only upgrade what they thought or were told were the essential skills LONG ago. Well, things have changed, and there are new ways to play (or should I say old ways that are now more viable/essential.) You just have to get used to it.

    I know they stated 2-4 churros drop per match, but playing with 2 other people in my party on crossfire, we were each getting 3 to 6 churros per game. Maybe they meant it would be reasonable to assume picking up 2 to 4?

    However, I do hate the HUGE nerf on airstrikes. I would much rather have seen the shotgun damage go down a bit. It has always boggled my mind how much carnage can be done with the shotgun alone. It always seemed like an assassination without as much danger to me, AND easier to pull off.
  18. Mastah

    Mastah New Member

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    Ok, I'll check that tomorrow morning, thanks for the update ;)
  19. mute

    mute New Member

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    Agreed with everything you said till this part. Easier to pull off than an assassination? Are you kidding me? Assassinations are the easiest kills in the game, period. It's nowhere nearly same. Shotguns are upclose weapons only, and getting up that close to a player.. esp. heavies takes talent. Assassins can join into the first game ever and keep getting 1:1 k:d assassinations over and over. Only person with full health a shotgun kills in 1 shot is the Assassin, and thats up close and in the face and it's usually the dumb assassins' fault thinking they can run straight @ someone or by thinking "weee i'm cloaked! they can't see me! wooo!", in fact.. because of that.. the shotgun is very relieving... a total pest to the annoyance that is the Assassin. If there is anything more gratifying in this game than killing or pissing off an assassin over and over... I dont know what it is (except maye those moments when you get a kill on a juiced player).
  20. ababypenguin

    ababypenguin New Member

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    Not to ruin the "Airstrike got NERF'D" topic, but I am loving the DLC. Every change is amazing. The game is balanced perfectly IMO (of course, until players find a new way to tilt the scales).

    About the airstrike nerf, I think it is just fine. Before DLC, supports could take out turrets quickly and easily with their airstrike alone. The support class SHOULD be for support, so teamwork should be implemented into every aspect of him. By increasing the CD time, a support is a great asset as a SUPPORT class. I'm sure a gunner and support could take out turrets easily with a combination of airstrike and the minigun. The airstrike was too OP with the previous CD time. A single support could clear the enemy base of turrets without being in nearly any danger. Spunky Cola makes the support class more of a team-member pro, rather than a solo pro.

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