Spunky Cola FREE DLC Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Ekanaut, November 30, 2010.

  1. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    I'm not sure what game you have been playing, but the Assassin is fine.

    SHOW YOUR HEART New Member

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    I feel the same way for the most part.

    Juice nerf was ABSOLUTELY needed. I felt dirty being able to juice every 45 seconds without buying it.

    The airstrike nerf is bull ****. I can't imagine why they thought it was so necessary. The skill has a visual AND auditory indicator to let players know that it's coming .. and it's easily avoidable. The only other thing that I can think of is that they can destroy turrets pretty quickly .. But it's rather difficult to get a support close enough to do that kind of damage now without the juice gain anyway .. and tanks/gunners/assassin can rip up turrets more quickly anyway.

    And you're absolutely correct .. Nerfing the juice gain for the support forced him to be defensive, so why not let us keep our airstrike? We have no quick way to destroy a large group of bots .. Since they didn't feel the need to keep them from walking past turrets and going directly for the moneyball.

    Stupid. :( I'll be playing significantly less unless they decide to alter this aspect.
  3. InsolubleFluff

    InsolubleFluff New Member

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    Monday Night Combat, obviously.
    It's not, it's bullshit. I have gone from always getting 20 - 30 kills and 2 - 3 deaths to getting 18 kills and 8 deaths or the likes. It may be because I haven't gotten used to my new bigger screen, but I just doubt it.

    There are about 3x more tanks and gunners shooting blind and getting me, I can't move anywhere without it. I mean, I could understand making the assassin do less damage to the money ball, and I could understand making the rock-it turrets stronger so assassin's can't just early game rape them without a bit of skill. I could understand them. But why add the delay?

    Also, I am spawning quite often with no charge ability and no lunge ability what-so-ever.
    It's just stupid now. The first game I played I thought was good because I was able to get behind enemy lines and just hack away at the bots, but now all the bots are meeting in the middle and it's just a massive pile of mayhem there. I can't get gold at all like that and since the assassin is **** without upgrades, it's hard to do any real damage.

    Also, killing turrets are stupidly hard as an assassin once deployed and their damage is stupid. The support has been basically made in to the most useless class in the game now. I can see why they did both of their changes, but they didn't compensate it with any sort of benefit. No longer able to juice from healing (the support's job) and no longer able to use air strikes to get kills. The support was nerfed to be stupidly weak and I sympathize with all support players.
  4. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    Put me in the "return the airstrike to what it was" camp. Very unnecessary nerf.
  5. wakkydude

    wakkydude New Member

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    What's this? Super Sudden Death? Sudden Death was easy so OMGWTFBBQ IMPOSSIBLE
  6. wakkydude

    wakkydude New Member

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    Please, NERF THE DAMN SHOTGUN before I go crazy.
  7. Perfidious Sinn

    Perfidious Sinn New Member

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    I wish I could download the DLC. I kinda miss playing online.

    SHOW YOUR HEART New Member

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  9. Galactique Stizz

    Galactique Stizz New Member

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    Hey what's up?

    I've got a little probleme with the update guys!

    Yesterday I turned on the game, and it suggested me to update my MNC, but when I accepte it tolds me that this product isn't avable on the store right now!
    It may be because I'm in France, because one of my homies told me the same thing about him.

    So could you tell me how to resolve the probleme plzzzzzz?

    You're doing a great job! Peace!
  10. J Triple Dash

    J Triple Dash New Member

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    the only fault that has never changed from the very beginning is after a failed host migration a blue screen comes up with a large mnc logo and you can't come off the screen unless you press start and load the tutorial then exit that to get back to crossfire. oh and has anybody earned the 30+ kill protag but not get the 25 kill tag? I thought It might have been coz I passed 30 kills but I was in a match and got 27 kills and still no tag. this has happened many times. spunky cola is lush (mmmm) but assault needs a big hard pimp slap for flying out the arena onto the outside ledge direct to our moneyball. was in a match and we held them off till just before overtime (they had just over half monyball left we had just under full money ball) then bamf grenade inna me face!!!! went to grapple the bitch but no assault in sight. assassin/assault hybrid? no just a loser on a ledge that I hoped would jump the bleep off. sadly he stayed the rest of the match and we lost :oops:
  11. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    The Assassin only got changed for the better. I can kick just as much *** with the Assassin as I could before. As for the Support, the increased amount of time it takes to throw an airstrike IS a nerf, and it wasn't needed.
  12. Nayr

    Nayr New Member

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    lol the Support is already a crippled and almost useless character as is. Taking away the close range power of the shotgun would make him worse then bullseye.

    His only real threat is a hacked firebase in a choke point of the map with teammates covering the area. Other then that the hurt gun is weak, airstrikes are seldom and the shotguns range is limited. Have fun backing up and getting a free kill.
  13. sxd24

    sxd24 Member

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    Well, looks like I'll be playing the Support a lot less now, which sucks xss, as I only had 300 more Airstrike kills to go. The Airstrike cooldown increase wasn't necessary at all, as it feels like it takes an eternity to get my Level 3 Airstrike back. I actually feel compelled to time it because it takes so damn long. =/

    I understand the nerf to Juice gain, which is fine. Maybe not to the extent that it was nerfed, but I can live with it. It's the combination of that, the Airstike nerf, and the nerfs from the previous patch that's pushing me away from the class now.

    If you think about it, the only real "buff" we ever got was the Rate of Fire affecting the H/H gun, and even then so, it's only really a buff with gold Rate of Fire. Now, with the Airstrike nerf, I find myself torn between either having Gold Skill Rec or Gold Rate of Fire, as the class is too nerfed without either one in that spot.

    Also, Supports have no way of gaining money without playing offensively and using Juice, which, with the new nerfs, has become incredibly difficult. Now, Supports have no income, which leads to no skills, and therefore no way to build up the base without either waiting for the $50 every 30 seconds or suiciding with the Shotgun.
    Yes. PLEASE take away any offensive capability we ever had. After all, the Support is not meant to win any fights.
  14. Nayr

    Nayr New Member

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    Just throwing this out here, we still need the assassins dash not to glitch. By glitch I mean I can't use dash and I'm basically stuck in a run animation while moving at walking speed. Happens to me a lot cause I'm always running and apparently I hit X a lot.
  15. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Regarding the Air Strike recovery change:
    We were already getting a lot of feedback that the rate of them being thrown out was a little high. With the power of the air strike I was on the fence about whether to keep it the same or reduce it.

    Then we introduced churros.
    A good support that farms churros can throw them out with amazing regularity, even with the reduction.

    That is the reason for the recovery reduction.
  16. IlliniJen

    IlliniJen New Member

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    How can a support farm churros when only 2-4 drop per crossfire match? And how exactly can a support effectively kill bots midmap to get churros drops? I'm afraid churros is poor and effective "compensation" for the airstrike nerf. Nerfing juice gain was more than needed and feels right, but nerfing the airstrike makes the support very limited.

    The airstrike change was unnecessary. The support feels like a turret babysitter now, as they have zero ability to survive mid to long range when your airstrikes are recharging on the slowest timer ever.
  17. hostileparadox

    hostileparadox Well-Known Member

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    Bit of a catch 22. You need to use airstrikes to quickly kill bots to hopefully get churros so you can use airstrikes. :?
  18. Im Hudson

    Im Hudson New Member

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    Agreed with Jen. I feel like the support would be perfect with pre Dlc air strikes or maybe even slightly nerfed airstrikes (time wise).

    The current reduction is just too much given the drop rate of churros, and the fact that supports will have to be in assassin/tank range to damage or pick up drops just to use a lvl 3 skill at a moderate level.
  19. Haxim

    Haxim Member

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    I'm curious if there's a way to fix the 'spamminess' of airstrikes without changing their recharge. Would it have been better say, to add a delay between calling airstrikes instead? Something like you can only have one active airstrike at a time? It would also somewhat solve the problem (if it's a problem?) of a Support getting near the enemy base and just unleashing a tactical nuke on a turret as well.
  20. corporal

    corporal New Member

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    Got a major issue.
    I can't seem to find the DLC on Xbla :/
    Can someone please tell me what the problem might be?

    Corporal Rusing

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