Spunky Cola Arena - LOOK AT IT

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Liefglinde, October 27, 2010.

  1. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I would think the opposite. Makes it a shorter trip for spawn campers to buy juice and get right back to the spawn camping.
  2. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Maybe if you could only buy juice near your own team's spawn? That would get rid of a lot of problems.
  3. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    This should be a given. I fear for what would happen if you are allowed to purchase juice near the other team's spawn. Add in the cooldown period that is being added and now you can not only spawn kill them, but you have prevented them from being able to retaliate. Genius!
  4. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    Is the juice dispenser cooldown universal? Or is it pro-based?

    I thought it was pro-based...
  5. kckzi

    kckzi New Member

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    Maybe we should actually get the map and test it before we judge it. I know all your arguments sound logical because of one extreme case (spawn camping), but most the time when you judge a map before actually playing it, what you thought originally is nothing like it actually plays like. I know because I've created maps for another game (some small quake like game) thinking it would play one way, then the maps would completely surprise me when actually testing it.
  6. Cheesecakecrush

    Cheesecakecrush New Member

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    There are still two lanes, they just converge into one at midfield. As Scathis said, it will be more important to hold bots at their spawn, since there will be a clusterfark of bots where all the action is. Hanging out at the enemy bot spawn means you're a target, so it won't be easy. TDM will be a major part of the strategy of this map, one to hold off pros so they can't stop you from pushing yours into your base (the main strategy of MNC, if you ask me.)

    I don't see what the problem is with rewards for kill streaks. As it looks right now, you're going to have surplus money with the juice purchasing put on cooldown. Good for buying bots, upgrading your base (with a quick map like this, the tide can turn fast so turrets are probably a great investment.)

    I'm reserving final judgement on Spunky Cola when it releases. I imagine with halfway balanced teams its going to be an action packed thrill ride.
  7. BroTranquilty

    BroTranquilty New Member

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    global. ekanaut said so.

    everyone will see the same timer, like the annihalator. one person uses it, it resets for everyone. also there are 4 of them. also assassins can access them easier, unnerfing them a little more. ALSO this may set the precedence for future maps/sequels to have juice machines in two/more areas so teams have to control/fight-over multiple places.

    so more teamwork and stradegy and probably less spawn-camp juice-rush in my opinion.
  8. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Take a good look at the map image, both bot lanes are right next to one another and they run completely straight until the very center of the map with the exception of where the second lanes merges with the first. This gives a Sniper or Tank a clear line of sight from the moment the bots spawn allowing them to be destroyed similar to how Ammo Mule works.

    A Good Sniper/Tank has ample time to destroy bots and shoot Pros when dealing with a single lane, so having two lanes would keep them busy but not overwork them. Add to this the fact that you can see the enemy bot lanes by simply going beyond the walled area to the left of your spawn and once a team is pinned they will be unable to stop you from poaching their bots unless they want to counter-snipe from an exposed position.

    Also, the problem with rewarding kill streaks is that it promotes killing Pros instead of completing the objective(s). Killing a Pro should be done only when they interfere with completing an objective otherwise it serves no true purpose in an objective-based game. Players with 50+ kills should not be rewarded for their actions moreso than the player that constantly pushes the bots lane(s), destroys the defending turrets, etc.
  9. JackTrips

    JackTrips New Member

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    A completely unopposed sniper will be a bot killing machine. However, the other team can get over to oppose that sniper very quickly. Also, bouncers are spawning with the other bots, which are harder to snipe and less likely to die from simple explosive damage. And yes, pro v. pro will be a significant part of the action on this map.

    tl;dr I agree with everyone that has said "Let's wait and see."
  10. mute

    mute New Member

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    I think it looks awesome...I'm hopefully thinking that spawn camping wont be much an issue really due to the nature that they are so close, i think the respawns. will balance it out through the # of kills there are going to be on this map. plus theres a right exit that you can drop down from and look @ all that glass, no direct lines of fire except for right on side there or on the circular 2nd level area. support turrets won't survive in a spawn camping area...

    anyways, hopefully ;] a single botlane was one of my iwshes actually.. and I look forward to an intense/quick map. hope it lives up to its name!

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