Spunky Cola Arena - LOOK AT IT

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat 360 General Discussion' started by Liefglinde, October 27, 2010.

  1. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Seems like it would be harder to control the other team's side of the map on this map than on the others. Most of the action is focused on the middle, and the open space near the pro spawns would be difficult to control.

    I don't know if I like the idea of a single bot lane though. I always liked the fact that you had to either rush one side of the map while leaving the other side undefended, or balance out your team to both lanes and run the risk of getting rushed on one side.
  2. JimCognito

    JimCognito New Member

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    I watched your vid a few times about a month ago, I thought it was a map that was cut out and was sad, but now it's for free!
  3. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Large Map Image

    I don't think that we watched the same video because this map actually promotes spawn camping. More difficult to control the other side?! Heck, the wall alone encourages holding the middle area as close to the opposing spawn as possible. The jump pads to access the upper area with the wall are both facing the same direction so a Gunner or Sniper could cover both of them from the center and the corridors are so narrow there is not much the player can do to dodge.

    I like the concept of the map but I see the elevated walkway to the right and front of the spawn being neglected due to not having cover and being so far from the action. The turret nubs seem pointless with the exception of the one watching the bottom cut in the wall. Overall I see this as one of the weaker maps. I think we will like it due to simply having a new map but the depth for this one seems quite flat. I mean just look at the image, there is a turret nub to the right of the spawn that has no purpose! It's like they needed to place 6 of them so they stuck it in the corner. It's almost as bad as the one between the bot lanes right when they spawn. What's that going to do?!
  4. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    It's interesting to see theories being thrown around on a map before you even play it.

    The bot spawns have been altered on this map, along with both bot lanes merging into one, it plays a bit differently than you're used to.
  5. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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  6. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    I'd think Hiero Glyph would have seen this strategy. It's like the opposite from Steel Peel, here Longshots are not only encouraged but there's one turret nub that almost begs to have one built on it.
  7. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Oops, I hate it when I hit edit instead of quote.
  8. DeadStretch

    DeadStretch Post Master General

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    I am afraid of a 3.3 Longshot now...
  9. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    Let me rephrase due to the mishap of my previous post.

    MNC is a game of tactics. It encourages using your class in a specific manner and for certain roles as some classes excel at areas where others struggle. Turrets also have roles and forcing this decision on a map weakens the choice that players have to make. If the other team has lots of Assassins then Shave Ice turrets are ideal. If you have them pushed back then Long Shots come into play. If they have you pushed back then quickly upgrading LazerBlazers or throwing down a RockIt turret for bots is ideal. The point is that you have choices to make.

    Steel Peel invalidated the Long Shot turret (and Gap Shots to a degree). I can see how this was intentional and it did leave three other turrets to use. Spunky Cola has such odd nub locations that they honestly invalidate everything but Long Shots for 33% of the nubs. Even with this being intentional it forces players to adapt to your tactics, not their own. This is a weakness and one with an expensive learning curve.
  10. Randomdude02

    Randomdude02 Member

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    Well, as glad as I am to see people as excited about the map as I am, shouldn't we play it first? I mean, that's the deal with the update, specifically the Assassin.

    Take the cloak thing, for example. I miss it, but I can live without. What I was told then was to try it first, then provide feedback. Well, after trying it, I miss it, but my heart still beats.
  11. ObiFett

    ObiFett New Member

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    I get what you are saying. And I would agree if this was a larger arena. As it is, the arena is small enough that if every nub was in a bot-killing/pro-defending location then none of the nubs would ever be used for a longshot, further limiting options. Rather than have every nub be good for 3 types and no nubs be good for longshots, they created one REALLY good nub for longshots, one that can be good for longshots or rock-its, and 2 for anything but longshots.

    Seems like good level design to me.
  12. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    If I am wrong in my predictions I will apologize but based on the video I have seen and knowing how the majority of players only care about their k/d ratio I have a very strong feeling about how this will turn out. I have not had to playtest a map in quite some time but in this case it is obvious that the map is a slave to its concept. Also, by pushing all the bots to a single lane it allows a single Assassin, Sniper or Tank to control everything for their team allowing the others to play TDM.

    I guess we will just have to wait and see how well this map was tested and if my predictions hold any merit.

    Steel Peel was based on a great concept (I love verticality!) but its execution was lackluster. I'm only concerned that this map does the same thing and a good concept took the place of good level design. I see this being my least favorite map by far. If I wanted to pad my k/d ratio then this will be the best map of the bunch (control 3* choke points and it's over).

    *1) The area to the left of the upper ring, just aroud the corner so you block the jump pad too; 2) The cut in the bottom of the walled section; and 3) the open area connecting the walled area to the central ejector control (it's on the elevated area opposite the spawn). Control these sections and you can let them flounder in the large open area to the right/front of their spawn all game without much trouble.
    Last edited: October 28, 2010
  13. Billy Rueben

    Billy Rueben New Member

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    Unless the Longshot is improved, you should never, EVER be afraid of a Longshot turret. Its only real function seems to be to destroy bots. It does close to nothing to pros.
  14. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Out of curiosity, Heiro Glyph, do you have any maps you've designed from other games I can look at?

    You have a very specific view of level design, flawed in my opinion, and I'd love to see what you consider good.
  15. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    If he does and did submit that too you, and then you include something that looks like his level in the future, you know you are leaving yourself opened to be sued, possibly. Just throwing that out there.
  16. Hiero Glyph

    Hiero Glyph New Member

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    There are many types of contracts to protect against that sort of thing. I think Scathis' inquiry is merely one of curiosity, not of dubious intent.
  17. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    Here's some info about the new Spunky Cola Map.

    We've tested this map and have played internally and with outside play test help and I can tell you that watching a single, first-time play through from PAX does not give you the depth of strategy you'll see after ship.

    With having only one lane, some major game-play shifts occur. One of those major shifts is that it is much harder to get the bots to the enemy money ball. Controlling the area near the bot spawners in the enemy base is a key part of succeeding in doing that. There is one ejector that can take out an entire wave of bots.
    Also, with having more bots, players tend destroy more and pick up more prizes, thus leading players to have more money through out the game. Having more money and more accessible turret nub locations gives the map a different feel with turrets constantly being destroyed and rebuilt.
    Finally, this map features unique spawn tables that spawn Bouncers during a normal wave of Slims/Blackjacks and even some during Jackbot rounds. If your team hides high, your turrets get destroyed and you Moneyball goes down, get low and you have to deal with the Bouncers. Strategically time some of your own bot spawns and you can push an advantage in ways you can't do currently in the game.
  18. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    I know he doesn't have dubious intent, and I doubt this is a clever rues by you to end up suing uber. I would just have uber make you sign a protect their butts contract before they look at your level design just to play it safe if I was them. In no way am I saying that you are a jerk trying to sue them.
  19. rudigarmc

    rudigarmc New Member

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    So it is a k/d whore's play ground? That is what I'm hearing.
  20. scathis

    scathis Arbiter of Awesome Uber Alumni

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    You will get more Kills/Deaths/Assists/Money in general than any other map.

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