Space navy?

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by the42c0w, October 6, 2013.

  1. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    At the minute once a planet has every conceivable defence it is impossible to kill the commander UNLESS there is a small enough planet/moon in the system.
  2. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    I was invincible against this;
    4] Send Orbital units to the Planet to wreck havok either as a distraction or as a defensive play

    Spamming avengers like t1 is easy with a full planet of resources and not much else to worry about.
  3. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    archcommander, the problem is that the way you talk about these problems makes it look as though you assume these are core fundamental issues, but in reality your assumptions are based on systems that are in their first or second implementation and with many elements still missing and with many, many refinements still needding to be done.

    I will admit there is the possibility that there are some core fundamental issues but you also need to keep in mind that there is ALSO the possibility that the issues will be resolved once the systems are actually complete and refined.

  4. lokiCML

    lokiCML Post Master General

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    When navy in space, no but mod or future expansion maybe?
    Last edited: October 6, 2013
  5. FireDrakeX

    FireDrakeX Member

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    I see your point, but if their commander is on that planet and there's nothing in the solar system to throw at that planet, the only way to win will be to take the planet by force. Since there's a thread here somewhere about throwing tons of orbital fighters at it not working because of the sheet number of umbrellas and defending OFs, I figure there should be some discussion about the necessity of getting a beachhead. The unit cannon sounds like a good idea, especially if you have several of them, but I think the devs are considering making that a moon to planet only weapon, not planet to planet. In any event, when you have two planets and one team is on each, the only way to win is to assault and take over the other person's planet. Perhaps with new features this will be easier, but right now it's too easy to find yourself in a stalemate.
    archcommander likes this.
  6. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    And the real problem here isn't that, the real problem is the fact that you ended up with only having 2 planets left.

    Neutrino has talked about the System editor 'auto-populating' Asteroid belts and such, and in there lies a possible solution to the problem. Imagine if Asteroid belts had functionally unlimited Asteroids to use for KEWs or Battlestations in a planet's Orbit? Now obviously there could be some issues that need dealing with, and that only Asteroids of a certain size had Metal Spots at all and that there was only ever a set amount of asteroids big enough with the rest being the small tiny ones with no resources? What if the Tiny ones weren't large enough to destroy a planet but still big enough to wipe out a large base or do some serious shotgunning if shattered?

    So now you have "infinite" Asteroid weapons you can use in a 2 planet situation, sure they might not be as good as a proper/larger KEW but it should be incentive enough to not turtle up hard like you can currently in a similar situation.

    Sometimes it's not about trying to fix the effects of a problem, but actually fix/avoid the problem entirely.

    archcommander likes this.
  7. aerialphoenix

    aerialphoenix New Member

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    I was thinking you could change the nuke launcher into a missile platform building instead. you could build planetary nukes (or interplanetary if uber decides to go with that) and different versions of an interplanatary missile these should be expensive as if you using these you probably have a planet.

    Anyway for the interplanetary missile I have only thought up two ideas at this point

    The first one is a missile comes and blows up in orbit showering the surface with either debris/explosives there by doing good damage and AoE. (this should be weaker than a nuke but with better AoE)

    The second one is a missile that again blows up in orbit but instead targets orbital units leaving a gap in the orbital units

    and if Uber makes nukes interplanetary that would be the only missile to go to the planet surface and do max damage

    I just came up two more ideas instead making the nuke launcher and missile platform one building you could make them two separate buildings one for planatary purposes and one for interplanatary for easier balancing

    They could make so only an orbital structure/unit could counter the interplanetary missile so its more exposed and it can't counter the orbital killing missile

    if they do make interplanatary units i think they should make units that CANNOT bombard the planet but instead hit orbital units and interplanatary only i was thinking they should make them weak to and say can only target other interplanatary units and transports and MAYBE orbital units but those are my thoughts

    I like the egg drop idea stated earlier i was actually going to mention something similar.
  8. archcommander

    archcommander Active Member

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    Well that is a partial solution yes. We will have to wait and see how it works in practice of course.

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