space bases and ships could add another way to play

Discussion in 'Planetary Annihilation General Discussion' started by Hamasauras, March 4, 2014.

  1. tolderian

    tolderian New Member

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    I don't see where this "whole new game" aspect comes from.

    Don't need 32 classes of spaceship... but some transports with respectable cargo and a couple of offensive/defensive units to fill the mad gaps between planets and solar systems wouldn't be outlandish.

    Sins of a Solar Empire pulled that off pretty well actually... and games like Armada and what-not. Those were space games that had ground combat and I didn't find it incredible complicated... then again, this is the age where all FPS has to be so linear a 1st grader could play it.

    So I don't see why this can't be a ground game with some space combat.

    If enough people ask for it, I don't think people are paying for features to be left out and if folks don't want space combat then disable the units when hosting the game like all the other SupCom/TA games.

    Kickstarter (the community) funded this thing, it's up to the players what should be included, since it is their money. And since we can apparently pay the muscle shirt for marketing, I think we should have some money left over to have a guy handle some space units. Since, I thought the purpose of Kickstarter was not to have all that other overhead and just fund the game's development.

    Then again, they are employing the ever-clever "mod support" angle. Lots of games out there with terrible features, great engines, and fortunate enough to have a mod community that makes the game worth buying.

    I still have high hopes for this game because I remember everything that Total Annihilation was. But to stiff an awesome gameplay perspective because developers don't like it without considering how many other people may actually want it, is kind of a lame excuse.

    Still gonna play the crap out of it. Hope some modders will fix the empty void in a "ground game" that seems to have a whole lot of space in it.
  2. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    you have avangers and anchors ... more then that is not needed
    i dont think people want spaceunits in competitiv or ladderplay either ...
    if it`s is modstuff ... fine ... i still dont care about it for the mainversion ...
  3. tolderian

    tolderian New Member

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    Or... they disable that for ladder play. Nothing like having a radio button that says "Space Units - Off"
  4. vackillers

    vackillers Well-Known Member

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    Its a great idea but just depends if it starts to get too much to manage with everything else that is currently going on in the game. It's one of those things where you just need to play it first to see how it is before thinking its actually something worth doing on a more permament basis, I think we'll see this in the modding community first before we ever see Uber implement anything on it. Uber might have already stated they aren't going to do that for now.
  5. tolderian

    tolderian New Member

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    Yeeaaahhh, uber said they weren't but... I think it depends on what the people who paid them via Kickstarter think is important, at least that's what Uber claims.
  6. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    massiv surfacebattles ... this is what most people agreed on... need proof? search the forums and read how many people are against spacebattles or including orbital bombardment navy and only consider it modstuff without braking the whole game and make other stuff redundant ..
    it has been discussed back and forth ...
    Last edited: March 6, 2014
  7. carlorizzante

    carlorizzante Post Master General

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    Surely it would be fun to build one out of an asteroid, and customize it.
  8. tolderian

    tolderian New Member

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    Disagree, two pages in I already found 6 threads on space battles and wanting them. I'd say if 40% of people want it after they finish this game, I don't see why they would ignore it.

    Yes, finish the game as it is, now. Finish the amazing ground game. But don't count out space battles and they should be included down the way. Again, just because many people don't want it doesn't mean there ISN'T a large enough following that do.

    So yeah, a few of those threads you've been on to tell them to die in a fire because it's a terrible idea, along with one or two the mods, that doesn't constitute as "most" people not wanting it.

    I think there's probably enough people out there that DO want it. And it should be built AROUND ground combat... much like Imperium Galactica II.

    They had battlecruisers and such which carried the ground units. You could only capture a planet with ground units. The extent of the cruisers ability to damage the surface was engaging orbital units on the surface... so planetary shields, cannons, that's it. The shields protected the surface long enough for the defender to mount a counter attack, but if that didn't happen, it would move to ground combat.

    That's soooo easy and could easily be built around the ground combat that already exists.

    So yeah... It's kinda jerky to just want to BAR a feature that other people want just because you don't want it when it's something that can just be disabled in the host options. So why not say "I don't care for space battles, it doesn't matter to me" and just deactivate space units when hosting. Rather than say "No, this is my game and you shouldn't be allowed to have the option".

    I reiterate... I see quite a few threads about wanting Space battles. So, yeah.
  9. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    they dont ignore it, they just dont put it in ... because it WILL make many units redundant such as naval and air ... because it is hard to balance, because it may need its own UI, because it takes focus away from surfacebattles ...
  10. karolus10

    karolus10 Member

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    I think that it would be useful to had some more space-capable units that could be dropped(disposable drop-pod or turret, they can't go back from ground after use) from orbit and help during initial part of the ground invasion, so you had chance to build teleporter and bring the main force.
    Other orbital unit that could be useful is one-use orbital anti-nuke.
    coulter47 likes this.
  11. coulter47

    coulter47 Member

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    i want a fully troop transport for space that drops them in from obit! also space carriers!

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