Sooo uhhm I just witnessed a 2547-radius planet being evaporated into thin air by a tiny asteroid...

Discussion in 'PA: TITANS: General Discussion' started by tatsujb, September 29, 2015.

  1. MrTBSC

    MrTBSC Post Master General

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    what i like about asteroids is that they spawn in and are not immidiately catchable ... this mechanic is what matters to me the most .. a planet that is halleyable and available from the beginning is potentialy catchable faster and therefore more likely to get halleyrushed sooner than a spawning asteroid ... (as always depending on the systemsetup)

    still asteroids require more default halleays or halleays need a drastic priceincrease ... another problem is invading captured planets where i think we need an alternative to teleports and unitcannons in the form of multiunittransports as well as the problem of not being able to nuke or invade planetoids on the move ..

    to me the partial destruction is rather secondary ... and while many (me included) would like to have it propperly implemented people need to understand that it is more complex and demanding than the devs seem to be currently able to afford to ...
  2. takfloyd

    takfloyd Active Member

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    The worst part of this whole mess is that Uber could EASILY just make everyone happy by just including a checkbox in the game setup screen that says "Total destruction from collisions". Turning it off would revert to the old system. Those few people who like the new system can keep using it.

    As a professional game developer, you just don't suddenly remove a cherished and iconic gameplay feature a year after your game comes out with no option of getting it back.

    You just don't.

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