Soo...... Extractors? (Discussion on Resource Allocation)

Discussion in 'Backers Lounge (Read-only)' started by Hydrofoil, April 12, 2013.

  1. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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    Re: Soo...... Extractors? (Discussion on Resource Allocation

    I'm pretty sure (but can't find it anymore, damn you google, why did you forsake me. :cry: ) but neutrino said that the intent of KEWs was also to shrink the playing field in the end game.

    So having no access to destroyed ressources is a design goal and making KEWs producing ressources runs directly against that goal.
  2. teradyn

    teradyn Member

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    Re: Soo...... Extractors? (Discussion on Resource Allocation

    One thing I don't think has been mentioned (or I just missed it) is the fact that having metal extractors require a resource point causes expansion to be required.

    What you end up with is a limited resource that is location dependent. You can't simply hide on one side of a planet and compete with someone who expands to other planets as far as metal production goes. I think that the designers will want to promote mechanics that encourage exploration and expansion.

    This being said, I don't oppose a method to convert energy into metal at exorbitant ratios. Since Gas Giants have been initially marked as energy rich resources, it would make sense to provide some mechanism to allow the conversion of that energy into metal. This would make the decision to go after a Gas Giant vs an uninhabited world a more strategically meaningful one.
  3. smallcpu

    smallcpu Active Member

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    Re: Soo...... Extractors? (Discussion on Resource Allocation


    ... wouldn't this expansion eventually force you into the expansion zone of other players, leading inevitably to conflict?

    What, are you, an imperialist!?! :shock:

    (Personally I'd be quite interested in somehow limiting metal makers. I never liked the exponential growth they led to... )
  4. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Soo...... Extractors? (Discussion on Resource Allocation

    I'm really hoping this is just a bad sarcasm.

    Which, as said before, is more or less entirely the point. It doesn't need a 'balancing factor' because it's a player choice, the idea is they've looked at the big picture and decided that the opponents infrastructure is more important than the planet's resources. If the player needs those resources, they might not have built he KEW engines in the first place you know?

  5. trialq

    trialq Post Master General

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    Re: Soo...... Extractors? (Discussion on Resource Allocation

    A smattering of smouldering metal would do, reclaimable not extractable.
  6. numptyscrub

    numptyscrub Member

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    Re: Soo...... Extractors? (Discussion on Resource Allocation

    That makes the race for space all the more important; if I can KEW all the resource points on an enemy planet and starve them of resource, it would seem to be the optimal solution over actually fighting them on the ground. Permanent resource denial does not have the same maintenance requirement as the usual deny and hold tactic (where you need to repair and replace your troops to stop the enemy taking it back).

    IMO it would even be viable on a single planet game; I'd certainly consider carpet-KEWing (or nuking, if nukes also leave craters and can destroy resource points) everything outside my current area of control, just to deny that resource to any other player. PA's version of the land destruction deck... :shock:

    Maybe I'm just too vicious though, I might be the only one who'd consider permanent resource denial superior to temporary resource denial :|
  7. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Soo...... Extractors? (Discussion on Resource Allocation

    Yeah maybe, but don't forget KEWs won't be cheap either, in a single planet game I don't think KEWs will be all that common, The drain they'll have on your economy(especially when you only have half a planet's worth) is bound to be noticeable and exploitable as well.

    Basically yes, long term you'd create an advantage for yourself, but to do so you leave yourself exposed in the short term.

    Also it might be a very fine line between "Make a Crater" and "Destroy the Planet", we don't know much yet in terms of details.

  8. Hydrofoil

    Hydrofoil Member

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    Re: Soo...... Extractors? (Discussion on Resource Allocation

    Hmmmm seems as of this point atleast for now Extractors can be placed anywhere...
  9. KNight

    KNight Post Master General

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    Re: Soo...... Extractors? (Discussion on Resource Allocation

    I wouldn't call the Pre-Alpha as Conclusive. Units also had no collisions and bots were broken.

  10. bobucles

    bobucles Post Master General

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  11. Hydrofoil

    Hydrofoil Member

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    Re: Soo...... Extractors? (Discussion on Resource Allocation

    Yeh i know im not taking it as thats it no mass points or metal points im pretty sure extractors have just been given a hard coded amount they output at this point, i wonder if they will have it implemented properly by alpha
  12. GoodOak

    GoodOak Active Member

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    Re: Soo...... Extractors? (Discussion on Resource Allocation

    I think I'd like a system where planets would have scattered regions rich in metal. Think of a big glowing green spot on a map overlay, or just a radius saying "here's the metal!"

    You could put some mex anywhere in that general area and they would function at capacity. The area could support a certain number of mex, after which you'd get dramatically diminished returns. You could have some metal regions larger than others, etc. A mex placed outside a metal region would do very little, but could be good enough in a pinch.

    I don't care that much for TA/SC metal patches. Something about it is too "fixed" and symmetrical for me - ACU drops in right between those lucky four patches. How 'bout that! That system is ok, but it's just not too exciting or strategic. I'd like it better if whole parts of the planet geography were strategically important to invade, defend or smash with an asteroid, not just this little spot and that little spot. That might work on a square map, but these are whole globes.
  13. cjinxed

    cjinxed Member

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    Re: Soo...... Extractors? (Discussion on Resource Allocation

    Actually this is a good point I think and, while I like the fixed points way, I can see the idea behind this potentially working better on a globe. Especially if you can see the overlay without being on the planet. For example you can look at another planet, change to that overlay and see its one giant ball of brightest green.

    You must have this planet.

    It also sort of combines the idea of place anywhere and fixed points, which I think is good. Fixed points I think are good because they give players specific areas to fight for (Unless you are going for Mass Fabs) but it also allows you to place anywhere if your opponent has managed to entrench themselves around a point and you are getting starved.

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