Some small balance issues.

Discussion in 'Monday Night Combat PC Discussion' started by Caliostro, January 24, 2011.

  1. Telos

    Telos New Member

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    I don't think people really understand what each class is supposed to do. The game isn't supposed to be super competitive and balanced so good players can never be killed by bad players.

    It's Monday Night Combat, you play it to have fun. The only reason you should play is to win by destroying the money ball. If you get lots of kills on the way then props to you. If you find yourself getting angry over something (sin face grapple) then you probably need to practice your character more.

    Eventually as more updates come out and the glitches/bugs get fixed and the average player gets better you will see a competitive meta game come about. But the game has only just been officially released.

    People who came from TF2 and complain about the short comings of MNC need to stop comparing the two. Compare TFC (classic) to MNC and MNC will be a such better game. Multiplayer isn't supposed to be the end all of the game. Solo Blitz is pretty boring though, but crossfire is just one of two gametypes. I'm sure in the future Uber will develop more gametypes and more maps that are better for certain characters.

    So "90% of players" use Gold Armor. That's only because it's the easiest to faceroll with and stops other people getting "cheap kills". Have you played an assassin with gold juice? You can do ~20 juice's in 1 game. That's like 20 free kills right there. Or perhaps a support with Gold Skill Regen. You can spam Air Strikes all over the place.

    On another point. I've played about ~90-100 games now since release (no life yes) and i've only seen overtime maybe 20 times. Assassins are very good early to mid game. They are almost useless at end game against any other character with half a brain fully upgraded. You can't kill bot waves if there is a gunner there spraying, you'll die in 3 hits. Lvl 3 fire(something)sentries are very annoying to assassins. Even with level 3 cloak they still shoot at you unless you go out of line of sight and remain cloaked. They even do more damage than you can do with a full clip of your shuriken launcher (criticals with lvl 3 cloak) There's also no point even trying to attack money ball sentries over level 2 because it just takes too long and you could be doing something important like getting juice.

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